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How to avoid querying a device?


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Ok I have a situation where I have an Outletlinc that turns off power to my TV when I am not at the house. In addition I want to put a SynchroLinc into the mix (TV into SyncroLinc and Syncrolinc into controlled outlet of the Outletlinc). The goal is to save power when I am not there but still get SyncroLinc events when I am there.


My concern is that while I am gone the SyncroLinc will cause 'can not communicate' errors in the console when the startup or nightly query runs. Is there a way to tag a device as 'dont warn on this' since I know failure to communicate here will be common when I am not home.


If I disable a device I presumed I couldn't query it, but would ISY still accept events from it? Any other ideas of how to do this in a way that will work?

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I don't know for sure since I've never used a synchrolinc but couldn't an appliancelinc with load sensing turned on accomplish the same thing as a synchrolinc? If so, and you have an appliancelinc laying around, you may want to try that (assuming it doesn't have query issues as well).

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I don't know for sure since I've never used a synchrolinc but couldn't an appliancelinc with load sensing turned on accomplish the same thing as a synchrolinc? If so, and you have an appliancelinc laying around, you may want to try that (assuming it doesn't have query issues as well).


a) Using an appliance linc would have the exact same issue with communications, so really hoping UDI can comment on options here (the base issue remains can you ignore a device on query failures or not)


B) An appliance linc would not be able to determine between the low power 'standby' mode and 'on' vs true off vs 'on'. In addition with the appliance link in off state you couldn't turn the TV on with a remote (since it would have no power and not be in standbymode)




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The 3 AM Query will get a comm error with it not powered. Cannot avoid it. When the OutletLinc is turned On (assume with a Program) a Wait of 15 seconds or so to allow the SynchroLinc to boot up and then issue a Query for the SynchroLinc should clear the comm error.


EDIT: I guess I should mention that a new Scene with all the devices except the SynchroLinc could be created and change the 3 AM Program to use the alternate Scene name.

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The 3 AM Query will get a comm error with it not powered. Cannot avoid it. When the OutletLinc is turned On (assume with a Program) a Wait of 15 seconds or so to allow the SynchroLinc to boot up and then issue a Query for the SynchroLinc should clear the comm error.


EDIT: I guess I should mention that a new Scene with all the devices except the SynchroLinc could be created and change the 3 AM Program to use the alternate Scene name.


Lee, thanks that is what I thought would happen. I also considered the massive 'other' scene to query but it felt pretty ugly to maintain. I guess I'll have to beg UDI for a UI option to ignore errors from a device at some point.


And thanks for the hint on clearing the error, I'll add that to the home 'wakeup' program so query all the syncrolincs I add.

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I don't know for sure since I've never used a synchrolinc but couldn't an appliancelinc with load sensing turned on accomplish the same thing as a synchrolinc?


I would not expect this to be possible. Synchrolinc, I understand, detects when an attached device is turned on and off, but never actually disrupts power to the device. An appliancelinc would remove power to the attached device.


If a TV, for example, were to be attached to an appliancelinc, I don't believe one would be able to turn on the TV without first turning on the applicancelinc. This would not be true with a synchrolinc.

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I don't know if this would help with your intentions and certainly isn't a fix for your query issues but I use an imeter on my AV closet (closet is next to TV and TV power comes from the closet). With everything except the DVR & a network switch turned off it usually pulls about 30-40W. Its very easy to determine if someone is watching anything because with the AV Receiver and TV on it pulls >400W (63" plasma will do it). Pretty simple to make a program based on that.


Anyway, just mentioning one more way to skin the proverbial cat.

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Hello Bill,


I had similar problems with X10 devices not responding. To get around this, I build a "query" scene and included only the devices that I wanted updated. Downside is that it is a maintenance issue (I forget to add new devices) and it consumes additional links in the PLM and devices.


Schedule 1

       From     3:00:00AM
       For      10 minutes 
       Set Scene '1 House Query' Query
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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