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Loss of internet access


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I'm running ISY 3.2.6, and had my ISY for a couple years. About a month ago I finally enabled the internet connection after being scared to do it for so long. I was elated when I could access my devices using MobiLinc on my Android phone when away from home. Also elated that I could access my Admin Console from the office via the internet.


After a week or two access was lost. The phone wouldn't sync, and I couldn't connect to the Console. I could access the Admin Console via my LAN. It showed Internet Access Enabled. I casually searched the forum and got the idea to do a reset of the ISY. The easiest way for me to do this was just to unplug the PLM from the wall, wait a bit, then plug it in again. I did that last Friday night. SUCCESS, I had MobiLinc access again, and this morning at the office I was able to connect to my Console.


Well, I logged in and out a couple of times, then all of a sudden I can't access it any more, neither via internet to the Console or from my ML phone. I suspect if I unplug it tonight and plug it back in again that everything will be good again.


But why would this happen?




PS I need a tutorial on SSL Certificates. Accessing from the office I get a warning that I don't have one. I just close the pop-up and continue. Should I be doing something at home to set one up? Is there a standard FAQ on them?

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Hi Tim,


Enabling Internet Access through the ISY tells the router how to route external requests to the ISY when accessing the ISY from outside of your network. This can be reset for a number of reasons. The most likely reason is the ISY or the router was assigned a different IP address than it had during the "Enable Internet Access" request.


My recommendation is to assign a fixed IP Address to the ISY and manually configure the port forwarding settings in your router so that the forward rules are not affected by changing IPs due to a powerloss or other reset condition.


You can find a high-level guide on how to do this on our forum here: http://forum.mobileintegratedsolutions. ... ?f=6&t=123



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Hi Wes,


I am using a manually assigned fixed IP for my ISY that is outside of the router's DHCP IP range.


I have observed Port assignments of 80 and 443 available, but guess I don't remember if they are specifically related to the fixed ISY IP. Also, I don't recollect whether they were internal facing, external facing, or both. I don't remember seeing those options. I will have to check tonight at home.


I don't know if I had a power glitch at home this morning, but it seems odd that both MobiLinc and internet access of the Admin Console were working up until around 10:30. Then both stopped working.


BTW, this is the wrong forum for this I know, but Auto doesn't work on my Android. I have to manually select Local if I have an internet connection, like at home. I have to manually select Secure when away from home. Can you link me over to the ML forum if you have suggestions/questions? Apologies to UDI forum.


Otherwise I Love MobiLinc. I get a real kick out of being able to turn lights on and off from the office, much to the dismay of my family. Although my son liked it when I was at work and was able to turn the air conditioner on for him the other day.



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Hi Tim,


For MobiLinc to work outside of your home you must have the HTTPS (port 443) forwarded through the router to your ISY. If only port 80 is forwarded then MobiLinc will not be able to connect while outside of your network using the Auto Setting.


Let's resolve the router port forward issue first. Check to see that port 443 is being forwarded through the firewall to your ISY. Then verify you can reach your ISY through a web browser: https://{Your Router's IP}


If that works, then you should be able to use MobiLinc externally as well.


If you are unable to get this working, please send me all of your IP and port settings in MobiLinc, your ISY, and your router port forward settings to support@mobilinc.com and I'll see where the disconnect is.



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When I got home, I couldn't access the ISY from my desktop. I had to unplug and replug it to reset it, then I could access the Admin Console from my home desktop.


Okay, I have to eat Crow. I replaced my router about a year ago. My ISY IP was fixed on that one. However; when I setup my new router, apparently I never gave my ISY a static IP. So it was in the DHCP range, but the lease duration was infinity, so it was acting like static. I mean, I never had to change the IP on my desktop shortcut after power outages.


I moved the ISY IP outside of the DHCP range and set it up to pass port 443 through. On the ISY, set it to the Static IP address as well.


Lo and behold, the MobiLinc Auto feature is now working. Thank you Wes for pushing me a little harder to check my router settings.


Maybe this will stop the random loss of external connectivity for both MobiLinc and internet to the Console.


As for SSL Certificates, I read the UDI Wiki and found out how to set that.


Think I'm good now. Hope this is helpful to others.



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