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Tstat sample program and HTML sample notification


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I've searched the forms but have not seen either so I'm wondering if folks can post some of their programs. I have a Venstar 7 day tstat that I'm only using for HEAT that I would like to have an ISY99i control. As it is straight forward to program an off during working hours and an on when home, I would like to see other users programs that possibly have it all in one program.


Second, I just have a notification email sent once a day, similar to a heart beat. I would like to jazz it up a little with HTML. Any HTML examples?


On another note, is there a way to have a program setup informing you that the power is back on? This heart beat was a god sent during the recent power outages during hurricane Sandy since we were without power for an extended period. All of a sudden at 10:30PM I get the daily 11AM notification email. I'm sure this is not the proper way to program this.



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XathHome Daily Report for ${alert.date}

Garage Door Stats

Door Opened Closed
Dad's Door ${var.1.1} ${var.1.2}
Mom's Door ${var.1.8} ${var.1.9}

Lighting Stats

Device On Count Auto Off Count
Kitchen Counter ${var.1.60} ${var.1.61}
Kitchen Island ${var.1.58} ${var.1.59}
Dining Room ${var.1.62} ${var.1.63}
Living Room ${var.1.64} ${var.1.65}
Main Bath ${var.1.21} ${var.1.22}
Basement Stairs ${var.1.10} ${var.1.3}
Utility Room ${var.1.12} ${var.1.4}
Alyssa's Room ${var.1.11} ${var.1.5}
Back Porch ${var.1.14} ${var.1.7}
Garage Lights ${var.1.13} ${var.1.6}
Shop Lights ${var.1.15} ${var.1.16}
Barn Lights ${var.1.26} ${var.1.27}
Barn Floods ${var.1.24} ${var.1.25}

Current Toggle Status
Item Value
Garage Door Notify ${var.2.1}
AutoTimers ${var.2.3}
Rhino Charger ${var.2.12}
Internet Up Test ${var.2.7}
Network Filter ${var.1.36}

Motion Stats
Item Value
Shop Motion Count ${var.1.19}
Basement Motion Count ${var.1.31}
Garage Motion Count ${var.1.30}
LivingRm Motion Count ${var.1.32}

Security Stats
Item Value
Shop Breached ${var.1.48}
House Breached ${var.1.49}
Home/Away ${var.1.23}
Shop Security ${var.1.20}

Rhino Charger
Cycled ${var.1.40}

Network Stats
Network Uplink Failed ${var.1.66}

Environmental Sensors
Location Temp Low High
Basement ${var.1.38} ${var.1.42} ${var.1.43}
Outside ${var.1.39} ${var.1.44} ${var.1.45}
Hot Water ${var.1.41} ${var.1.46} ${var.1.47}
Climate Data
Temperature ${mod.weather.temp.current}/${mod.weather.temp.feelslike} RF ${mod.weather.temp.low} ${mod.weather.temp.high}
Rain Today ${mod.weather.rain.today} ${mod.weather.rain.rate} ${mod.weather.rain.ratemax} Max
Wind ${mod.weather.wind.speed}${mod.weather.wind.direction} ${mod.weather.wind.speedavg}${mod.weather.wind.directionavg} ${mod.weather.gust.speed}${mod.weather.gust.direction}

Occupancy Stats
Statistic Time
Occupied ${var.1.52}:${var.1.53}
Vacant ${var.1.54}:${var.1.55}
Occ/Vac Cycles ${var.1.57}

Sunrise Sunset
${sys.sunrise12} ${sys.sunset24}

~ ~ ~ END OF REPORT ~ ~ ~
Report Generated: ${sys.time12} ${sys.date}
View Log Files

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I believe you can report the current temp, mode and humidity (optional) from the Venstar in a notification. You just can't assign those values to variables yet. Going from memory on that. If I'm wrong someone more knowledgeable will correct me.


As for the AutoOff counts, I have an array of integer variables and counter programs that watch for control switched On events (On Counts) and my timer programs increment the AutoOff variables if they get to timeout before someone (usually me) turns a device off.


The header image is hosted on my webhost so it loads no matter if I'm on my LAN or not. The link at the bottom to my logs points to a pogoplug running linux on my LAN and will not work unless I'm at home or VPN'd back to my network. Climate data is via the weatherbug module and the station is at our local high school. This is still a work in progress.



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