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Problem with removing device from scene


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I'm trying to remove a keypadlinc from a scene that also has several otherl switchlincs. I tried doing so via the ISY, using the "remove from scene" function. The ISY seemed to complete the removal; however, the keypadlinc continues to control the scene. The swtichlincs do not appear to control the keypadlinc however, so the removal was at least partially successful. I tried the "restore device" on the keypadlinc, which did not fix the problem, and then factory reset the keypadlinc followed by another restore, which also was not effective. I tried looking the ISY links table for the keypadlinc, and I do see the other the addresses from the switchlincs in the scene still in the table, so it looks like the removal was not complete.


Is there a straightforward way to remove the residual links in keypadlinc? I'd rather not completely remove the device from the ISY, as the other buttons on the keypadlinc are all pretty heavily linked in other scenes, but it doesn't look like there's a way of directly removing links that are stored in the ISY table.


Thanks for the help. I'm running 3.1.14

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It may not be a link in the KeypadLinc that remains active. What do you mean by the KeypadLinc is still controlling the Scene? Other Controller/Responders are reacting to the KeypadLinc button press? Even when the link in the KeypadLinc is deleted the other device(s) could be reacting because they still have links in their database.


If you identify the Insteon address, how many buttons the KeypadLinc has (6 or 8 ) and which KPL button is involved I can post what the links of interest will look like in the KeypadLinc and the other devices. That way you can determine if it is the KeypadLinc itself for other devices that actually have the active link.


As a side note you should move to 3.1.17 which is the official 3.1.x release.

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Thanks for the response!


Yes, the swtichlincs in the scene will respond to the keypadlinc, but not vice versa. It's a six button non-dimming KPL with 0F.95.57 as the address, the main buttons (ON/OFF) were the ones involved in the scene.


I found this in the links table of one of the switchlincs, is this what the KPL link would look like?

0FF0 : A2 01 0F.95.57 FF 1F 01


If so, any recommendations on how to remove the residual link?

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My first inclination would be to make sure you don't have another scene where the link is active. When you click on the device a membership tree will appear on the righthand side of the screen. Please look over all of those and be certain that none of those scenes are the reason for your problem.


For example, if there were a scene that the kpl was a controller for and the switchlincs were responders to, then what you describe would be the case.


So, click on the kpl, look at all scenes that are under controller, then

click on the switchlinc, and see if any of the those scenes are showing under repsponder.

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That link record in the SwitchLinc is a problem. Add the KeypadLinc ON/OFF button back to the Scene that has the SwitchLinc as either a Controller or Responder and delete it again. If the SwitchLinc record does not get deleted try a Restore Device for the SwitchLinc. Even if the KeypadLinc Controller link record was deleted for that SwitchLinc the SwitchLinc will continue to respond until the Responder link in the SwitchLinc is made inactive. The link record in the SwitchLinc Flag byte should go from A2 to 22 when the ISY deletes the link.

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Thanks for the help, adding the device back to the scene and then removing it again from the scene worked to remove the residual link. I guess the process of removing the device did not actually get completed even though the links were gone in the membership tree. Interestingly, the link record for the KPL in the switchlinc is no longer even in the links table


LeeG - is there a thread or wiki page on how to decipher the flags in the links table, such as the one you mentioned? I see a lot of A2 and E2, and would like to understand how to read the links table.

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Not sure if that is in the insteondetails.pdf document on insteon.net, maybe something at smartlabsinc.com The documents are very old. The link record format has not changed since 2005. The insteondetails.pdf does describe the link record relationship if not the actual record format.


The basic format of 8 byte link record is

Flag - 1 byte

Group - 1 byte

Insteon address - 3 bytes

On Level - 1 byte

Ramp Rate - 1 byte

Group - 1 byte



E2 - active Controller record

A2 - active Responder record

62- deleted Controller record

22 - deleted Responder record

02 – deleted record

00 - End Of List


The Simplehomenet web site use to have a link record document but I was not able to locate it. Looks like they have dumped a bunch of old stuff.


The above may get you started.

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