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Help! Program works for a little while then won't run


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I sold my 99i to a friend. I reset the 99i and loaded the latest firmware 3.2.6.


Generally, I have been able to train him on how to make programs. However I cannot figure out one program that will run for a while then stop working a few hours later.


This is the program:



X10 'B13/All Units Off (13)' is Received

Or X10 'B13/All Lights On (5)' is Received (we added this late last night and it appeared to fix it but it quit working a while later)



Wait 12 seconds

Set 'Family Room / Front Entry Hall' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If we select "run then" then the program seems to work for a while, (half hour or so), after which it will not run.


B13 is an X10 Powerflash PSC01 set to mode 2, which sends an all units off all light on repeatedly. It is connected to his house alarm. When the alarm is tripped it sends B13 All lights on all units off repeatedly. When someone enters the alarm code the power flash stops sending the on/off X10 code. The idea is the hall light flashes while the alarm is tripped (he has a deaf roommate) and then stays on for 12 seconds after the alarm code is entered (powerflash stops sending codes) then turns off. However the hall light will not turn off. Executing a "run then" then testing the program works, however some time later (a few hours?) the program stops working. ???


Powerflash is set to:

"Output Mode 2:

Engaged: Sends an X10 ALL LIGHTS ON / ALL UNITS OFF Command, continuously, called Flashing, (sets off X10 Siren after a few cycles)

Disengaged: Flashing stops, All Wall Switches and Lamp Modules will remain ON (X10 Siren stops after a few seconds)"


We added the "or" to the IF line and thought we had it fixed. I went home but low and behold, several hours later it would not run.


I tried status and control settings to no avail.


When I watch the programs summery screen, I see "running then" and I see start time reset every couple of seconds as the powerflash sends B on and off. When the If was only set to B off it would not run the program at all even though the last command from the powerflash should be a all units off. (Update, the command from the powerflash leaves lights on, but we have the or statement and it still fails to run). When we added the "or" line it ran. I thought we had it. But he called this morning and said it didn't run later that night or this morning. I don't understand why we can get it to work for a little while then it won't work any more. Any ideas?

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Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level 3 selected. Watch for X10 traffic. X10 is often unreliable. The X10 messages may not be arriving at the PLM. Also note tha if the X10 messages are flooding the powerline the Wait will never complete and the Insteon command never executed.


Selecting run Then only invokes the Program for a single pass. It should not make any difference regarding it being triggered when X10 messages are received unless the Program is not Enabled or the Program is in a Folder with a False If condition.

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I would also say. Use the Event Viewer to see what is happening.

The PSC01 floods the power lines with X10 commands every second.

As you indicated. The one second stream of X10 commands triggers their Powerhorn devices.


If the user has a repeater coupler that could compound the timing possibilities.


No the last command when the PSC01 is disengaged in mode 2 is an All Lights On not an All Units Off.

Mode 2 actions says. Lights will stay On.

Log from Smarthome Manager for a 1132CU X10 controller:


R: BAll Units Off - 6:30:06 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Lights On - 6:30:07 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Units Off - 6:30:08 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Lights On - 6:30:08 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Units Off - 6:30:09 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Lights On - 6:30:10 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Units Off - 6:30:11 AM 6/9/2012

R: BAll Lights On - 6:30:12 AM 6/9/2012

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Thanks Lee and Brian.


I just spoke to my friend. I suspect the flooding of x-10 on the powerline is the problem. He does have a booster/coupler. I have an I/O Linc. We will change out the X-10 powerflash with the I/O linc tonight, then write a program to flash the hall light.


More X-10 going bye-bye. :)


Thanks again!



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After adding the Insteon I/OLinc, we continued to have erratic program behavior. After many hours of fussing around it occurred to me to use an Insteon controlled light instead of an X-10 light. Hallelujah! The program worked reliably ,well I did have some minor tweaks but no more weirdness.


My advise, get rid of X-10 wherever and whenever you can. If you have weird behavior and X-10 is in the mix, try substituting Insteon devices and see if the problem goes away.


We are now using the Insteon I/OLinc and an Insteon light switch. X-10 Powerflash removed from service. Switchlinc light switch moved to another location that will see more typical commands (not on/off every second).


I really need to find a good explanation of how the ISY "thinks". I clearly do not understand when it tests IFs etc.


Thanks again for your help!

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"I clearly do not understand when it tests IFs etc."


The ISY is event driven. When a Program is triggered depends on what is coded in the If section.


If time is 7:30PM causes the Program to be triggered at 7:30 PM


If Control 'devciexxx' is switched On causes the Program to be triggered whenever an On command is received from devicexxx


If Status 'deviceyyy' is On causes the Program to be triggered whenever deviceyyy Status changes


If $StateVariablex is 0 causes the Program to be triggered whenever StateVariablex changes value.


The If section can be a single test or a combination of conditions Ored and Anded together. When a Program is triggered by something in the If section, either the Then or Else clause runs depending on whether the If evaluation is True or False.


The UDI Wiki has some good information on the above.

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