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  1. thanks for all the replies guys. @Geddy yes i was short on time and I appreciate the summaries you and everyone sent, a lot I really appreciate the "what i can do now about the situation we're in" support. @Bumbershoot, @Steffan and @larryllixyou nailed it. i screenshotted your replies, they're extremely helpful to me. I'll keep eyes on March, but also check my caps before pitching my PLM when it dies @kclenden thanks for validating my frustrations with this industry, and @lilyoyo1 thanks for the calm and helpful response to my rant too. i felt your frustration thanks everyone for taking your time. I almost threw it all in the trash, for now I'll keep it all going One personal opinion about this forum in general: i rarely post for help anywhere on the web. Usually because I find the people on them to trigger easily and usually not be helpful at all. This forum is different and worth writing on. This is why I come here and not the Insteon forums. So - thanks for being a truly helpful group of people and taking your time to share your own findings. appreciate you!
  2. ok so.. - my house is full of insteon devices, wall switches, outlets, motion detectors, - controlled by UD 994i with RJ45 linked PLM, - running lots and lots of painfully written code (over 50 programs), - communicates with my weather station and controls my home, - communicates with 15 Zapier webhooks to inform us and do all sorts of useful things, - operated almost daily using the not so cheap Mobilinc subscription amd apps and there's still no plan to build replacement PLM's? what's the leaat painful path to upgrading things that won't require me to rewrite all this code that took years to get working smoothly and are my 994i's now obsolete bricks? feels like this is becoming a project for elitists with way more spare money than me.. i had really hoped my investment in thousands of dollars and hundreds of coding hours would be running at least another ten years.. any near-painless migration options appreciated, before I toss all this in the can and give up on home automation for 5-10 years to allow it to mature further. this is all really upsetting. took my family a very long time to accept all this automation in the home, but now that I have it all working, thwy rely on it. When my PLM finally dies, i can't imagine telling them now, "I'm taking it all offline now because the companies we counted on for the core components of all this didnt have a smooth migration path forward and left us in the cold" what is everyone doing when their PLM dies? sorry to vent, and thanks for your recommendations
  3. Ok - so if I simply check the "SNI" checkbox, these work. WTH?!@?!@?>@ why not have that checked by default?!?! or pls give it a better name! Literally lost hours today on this.. I'll leave this thread here in case anyone else needs it..
  4. and yes - I can rub the Mobilinc app on my phone (on cellular) and control the unit just fine from anywhere... hmmm..
  5. Here's a new error response to an HTTP request to IFTTT:
  6. For all the "Network Resource" gurus.. This is potentially a tough one.. Yes - I searched for the answer here first, and finally gave up. Literally spent hours on this. I have 45 Network Resources currently, all work fine. All of them fire off HTTP Gets to a local system (same LAN) (a Philips Hue hub). However, when I try to create a new Network Resource to a public website (IFTTT, zapier, UptimeRobot, et.al), all FAIL. This is extremely frustrating. I have tried every possible HTTP protocol type (Get/Post/Put etc) that websites will accept for webhooks, and the "Test" runs FAIL for every config. I also tried checking/unchecking all the checkboxes in the config window, tried Gets/Puts/Posts as HTTP and HTTPS (with the proper port numbers plugged in), to no avail. Same or similar error messages as shown in my photos here. NOW - please know that ALL of these webhooks work just fine if I cut and paste them into a simple web browser URL bar. The servers all give a "successful" response, which is why I'm hating my ISY at the moment. Side question for the firmware developers: After using this for over 10 years, why doesn't the ISY Network Resource creation window have a "simple browser URL input" option, that will emulate whatever the heck a standard modern web browser (Chromium etc?) GET is doing, and just send it! People are given webhooks as a whole/single string and not all this protocol/encoding detail to send to their servers, yet this dialog box doesn't have a field to accept the URL as a simple full length URL with all defaults assumed! I really hate how I can't simply paste the entire webhook in as a single URL. Once I start breaking the URL apart into domain, protocol, http/https, path etc types, this increases the chance of errors, and something is failing. I feel like I have to know HTTPS protocol inside and out, plus all the possible HTTP headers to send, just to send a dang webhook! even one without any JSON variables! thanks for letting me vent. Yes I took the time to go download and re-read the "Home Automation Cookbook?, and followed it step by step to build an IFTTT webhook, and it failed. I noticed this cookbook didn't tell me the "Encode URL" checkbox state, which was frustrating. And as you'll see, this failure error message is really worthless guys. When I download a "Log" file and open it in Excel, it has nothing about this failure in it! frustrating again. Heck I even updated from 4.6.6 to 5.3.4 today to see if this would fix it, OR if the error messages would be more helpful. No joy. I assume "Internet Access: Disabled" is because I use Mobilinc, correct? Anyone seen this before? Appreciate any help! This is an example of just one of the webhooks that fails with the error message attached. A simple one-way et webhook to uptimerobot. This works FINE when dropped into a browser URL bar: This is the canned error I'm getting to all external Network Resource tests:
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