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It says it can't communicate with the RL2 when i boot the GUI. If I leave it closer to an access point, will that make it better?

And when making it part of a scene or a program, do I have to put the RL2 in link mode by holding down the set button until it flashes red?


And the RL2 was linked to a device from the main screen, not as part of a program. I just added it to a scene as a controller



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"If I leave it closer to an access point, will that make it better?"


No. The ISY has a pending update for the RL2 which it cannot write because the RL2 is asleep (as all RF only devices do to save battery). After the ISY and the Admin Console are up, put the RL2 into linking mode with the RL2 Set button. Right click on the RL2 primary node in the My Lighting tree and select Write Updates to Device. Any changes to the RL2, such as changing options or adding/deleting RL2 buttons in an ISY Scene will require the same process. Normally you put the RL2 into linking mode before making Scene changes. The updates will be made to the RL2 because it is awake (in linking mode).


"And the RL2 was linked to a device from the main screen, not as part of a program. I just added it to a scene as a controller "


This is what generated the pending updates. The RL2 should have been put into linking mode before making the Scene changes.


"do I have to put the RL2 in link mode by holding down the set button until it flashes red?"


You do have to put the RL2 into linking mode but it blinks Green not Red. Press the Set button on the RL2 for 3-5 seconds until the RL2 status LED at the top blinks Green.

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First, put the RL2 into linking mode with a 3-5 second Set button press on the RL2 which should result in the RL2 LED blinking Green. Right click on the top RL2 node in the My Lighting tree, selecting Write Updates to Device. That will result in the ISY writing pending updates to the RL2 and eliminate the comm errors when the ISY starts up the next time.


For future Scene changes involving the RL2 (or any battery device) put the RL2 into linking mode before making the Scene changes where an RL2 node is involved. That will allow the ISY to write the changes to the RL2 immediately.

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