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program examples please for kids home notification


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Did some forum searching and did not happen to pull up a thread that may have some of this in there, pointers appreciated.


What I want is when one of the kids gets home, I want to get an email. (cannot get texts, don't have that service)


so I am thinking of a if that runs from noon to 3 or so and any light being turned on or motion will send out the notification. I only want one, so need to set a variable too and put that in there. And only on weekdays, which means I need to find the date programs and variables and install that too.


Anything I'm forgetting that you have all blazed a trail on already?


I was also thinking it would be nice to know how long the house has been unoccupied, suggestions on how to track and "report" on that one in a notification.


Thank you


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Lots of options here and you probably won't even have to use variables.


The motion sensor is the best bet as your kids could run around for a while without turning any lights on. Motion sensors work well in the dark as well as the light.


Here is the code for the program that will send an email on motion. Real straight forward.


       Status  'Motion Sensor-Sensor' is On

       Send Notification to 'My Email' content 'Motion at Home'
       Disable Program 'Home Entry Email'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


*** The disable program line prevents it from running multiple times per day. Then you will have a separate program to re-enable it the next day at noon.


       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       Time is 12:00:00PM

       Enable Program 'Home Entry Email'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


*** - This re-enables the program, on weekdays only.


Under Configurations, you will need to set up your email address and the email message separately.


Configurations tab > Emails/Notifications tab > Settings/Groups tab


Give it a name and put your email address under recipients (or multiple recipients)

Click OK

Click Save at the bottom of the screen (this is an easy step to forget)


Configurations tab > Customization tab


Give it a name and then you build the customized content

Subject is (obviously) the subject of the email

I would use something like "The kids are home at ${sys.time}" (this adds the

current system time. if you know what time everyone left in the morning, this

will help you know how long the house has been empty)

Body is where you'll put the message and all the variables that will provide more information

I would use something like the following.

${sys.program.#.name} ran at ${sys.time}. Your kids are home.


Click OK

Click Save (again, easy to forget)


If you really want to know how long it has been since the last motion in the house, here is an option.


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       $EmptyMinutes += 1
       Wait  1 minute 

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


*** - This program should stay disabled since there is no condition


       Status  'Motion Sensor-Sensor' is On

       Stop program 'Empty House Counter'
       $EmptyMinutes  = 0
       Run Program 'Empty House Counter' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


*** - This will basically reset the counter to zero and restart it. Then you would go back to your timer program where you enable the motion email and disable this program (preventing the counter from resetting before the email is sent). After the email is sent, you would add a line to re-enable this program.


Hope this helps! The ISY takes a little getting used to, but can do some pretty cool things once you get it figured out.

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Well, that is pretty cool. Did not even think about a wait minute, had thought out some incrementing variable, pretty slick.


And I had no idea about the disable program function. I may have to use that to not let the upstairs lights turn off in certain time frames based on other conditions around.


My motion sensor for the living room comes monday from the sale. Now just where to put it without SWMBO complaining. I have thought about putting it on the refrigerator, that sucker is always getting opened by the kids!


Thank you again!

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I normally have the kids text, but it would be nice to verify that they really ARE home when they text me saying they are home. Trust but verify.


That program up above is pretty slick.


And welcome aboard, I spend a lot of time looking for other peoples ideas of how to make things better and easier on the family. They all think I am nuts until my wife gets into a nice warm bed automatically each night, the lights in the bathroom don't blind you at 2:00 am, and you don't have to get out of bed to turn off the lights at night when you are nice and toasty.


Next for me is the garage monitoring, will be working on that Monday evening. The other day Smarthome had the $20.00 custom buttons again, I am told, that they increase family utilization when they don't have to keep track of what button A does vs D vs ON. :lol:

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