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How To Make Timed Button Press Program


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Another user a while back spoke about making a program (or series of programs) where a button has to be pressed multiple times within a certain period of time in order for the program to activate (or deactivate) a certain device.


Below is an example of what I am trying to accomplish (it is also what the other user mentioned):


Press a keypad button ("Keypad Button") three times in succession to turn on a light.

If more than 5 seconds elapses between presses,

then the sequence resets and you have to start over.

I use something like this for my garage door open programming: it prevents the door from opening if you happen to hit the KPL button by accident. You can also have a little fun with this idea, for example, turning the aux buttons of a KPL into a combination lock.


Please help! I did not completely understand the other users post and I am hoping someone here can give me a hand. I am learning more and more everyday about the ISY and its interface and it is really amazing. If only it had the voice of Majel Roddenberry.

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This will give you a starting point. Integer variable PressCount is required. Program TimedPress counts the number of times KeypadLinc button B is pressed with less than 5 seconds between each button press. KeypadLinc button B is set for non-toggle On mode so each press generates an On command. When button B pressed 3 times with less than 5 seconds between each press Program TimedPress3 is invoked. Scene TimedPressTooLong has KeypadLinc button B as a Responder. If more than 5 seconds passes the Integer variable PressCount is reset to 0 so count starts again and button B is turned Off.


Program TimedPress

       Control 'KeypadLinc 8 Dim V40 / KeypadLinc 8 Dim V40 - B' is switched On
   And $PressCount < 2

       $PressCount += 1
       Wait  5 seconds
       $PressCount  = 0
       Set Scene 'SceneTimedPressTooLong' Off

       $PressCount  = 0
       Run Program 'TimedPress3' (If)

Program TimedPress3

  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Send X10 'H5/On (3)'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Wow. I'm really impressed and really appreciative. How simple and clean. I had 6 programs and 3 variables to try and make it work. You made it really simple and I like the logic. Wow again. Thank you so much! If you are ever in South Florida I owe you a drink (or two or 3)!



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You are very welcome. You may want to consider turning the KeypadLinc button Off from the second Program after performing whatever it is with the 3 button press. The same Scene the first Program used to turn the button Off if 5 seconds exceeded can be used in the second Program.

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