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Venstar T1700 Mode setting issue

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I'm trying to control my thermostat(Venstar T1700) through PLM #2413U. I am able to

get the status of the thermostat through my Perl script but I am not able to

change the thermostat mode through the script. For e.g. when the thermostat

is in off state and when I issue cool on command, I get the following reply and

nothing happens.


Tx => 026214.83.2b.056b05

Rx <= 025014.83.2b.aa.aa.aa.a16bfd


14.83.2b is the thermostat's device ID. If you see the Rx message, I get back "fd" in

cmd2 position, which I don't understand. Could anybody help me understand what's

wrong ?


Thank you,


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This is an ISY forum. These type questions should be posted on the Smarthome forum. The thermostat is an I2CS device which requires special link record processing to be able to control the thermostat from the PLM. The


Rx <= 025014.83.2b.aa.aa.aa.a16bfd


is a NAK because the required link records have not been established.


You should consider purchasing a Developer Subscription from SmartLabs which will provide access to the confidential information needed to understand how to interface with an I2CS device.

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If the T1700 is new enough to be I2CS.

I2CS modules started being released March 2012 but not all part numbers where released together and Smarthome didn't post exact dates even to us Developers Group Members.


An fd in cmd2 is one of the I2CS protocol error messages. If yours is an I2CS Protocol T1700

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