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How to hook up wired motion sensors to EZIO?


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Putting any external voltages not provided by the console on a zone input. Is asking for problems or maybe damage.

If you disconnect the motion sensor from the zone terminal. What voltage is on the zone terminal to its common?

Anyway to measure the resistance of the motions sensors wiring disconnected from the console while someone triggers it?


If the voltage ever goes above 5 volts on the analog inputs. The EZIO maybe damaged.

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Wow. What a journey of discovery.


So the alarm panel has 6.6v across its zone. The motion sensor has a resistance of 30 ohms when closed, and zero voltage when open. So the problem is the alarm panel wants to see 6volts or so when the motion sensor is triggered therefore open. Adding the EZIO in parallel drops the resistance so the panel can't output a full 6volts, only 2 volts.


I tried taking the alarm panel and seeing if its 6 volts would trigger the EZIO. I'm looking at the ISY event viewer set to "device communications events". I don't see any traffic from the EZIO even with the 6 volts, though I do see the PLM light up when I touch 1I+ and 1I-. Shouldn't I see the event then?

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Applying EZIO8SA 12V to I1+ and EZIO8SA GND to I1- should turn the Input On. By connecting an removing EZIO8SA GND to/from I1- should cycle Input number one On/Off which is node 9


Note that EZIO8SA Input 5 & 6 (AN1 AN2 should be connected to EZIO8SA GND to insure they do not cycle from electrical noise. Those Inputs have no built-in pullup resister because they can also handle analog input.

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THanks LeeG-

I tied +12V to 1I+, and GND to 1I-. I saw the PLM light flash, but still see no event on ISY. I wonder if the EZIO is defective, or the ISY is paired wrong. All the output relays are working find raising and lowering blinds in the house.


The analog inputs are both tied to GND, had to do that to get the output relays to work.

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Was the 6 volts on the zone input the same when the motion sensor was triggered and if the sensors wires where disconnected?

Could you see the 30 Ohms of the motion sensors wiring go to infinity when it was triggered and not on the zone?

Just wanted to see that there where no strange resistors built into the motion sensor.


When you connected I1+ and I1- and the PLM for the EZIO8SA flashed. I would think a Insteon message was sent.

If the relays are working for other functions. Maybe the Inputs are not

paired correctly as you thought.


You maybe able to use an ELK-924 Sensitive Relay Board to trigger on the 0-6 volt change and then have its relay inputed to the EZIO8SA.

I tested an ELK-924 and it triggered at around +4 volts above ground.


There are no resistors physically mounted between the Zone Terminal and its Common Terminal for the Motion Sensor?

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Okay folks it is now fully working. The problem: for some reason the EZIO state wasn't matched to the ISY. I restored the EZIO to match the ISY settings and the digital inputs work. Also the 2V seems sufficient to trigger the EZIO now, directly on the 1I+ and 1I- terminals.


I'm going to see if the DSC panel is happy with seeing only 2V vs. 6v when the motion sensor is triggered. If it's happy, then problem solved.


FYI I created a scene for the motion sensor to trip a light in my office. My office light is tripping on and off constantly when someone passes through the "zone". Now I'll create a program to "dampen" the events by leaving the light on for 5 minutes before I turn it off.

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Part of the reason for the 2v on the zone may have to do with not having end of line resistors installed. With a 5.6k resistor in series with the motion detector relay the demand for current would be less on each zone. Seems to me though when I decided to remove all of my eol resistors I had to reprogram the panel and perhaps the panel compensates for that.

You may be able to install a 1k resistor in series with the EZIO8 to decrease current draw which will increase voltage at the zone inputs if the panel doesn't like the 2v. But I would think it should be fine because the panel is looking for a short circuit on each zone anyway.

Please do keep us posted.

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Thanks for input-- I assumed if I introduced a 1k resistor in series with EZIO that it would cause an even greater voltage drop across the EZIO; the manual says it needs 3v, but it works now with 2v. A resistor would take a piece of that voltage across it, leaving less for the EZIO (I think-- been 30 years since my EE classes).


After resetting the DSC panel, the warning alarms reset and all seems well. I'll hook up other two motion sensors to EZIO tomorrow and program light "pass-thru" zones. I'm also going to setup alarm emails for when I'm away. It's nice having a hard-wired non-battery motion sensor!

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All working great. It's good to know you can get your money's worth out of the EZIO8SA. All 8 relays are performing (motorized blinds), as well as all 4 digital inputs (motion sensors). DSC alarm panel isn't complaining either.


Hope this thread can help anyone else with same issues.



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