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  1. I've had both for a couple years now (at different houses). I'm in the GH camp & considering abandoning Alex altogether. Alexa's sound seems muffled... did she say "53 degrees" or "63 degrees". On Alexa they sound EXACTLY the same. Yet GH is clear, sharp and easily understood. Sound quality is way better. Plus you have the ability to choose between a number of "Voices". As for searching outside HA, GH is also superior. Alexa's answers remind of the typical Siri response: "I found this on the web!" I also like the Routines in GH too. Admittedly you may not need as many with Alexa for HA, but they are easily set up on either device.
  2. On a need to know basis, I have no idea what the blue LED indicators on the ISY are telling me. I'm trying to solve a new problem the past week where a program I've had since the beginning of time sometimes will not execute, even manually. I've rebooted my ISY and noticed as it boots up, the blue LED on the left comes ON and 2-3 other LEDs blink a bit. After it boots, the left LED is solid ON, & the right LED flashes occasionally. After a while (next day) only the left LED stays ON, there is no blinking from any other LED. Is this some indication of a problem with the ISY or normal operation?
  3. I did get a response from EyezON customer support but it somehow was thrown out with the SPAM mail. Since that got sorted, they have been very responsive and after a couple iterations of measuring continuity and voltages then testing, I think the conclusion is I received a "bad" board. Hopefully, they'll send a replacement soon that will work.
  4. I understood that. In following the steps outlined as http//www.eyezon.com/EZMAIN/evl4honeywell.php , I could not get past step 3 on the top of the page. 3. Confirm that the "LINK" LED is on solid on the EnvisaLink and wait 10 minutes and the "OPER" LED is flashing slowly None of the lights on the Envisalink would light up and it seemed the card was "shorting" out the functionality of the Vista 20P panel & keypad. So much for programming anything at this point. I also triple & quadruple checked my wire connections. Thankfully, after removing the connections, there doesn't appear to be any damage to the panel's functionality.
  5. I have a home that came with a Honeywell Vista 20P wireless security system. I like the idea of integrating the monitoring/controlling with the ISY. So I purchased an Envisalink 4 to l connect the system to the LAN. That part seemed pretty straight forward but . . . Following the instructions, I drilled 3 holes for the standoff mounting clips, disconnected the power source, wired the Envisalink 4 onto the Vista 20P panel and reconnected the power & battery. The system did not appear to power up completely. Not only did the Envisalink card indicators show life but the entire panel acted weird. While the kepad was back lighted, pressing key would produce a beep but the system could not arm or do anything else. (sigh) Is the Envisalink 4 defective & DOA? Or is is possible I need a bigger power supply transformer? Or something else? I disconnect the power, then removed the Envisalink wires and fortunately the system came back up & functions properly again. I submitted a ticket with EyezON but after waiting a week, nothing! NO RESPONSE. Nada. I sent a reply to the acknowledgment email guaranteeing 24-hour response. Still no response. I am not sure I want anything to do with a company that is this unresponsive & not interested in helping customers. I think I am to a point where returning this item to Amazon is my only choice!
  6. Once configured, GH is tops - - mainly because my wife likes GH over Alexa. Now if Amazon introduces the 'Silver' . . .? https://youtu.be/YvT_gqs5ETk
  7. Having received no further responses from this forum that might help, I was ready to submit a ticket. Google Home cannot control U-D devices. Any spoken command to control an ISY device would result in a response "Universal Devices is unavailable" or words to that effect. My problem is created by having a home with Amazon Dot and this one with Google Home. Both share my ISY Portal account which complicates things a bit as each house move requires tweaking with the Portal settings. After trying different approaches for a week I suddenly stumbled onto the solution! SO I am posting this solution to help me or anyone else who may have this problem in the future. I started with trying to log onto the ISY Portal on my PC. I discovered passwords weren't working AND I had the wrong email account. Once past that hurdle and logged into the Portal, I tried to send my Spokens to Google Home when this message popped up. This got me to thinking the password in GH Assistant may be different (& therefore blocking access between GH & the ISY) Logging into the GH Settings on my cell, I used the Assistant and unlinked the U-D devices account, then re-linked it. (using correct account & password) BINGO! PROBLEM SOLVED!!!
  8. My 1st post wrote: " GH can't communicate with U-D. .. (but) the GH app on my new cell phone can ..." To further test my cell's functionality, I was about to speak to the GH app on my cell and this message pops up: Change your Account You are currently using different Goggle Accounts for the Assistant and your Google Home. To continue, switch to the same account. And I can choose to Cancel or Change Account. When I clicked on Change, I discovered the Google account was for the other house. So I would chose another of my Google accounts and each time that message came up. Well that didn't work for the GH mini no matter what account I used (except the GH App on my cell always worked with any account). Hmmm. I may be on to something but what?
  9. I'm not ready to give up on GH just yet. I have one home with Alexa but my vacation home had GH first. And it worked with much better AI & other options. I know the original post is a few years old but the "Universal-Devices unavailable" problem apparently still persists. I have never had this issue with Alexa DOT. I found after returning, GH can't communicate with U-D. Everything else seems to work fine. Plus the GH app on my new cell phone can even control U-D. So it seems GH can access the ISY. Just not the GH mini I have in the house. I tried unlinking U-D suggested in thread above, but that suggestion but that did not work. And when U-D was not linked, my GH mini gave me the same "Universal-Devices unavailable" reply. How can that be? I have 2 accounts and wonder if I need to unlink U-D from my account and my my wife's account to complete the unlinking. As good as Google AI is, I am a bit disappointed the GH tech support for this issue with U-D.
  10. I figured it out! What I was missing is the need to set my "Preferred ISY" to the home I am occupying! My Portal is set up with two ISYs, one for my home and 1 at a vacation home. I discovered I needed to change the Preferred ISY Mac address under the Portal USERS tab. Once I did that, Alexa was able to discover the devices I added to the portal and can now control them.. I'm providing this post as multiple ISY set ups is not covered in the Wiki to this detail. Plus when I move I will probably forget this minor detail. Now I'll have somewhere to go to find an answer to this dilemma.
  11. This is interesting as I just happened to see something similar recently in my log. It appears there were 12(?) hacking attempts from that were logged on 12-8. That is not an IP in my LAN and a Google search comes up with a 198-46-140-90-host.colocrossing.com which is listed as a SPAM hosting hacking site. Fortunately except for these 12 entries, I did not find any others. At any rate, I closed down my port forwarding to the ISY which hopefully secures my site. I set this forwarding up a long, long time ago for remote access to the ISY. Apparently port forwarding is not required when using the ISY portal. In fact I could never get port forwarding to work at a site where I had 2 routers in series to my ISY. But the ISY Portal never has had an issue seeing through all that to access the ISY. Amazing MOJO by U-D!
  12. I don't put all devices on my Alexa either. However, now I want to add "Holiday" lighting, how do I add a device? I have the device showing on the Portal now, but when I ask Alexa to discover new devices, she can't find any, Hmmmm, I must be missing a step!
  13. It"s been a while since I initially set Alexa up, now I want to add a few more devices. I've added them to my Portal but when I ask Alexa to find new devices. . . Nada. I just get the "can't find . . ." response. Am I missing a step that tees up the devices for Echo's discovery?
  14. Thanks for your response Michel. I suspect I am running into a Windows issue as I am able to call up the AC just fine on my laptop. Glad to say it appears the upgrade from 4.7.3 came through just fine. Now I just need to see why my desktop can't pull up the ISY Finder. AND it's currently going though an extensive Windows update this morning. Hopefully, when that is done, it fixes whatever. . . . (sigh) Update, the association was OK, but my Java 8u181 was apparently corrupt or broken. I uninstalled Java and then installed 8u231 and ALL is working. Your tip pointed me in the right direction. I'll close the ticket I started. Thanks again Michel.
  15. I temporarily disabled firewall protection but the "start.jnlp" still would not launch. I submitted a ticket to help me sort out my issues.
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