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Restore a new ISY?


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If needed, can a new (i.e. replacement) ISY be programmed by restoring the settings saved from an old ISY? Just curious if in fact some day I need to replace my existing ISY hardware. I have a ton of devices, scenes and programs which would be a pain to re-create from scratch.

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Short answer: Yes.


Slightly longer answer:


The new ISY will need to be running the same firmware version that was used to make the backup.


Any add-on modules that you purchased will need to be transferred to the new ISY by means of sending an email to UDI Support asking them to transfer the modules from your old ISY's UUID to the new ISY's UUID.


If you have the network module and are making use of the webserver capabilities, anything you placed in the web folder needs to be backed up and restored to the new ISY manually as these items are NOT included in the regular ISY backup.


Certain things in the configuration may need to be manually set after the restore (Username/password, Static IP info, DNS, Custom location Etc.)


Thats pretty much it.



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