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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. Checked Alexa App and Google Home and they both are working correctly also.
  2. The effort and thanks all belongs with @Michel Kohanim who was answering support and working through a Sunday evening and Monday (Holiday). I have great appreciation for the level of customer support that has been provided around what I consider to be a small issue. I can only imagine at this point what kind of effort would go towards a critical or outage type problem. This was fantastic support.
  3. Same with most vendors. They will say they don't support XYZ controller even though they proudly display the Z-Wave Plus certification logo
  4. I've changed the unit from F to C at the unit and the change is recognized in the Admin Console. Then I change it back to F and again it is recognized. Unit increase from Admin Console is still in tenths which is normal for this thermostat. From the Web portal (udAjax and HAD) any setpoint change goes to the max 86 degrees F. Agave can see the Thermostat and reports the status. Increments in .5 is how Agave changes the temp. However after a change the setpoint jumps to 85.5 (max temp) no matter what is chosen. Increase/decrease and then wait and it will jump the temp to Max like the Web interface does. Alexa nor Google Home can connect/display/control this Thermostat through ISY portal. No testing from Mobilinc currently. ISY 994i ZW+/IR Shipped FW: 5.0.13D - had the same issues Upgraded to 5.0.14 - still has issues
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