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Everything posted by jgraziano

  1. I suppose you could replace the toggle on the wall with a momentary if you can find one and then do the logic for the IO output to change states when it is pressed. I put the wall switch in series with my on/off relay because I wanted a way to definitively disable the fireplace from turning on. When that switch is off there is no way the FP will turn on period. Then the relay controls the FP, either by schedule or a console located somewhere in the room. That has worked out pretty well for us. One thing you may want to do, though. Put a bypass around the IO relay somewhere. If the power goes out in the winter and you can run your FP, it will come in handy! No blower, but at least some heat.
  2. This happened to me also. I was out of town all week, today my wife said the lights seemed to be about an hour off. I checked and the clock was a month off, it thought this was February.
  3. Thanks Michel. The last time I checked, the Earth is still turning on its axis! (and my wife has a sense of humor)
  4. Downloaded and installed 2.6.2, seems to be working now. I usually prefer to wait for the official release but when we came home to a dark house my wife was not too impressed. Then the TV sound was not working because heaven forbid she should use the Harmony to turn on the TV so the home theater will go on also, while I was explaining that to her, the ISY was re-starting from the update, and the lights went off and on a couple of times. . . . Wife was not feeling a whole lot of love for technology at that point.
  5. Tried this (cycled ISY power). Still does not work. Missed the 'pre-sunset' event.
  6. 2.6. I haven't upgraded to the new beta yet since I've been out of town a lot lately.
  7. Ok, this is kind of crazy. This morning nothing was working. Last night the 11 pm program did run properly, but no statuses got updated. The date said March 2nd even though it was right yesterday after I synchronized it. So I synchronized it again and it read Sat March 1st like it's supposed to. But a few minutes ago it ran an 8 am program that's only supposed to run on weekdays! What's going on here???? Thx.
  8. According to the Java console log, the last events to run for me were 8 am this morning. My pre-sunset and sunset events did not fire. I noticed the date was wrong (I was out of town, just got back late this afternoon), so I synchronized manually per the email (after sunset). Next scheduled event is 11 pm, so I'll see if that fires.
  9. Isn't there any way for someone to take the Java console output and do some name resolution and formatting on it and display it? I use it all the time, I find it more useful than the ISY log anyway since it actually logs X10 activity and the clock has more resolution. And you can watch it in real time. It's just so cryptic. Is this possible?
  10. Download the Advanced Configuration Guide. It is for the 26, but I suspect it will be the same for 99. Someone here should probably confirm that before you try it! http://www.universal-devices.com/resources.htm
  11. I would like to see this as well.
  12. Thanks Michel!
  13. Hi Michel or Chris, Will this next drop have an 'x' or some other indication in the program tree when a program is disabled. Didn't see it in the enhancement list, but I can still hope! I guess it's too soon for that Program Summary Filter.
  14. OMG that's funny, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. I got rid of AOL probably 10 years ago, we get it free from Time Warner and my wife still uses it, but that's it. I use my AOL email address as a spam address. I don't think any residential broadband services assign static IP's. I know mine doesn't.
  15. Don't waste your breath, man, Michel isn't real, he's just a machine like "Katelyn your (automated) customer service specialist. OK, let's get started" Seriously, what these guys demonstrate is the epitome of good customer service because they don't treat the customer as a necessary evil (extreme example: airlines) and genuinely care about the customer experience. I know it will get more and more difficult as the company grows larger, but as a general rule, the employees will assume the same attitude as the owners if led by example. There will come a day when Michel is not personally answering a lot of these posts because the company will have grown and taken much more of his time (as if it doesn't now, right?). But I'm sure he and Chris and whoever else will have instilled in the new people the same motivation that has them posting on this board at 1 am. You will, guys, right?
  16. Thanks Joe. It was probably good for you anyway to do that. . . . keeps your mind sharp. This would work well with the Harmony remote since you can have it send out any sequences and call the button whatever you want. And then you can also automatically dim the lights when you go to Play, brighten them when you Pause, etc., like I'm doing now. I hope yo kept this write-up in a Word document or something so you don't have to go looking for it if you need it! Thx.
  17. Actually, I'm not concerned about re-triggering, so the second one is perfect. I didn't realize that the first Repeat would only repeat 'between the Repeats'. So I ended up with: The only thing I added was the 'Fireplace OFF' so when it finished it will turn it off, which I didn't have before. It normally would not run the full 10 times, since I have this program being disabled if the fireplace is either turned OFF or ON. Thanks!
  18. Yeah, I thought about using two programs after your last post (didn't reply since I was out and it's a pain on the BB). I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
  19. I know the feeling, believe me! And especially after 11 on Saturday night, with the frustrating realization that, once again, I have not won the PowerBall lottery. Oh well . . . . I really don't understand why it shouldn't work. When it finishes repeating, it should run the else. It's really pretty simple.
  20. IndyMike, I assume you meant to run this program? It seems like that would just make it loop forever, and when I tried it, it does. I just want it to repeat the on/off cycle ten times and then turn off the indicator, unless it is stopped by another program, which works. thx.
  21. After this finishes looping 10 times, shouldn't the 'Status Indicator' turn off? Thanks.
  22. That's ok, I probably can't absorb any more right now anyway. Enjoy your dinner!
  23. Now there's a shocker for you. Do post some examples if you would. It sounds like this could easily be applied to the Harmony/IR543 combination, since the 543 only does one house code and you could easily expand it out this way. By the way Joe, me thinks you got way too much time on your hands.
  24. . . . . and they're both more accurate than the clock on my computer! Thanks!
  25. jgraziano

    Timed Events

    Just noticed something interesting. I just happened to be looking at the status table when one of my lamps went off at 6:30 like its supposed to. But I looked at the console time and it was a little after 6:29. And the 'last run' in the program summary said it happened at 6:30:01. Not a big deal, just curious why the discrepancy and why it would have fired early.
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