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ISY 99i/IR and Remotelinc 2 Weird Current State


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Hi All,


I have a question....I've just finished the initial setup on my ISY99, I'm coming from a Houselinc / Smartlinc setup so I cleared all links and re-linked everything fresh. Everything seems to be operating fine I've just noticed some oddities when viewing the system in the admin. Some of my scenes that have Remotelincs or Remotelinc 2 controllers show odd current states. For instance I have a Dining Area Scene that shows:


Dining Lights: Off

RemoteLinc 1 Dining Lights: On

RemoteLinc 2 Dining Lights: 49%


A similar thing occurs with my EZX10RF buttons. They show a current state of ON when I look at their scenes.


What is with that? Is this normal? I causes some weirdness when I look at my admin, although Mobilinc seems to be ok and just shows the state of OFF for the scene.

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I think it would help if you posted the Scene detail. For each ISY Scene, what are the Controllers, what are the Responders and what does each show.


As far as the EZX10RF each node is a Controller only node. It reflects the last command received from that node.


The same for RemoteLinc and RemoteLinc2 buttons, the nodes are Controller only nodes. They reflect the last command received from each node.

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I think it would help if you posted the Scene detail. For each ISY Scene, what are the Controllers, what are the Responders and what does each show.


As far as the EZX10RF each node is a Controller only node. It reflects the last command received from that node.


The same for RemoteLinc and RemoteLinc2 buttons, the nodes are Controller only nodes. They reflect the last command received from each node.


I think you've cleared it up for me. They must just be showing the last command they sent.

The scene details for the Dining Room Scene are:

Controller: Dining Room Switch

Controller: RemoteLinc 1

Controller: RemoteLinc 2



It just seemed odd to report the ON status...but Mobilinc is clever enough to show the Scene status as off. Admin is the only place I see the remotelinc as ON.

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Insteon has no concept of Scene status. MobiLinc must be looking at the individual status of all the devices in the Scene. I know that MobiLinc will drive a Scene rather than an individual device when the device that is clicked is a Controller of a Scene. That type of logic is relegated to 3rd party applications. The Admin Console is showing more basic Insteon information.

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