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  1. brians

    Web based AC

    @Andy PYes UD Mobile has come a long way. However I think it still has some limitations with some programs not supporting editing.
  2. brians

    Web based AC

    Since they mention EISY only, I am presuming this will not work on Polisy. I wonder if it is going to be a near-exact web based replica of the Java AC, and difference is no requirement to install Java ? Or maybe it is going to be the actual AC access from client using RDP/XRDP? I do not have an EISY, but is it possible to directly run AC, and PG3x etc. running on EISY with a monitor/keyboard/mouse attached.
  3. Where have you heard this latest from?
  4. Doesn't seem to be available in Canada yet. I
  5. I wouldn't worry about windows 10, just leave it internal on LAN and have it run DSCLink. Microsoft end of support does not mean it will stop working. Does NodeLink work on Windows 11 though?
  6. Homekit support was supposed to come out “next week” last month.
  7. Matter devices I have setup require scanning QR code and using a phone app. Apple HomeKit and Home assistant mobile app both worked for me. Although I don’t think it is 100% necessary for a matter device to require using a phone to enroll, it is pretty much the way everyone does it. In most matter devices they have BLE with allows your phone to communicate to do initial setup and it hands off your wifi or sets up on thread or whatever. This is very common to use BLE for lots of things now (eg. Not matter but another example is I can setup a UniFi router and adopt using my phone and BLE). UD even said their phone app would be used to scan QR code but I think they also hinted at other method direct with EISY using its BLE but I may be misunderstanding this. I have not used a cync bulb but what you describe sounds like you can use their app/ecosystem or a matter system. Their app probably allows more advanced control of bulbs and maybe things like scenes, dim rates etc. whereas matter would just be basic settings.
  8. It uses BLE for device setup using a phone app. And yes you have to keep those codes - sometimes they are stamped right in the device. If you don’t have the code you have a nice paper weight. In some cases the device app can generate a code for you but this is normally older devices that have been upgraded to matter eg. Older wiz bulbs. If you are using something like Philips hue the bulbs themselves are not matter and instead use the matter bridge. Aqara bridge does something similar where can bridge its devices to matter using their hub and then some devices are actual matter. But most advanced features still require use of an app.
  9. Every device has an IPv6 link local address. derived from MAC address with prefix fe80. Matter can use this.
  10. Matter uses ipv6 local addresses. No need to enable IPv6 on router.
  11. What hardware do you need to reflash?
  12. Here is my old notes on Zen17 in case anyone is curious. I used a magnetic sensor for garage door. My garage door opens/closes by shorting wires across the terminals.
  13. Has anyone got a Matter device working yet ?
  14. Zen 17 is better than the older zen 16. I used to use a zen 17 and worked good. Just have to set it up correctly with the parameters - someone may have posted how before here. Of course this in works on a garage opener where can short the wires to open or close. Newer ones need something like a ratgdo or wire into a wireless remote instead.
  15. Updated my Polisy tonight. Started around 4:30 p... didn't seem to reboot or anything but the AC went offline, I then saw UID of 00:00:00:00:00:01 and I could connect but not control any Insteon. Still showed 5.8.4. I decided to ssh and rebooted after over an hour waiting. Then after UID was correct and still on 5.8.4, I did another update packages in AC and this time it had a more detailed dialog that was updating to version 14.xxx whatever it said can't remember. Then it updated correctly maybe 20 min. But had me very concerned for hour there.
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