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Fast On Programming


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Hello, I'm new to the board and the insteon devices, but not new to the technology, or basic programming. I've played with the x10 stuff off and on for a long time, nice to find something more reliable. I am also an electrician so if someone should have an electrical question just give me a hollar. Now onto my queston, I just received my 994 the other day and what I am trying to do is create a timer like program for my switches. A regular click would turn on the lights and start the timer, and a double click (fast on) would allow me to override the timer and keep the lights on. My issue is whenever I try to test for the fast on key presses it just does not seem to recognize it in the programming. Most of the switches I have are the dimmers, with a few 8 pos keypads and also a few non dimming switch modules.. I've kinda managed a work around by testing for an "ON" condition Here's my example:



Status 'DINING ROOM' is On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Wait 10 minutes

Set Scene 'Scene 4' Off



The other oddity with this is when it does count down and shuts off the scene it looks like it very quickly loops back around and the program runs for an extra 10 minutes. Not sure if this is a bug or I am just missing something silly.. Any help or insight would be great..

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Anytime an If Status is used and the Program has a Wait or Repeat a change in Statue (from On to Off for example) can cause a reevaluation and execution of a new copy of the Program. When the Scene is turned Off and the Status of the device changes from On to Off the Status has changed causing the Program to be triggered. The Then or Else runs depending on whether the If is True or False at the time. As soon as the Set Scene Off is invoked the Program terminates. I suspect the Program is gone before the ISY posts the device Off Status which invokes the Program again.


Take a look at the UDI Wiki. It has a good explanation of Wait/Repeat and how they can affect the execution of a Program.


A Fast On or Fast Off requires a quick double tap of the paddle/button. The Event Viewer will display the command received with an annotation at the end of the command which indicate On/Off/Fast On/Fast Off. The Event Viewer will show if a Fast xxx is actually being generated by the device.


Note that the Program posted will run the Then clause when the light turns On and will not start a Wait.

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Thanks Lee, I hadnt discovered that event viewer and some of the other clues will help. I think I was clicking them fast enough for a fast on to activate but I'll go back and modify the program and see what I come up with.

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