I have a 6 button KeypadLinc dimmer. I wanted to group 3 of the buttons to be mutually exclusive. It seem you can only select all, at least A - D.
Then KeypadLinc is named (Living Room Light) and the buttons are (Living Room Key A) through D. These are all listed as individual items under My Lighting. If I select any one of the Key names and right click, and then select Group devices, it groups all 4 of them and makes them sub trees under Living Room Light.
I can ungroup them and they become individual items under My Lighting again.
If they are grouped or not, if I select one of them and then select Mutual Exclusive Button at the bottom of the screen I get a list that contains Living Room Light and the Living Room Key A through D, plus 2 scene item I do not have defined (Mutually Exclusive Buttons 1 and 2). The options to select then are OK, Cancel and Reset.
I can not figure out what selecting Reset does or what else can be done with the list.
Also if the buttons are grouped and show as sub trees, I can right click on one of them and it has the option to Group Devices. I tried it and it appears to not really do anything. I would think Group Device should not be listed or if it is and you select it, it should give and warning error.