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  1. I hope we can have a formal statement from UD on what is supported and ETA for the rest ?
  2. Still no way to add Matter devices if you are in iPad or iOS, when can we get that support please ?
  3. UD mobile only on Android correct no iOS?
  4. Universal Devices Team, when can we have ETA for being able to add Matter devices using iPhone or Admin Console ?
  5. All said and done, I a still waiting to know “HOW to ADD Matter DEVICES” anyone can help me with this ?
  6. I see this after enable and reboot, how to add devices? I don’t see any add matter devices in iPhone and iPad UD mobile app. How do we add???
  7. I am on iPhone…cannot see add Matter
  8. Cannot see on the UD mobile app as well
  9. Same with PC admin console, cannot see add matter
  10. Updated using UD Mobile, all good I do see 14.1 os, but cannot see anywhere it says add Matter devices, again using UD Mobile
  11. Love the recent announcement re Matter support, but question still is a) Can we see all eisy devices in HomeKit app? Or it just that eisy can add matter devices ?
  12. SSS

    HomeKit support

    Any update on ETA? Thanks…
  13. SSS

    HomeKit support

    Is there an ETA also please share if possible any details on what platform you are working on ?
  14. SSS

    HomeKit support

    Agree 100% but it would be nice if the plans are shared such that we know the direction they are going and get some sort of feedback if it works / desired by most of the end customers…as UD mentioned they went in a different direction but changed to a different direction now so some awareness could be useful @ friendly feedback…for instance if they are going the homebridge route its will be a no no, the world is moving away from multiple hubs to just one hub or no hub at all.
  15. SSS

    HomeKit support

    Yes, very eager to know the launch date and more eager to know what solution type are you working on, native support, third party via polygot, node server, hoobs/home assistant etc… hope it’s native support without the need for any other hub or reliance on third party.
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