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Thermosts Program Question...


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Is there an easy way to turn all thermostat programs off? I have several programs that do different things to the setpoint of the stat throughout the day. I can think of several scenarios in which I would want to immediately change the setpoint to something comfortable (like 74 degrees) and not have to worry about a program changing the setpoint later that day. My bigger concern is my wife getting fed up with all the pesky steps to do this (and telling me not to buy anymore of this HA stuff). :mrgreen:


For example, if my wife comes home from work sick, she will want to take one step to cancel all programs and get the setpoint to 74 without having to continue to adjust the setpoint or watch the setpoint closely to see if a program changes it. She does not understand how any of this home automation works and doesn't care. I will need it to be simple such as tapping a Mobilinc widget on her phone. 8)


Is this possible, if so how?


Thanks! :)

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Put all the Programs in a Folder. Set the Folder condition to False which will prevent the Programs in the Folder from running. Could use a KeypadLinc button On or Off to make the Folder False. Could set a State variable to a value the Folder condition checks to create a False condition.

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I would assume MobiLinc can run a Program to set a variable. Don't use MobiLinc so can't say from direct knowledge. Maybe it can set a variable directly without running a Program. Does the MobiLinc have a User Guide that can be referenced?

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I use mobilinc to run a program to toggle a variable. In my case its Home/Away and looks like this:


       $i.HomeAway is 0

       $i.HomeAway  = 1
       $i.HomeAway Init To $i.HomeAway

       $i.HomeAway  = 0
       $i.HomeAway Init To $i.HomeAway


I have the program DISABLED as it doesn't need to run unless called. I use Mobileinc to RunIf and have customized the status text to read Home or Away. You could do something similar and use the variable in your condition logic for the tstats or as LeeG suggested, use it as a folder condition but for that you might need to use a state variable rather than integer as I did. Not sure on that.



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It does need to be a State variable to change the Folder condition from True to False to True. An Integer can be used to affect True/False but it will not trigger the Folder by itself to change state.



Thanks. I was about to run a test to see. :)



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I use mobilinc to run a program to toggle a variable. In my case its Home/Away and looks like this:


       $i.HomeAway is 0

       $i.HomeAway  = 1
       $i.HomeAway Init To $i.HomeAway

       $i.HomeAway  = 0
       $i.HomeAway Init To $i.HomeAway


I have the program DISABLED as it doesn't need to run unless called. I use Mobileinc to RunIf and have customized the status text to read Home or Away. You could do something similar and use the variable in your condition logic for the tstats or as LeeG suggested, use it as a folder condition but for that you might need to use a state variable rather than integer as I did. Not sure on that.




SO if I add this program what do I put in the thermostat programs that will tell them to turn off or not? Thanks!

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