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Everything posted by DrLumen

  1. Cool. I'm just getting back into it so starting small with a 5" Newtonian. I was thinking of a Dobsonian but I was looking to do astrophotography eventually.
  2. I got my 50th anniversary SM57 mic bundle from BH today. I just ordered a telescope. Yep, eclectic mix I know... Fought with the guy repairing my Behringer interface until he hung up on me. Called Behringer and they are sending me an new upgraded interface overnight. Bad that I had issues but cool that Behringer is stepping up in a surprisingly good way. Since I got all my switches changed to ZWave I'm getting a bit tired of the HA stuff. I did order a Fibaro leak sensor for the water heater (getting old and a matter of time before it starts leaking) and a WiFi LED controller along with the telescope accessories so maybe I'm not done just yet... Hmmm, telescope controlled by HA. Nah, too far fetched.
  3. RPi as a closed system or UDI not wanting to go open source?
  4. I'm going to have to try that. At first glance it seems like it would interfere with whatever percentage was given for existing lights, fan speeds and the like. I need to tinker I guess.
  5. Hmmm, how do you set a variable based on an Alexa percentage?
  6. I have given this some thought. I will (eventually) create a set of programs that has the time value built in like sprinklers for 20 minutes. Or, create a set of programs that sets a variable time value (1,2,5,10,15,20,30,...) Then create a sprinkler (or other) programs to use that timer as a variable. 2 spokens (set timer for 20 minutes & turn on sprinkler timer) but a bit more flexible as the timer could be used for other things as well. Like 'alexa, set timer for 10 minutes" and then "alexa, turn on guest bath fan timer".
  7. It may take a dozen or so variables and ~20 lines of code but can be done. If some of the values you have in parentheses are true constants then you will want to precalculate them. Luckily, the formula can be broken down and each operation done easily. God forbid you needed any trigonometry functions or anything more advanced. The modulo works here: New Program - [ID 0029][Parent 0010] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then $Int_41 = 18 $Int_41 %= 4 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Result - $Int_41 = 2 (18%4)
  8. DrLumen

    3:00AM Reboots

    I don't recall ever seeing the program or deleting it but I don't have it now. I don't think I would have deleted it as I would find it useful. Is it conditional of insteon or a modem? I have neither. The ISY is not on a controlled outlet. It is on a UPS with the other computer and network gear. For whatever reason, it did not reboot last night. Either the reboots were a fluke or last night was. So... I guess I'll find out over the next few nights.
  9. DrLumen

    3:00AM Reboots

    Maybe I have a mental block but I still don't see it. No emails or the like. I happened to have been at the desk when it rebooted last night. The night before everything went off at 3:00 but I wasn't sure why. A reboot or crash would be the only thing to account for it going down.
  10. DrLumen

    3:00AM Reboots

    Where is that setting? As far as I know I haven't changed it and didn't know it was an option.
  11. DrLumen

    3:00AM Reboots

    Anyone else? 2nd day in a row @ 3:00 AM. 3rd or 4th in total.
  12. You may be getting one from the value changing and one from the update of the the timestamp. <eventInfo> <var type="2" id="9"> <prec>0</prec> <val>1</val> <ts>20180306 13:45:15</ts> </var> </eventInfo> </Event> <eventInfo>[VAR 2 9 ] 1</eventInfo> </Event>
  13. Thanks. I had never seen them before.
  14. How are you getting at the system variables like [Current Day of Month]? I don't see those options.
  15. Just curious if there are any solutions?
  16. One thing to consider is ST is all cloud based. The only way to control devices on the ST hub is via Alexa or their phone app. Timers, sunset/sunrise, scenes, are all set via the app so the programming with it is limited. If your internet goes down, nothing will work. They are trying to shift some control locally but that is a work in progress. But, ST is slick, seamless, refined and stable. I wanted control within my walls so I dumped ST and bought the ISY. The ISY is more flexible but crude compared to ST. I tried to get both to work but ST doesn't want to be second fiddle and Samsung really doesn't support it being a secondary controller. I never could get the ISY to act as a secondary controller but wasn't too motivated as, again, I wanted the primary control in house. As always, YMMV.
  17. PM sent with attached xml.
  18. But seriously, what is the use of having color coded icons if they don't mean anything? Hmmm, Adobe flash required for a Choose Files... button?
  19. I would think it would have been really easy for them. "How many any sheep are in that field?" After a quick look, "None!" larryllix, if your LED's glow at 1%, are they giving off any 'real' luminance? If so, you have an instrumentation error. Anyway, I say 2-3% from past experience. YMMV.
  20. IMO, anything less than 2 or 3% should be shown as off. The issue is when scanning over everything as it scrolls past shows almost every thing as on. But, then I have to check the percentages of them to confirm. Some even show as On and Off - however that is supposed to work. It's getting hard to stay positive about some of this shtuff.
  21. Thanks for the confirmation. It would be nice if they showed as off. I'll have my own UI ready soon though.
  22. I have an odd one, at least I think it is odd. When I use the web interface, almost all the devices show as on but with 0%. They never actually go to an off status. Does everyone see this for ZWave stuff?
  23. Oops, Nevermind.
  24. Yes and no. They have an API rest interface into their cloud reporting system but they will not provide per panel type data via the API. It is a 15 minute aggregate at best. There are hacks (hijacking the data stream) to get the individual panel data but they are just that; hacks.
  25. Yeah, I dug around a bit more on their website and forums. I'm thinking I would just need to put my own rPi or something in place of the dashbox. It seems Brultech are more adaptable to using other logging solutions than the dashbox trying to be a generic logging solution for all. I don't really know that for a fact but just how I perceive it. As a kid (young teen) some friends and I got hold of a few bottles of MD2020. It started out fun but ended badly. I still can't stomach wine. Congrats! Unfortunately not. I am using SolarEdge optimizers and inverters (no batteries).
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