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Is my PLM going bad?


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Last week I installed two new devices and tried to add them to the ISY-99i. I would get the progress bar for 8-10% and then it would vanish without the new device being added to the My Lighting list. When I would try to add it again, I'd get the progress bar three or four times with status saying, Initializing System. When that would finish, the device still was not added. The next thing to happen . . . I lost communication with all my devices.


After running Show PLM Links Table, there were no links. I did a factory reset on the PLM and Restore PLM. This allowed me to regain communication with my devices and the Show PLM Links Table returned the expected data.


Back to adding a device, I get the same problem and have to reset and restore the PLM to gain control of the other devices.


A small amount of back story: about two months ago, we had a power outage. When the power was restored, I had lost communication through MobiLinc which led me to find I'd lost communication through the Admin Console as well. I unplugged the PLM for 10 seconds and plugged it back in . . . everything was back in play. I'd never experienced this kind of issue with previous power outages.


The ISY has 3.2.6 firmware.


Before buying a new PLM, I wanted to see if there was something else going wrong. Any ideas?


Thank you.


It sure sounds likely, to me (having no special knowledge). I wonder, however, if some of your newer devices are not in the ISY database? Are you opposed to updating to the latest version of ISY software and trying again? It seems to me that this is easy enough, and worth trying out if it helps avoiding the hassle ot getting a new PLM.


What are you new devices?


No Beta 3.3.10 is the latest and maybe needed to support new modules and unless a major problem is found. I understand it maybe the next Official Release in the near future.




If you go to the latest beta, you will need the latest java to access the Admin Console. Minimum mac requirement to run lastest java is Lion 10.7.XX


I really don't want to have to upgrade OS and start messing around with the Java issue. I'm currently running Mac OS 10.6.8 ... off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you which version of Java is in play; however, I feel like I updated that recently.


I have a friend who has a back-up PLM he is going to let me borrow for testing purposes. I'll let you know what the results yield ....


I replaced my PLM in question with an older non-dual band PLM (loaned through the curtesy of a friend) . . . once the loaner PLM was restored with the links table, the newly installed devices were add to the ISY without incident.


New PLM has been ordered.


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