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Everything posted by K-bert

  1. This is my first z-wave device. I purchased it with the idea of using its two inputs on the alarm wiring to detect when the front and back doors to the house are open. I do not have an alarm installed but I have installed door sensors that are closed when the doors are closed. Adding the smart insert to the ISY was straightforward and several nodes appeared in the device tree on my admin console. I had no problem changing the Input 1 and 2 to Normally closed alarm input. The manual (https://manuals.fibaro.com/content/manuals/en/FGBS-222/FGBS-222-EN-T-v1.2.pdf) states that parameter 20 and 21 both need to be given a value of 0 for this behaviour. When I tried grounding the input to test it out two new nodes appeared in the device tree, both labelled at Intrusion Alarm 1 with different addresses. They both act how I would expect them to. I would like to use one of the outputs from this device to control the humidifier attached to the furnace. I can't control it directly as the humidifier uses 24VAC and the implant has a max rating of 20VAC, but that is an easy issue for me to solve with a simple circuit. The issue I have is right now the implant's outputs are directly tied to the inputs. Meaning that if an input is triggered the corresponding output is activated. As per the same manual linked above this can be changed by changing the Protection Command Class from Local State 0 to Local State 1. Doing some searching on the internet I have found that other home automation software can switch this with a GUI button and I have even found one that can do it using a script. My question is: does anybody know how to do it with the ISY? Thanks, K-bert
  2. Good day, I recently upgraded from a Venstar T1900 with Insteon adapter to a 2441TH because the adapter failed. The 2441TH worked great for about a week and then all of a sudden it stopped communicating. I am using an ISY994irpro to run my house firmware version 5.0.16C if it matters. I contacted Insteon support and was told that the thermostat was likely faulty and to return it to the place of purchase. I received a replacement and installed it today. I linked it to the ISY and then used the software to set the time. I set up some of my preferences using the buttons on the thermostat itself and then manually started my heating program (I am using the ISY to set the heat based on time and occupancy). I have a program that turns the furnace fan on once every hour for a few minutes then turn the fan back to auto. The fan turned on and turned off within a couple of seconds. Ever since then I have been unable to communicate with the thermostat. The thermostat is mounted on the wall a few feet from a dual band dimmer for the dining room. There is another dual band dimmer a little further away for the pantry that is linked to a wireless door sensor on the pantry. I have about a dozen dual band devices (including the PLM). I am at a loss as to what the issue could be. I do not believe that I have received two faulty thermostats in a row. How should I proceed with trouble shooting? Thanks, K-Bert
  3. K-bert

    Please delet

    This was posted here in error
  4. Great info, thank you both! MrBill, I will likely follow your solution to add buttons to increase and decrease the lighting level from the remote when I have some free time. liliyoyo1 I followed your advice and it is already working. Thanks again! K-Bert
  5. Thanks for the reply, Just so I understand: Trying to set the scene to 20% is no good. Instead create another scene (eg Bedroom_3_Dim) with both devices which is set to an on level of 20%. Then use the program to turn that scene on when the IR command is received? Thanks, K-Bert
  6. So this isn't working as I would expect it to. Including the master bedroom my house has three bedrooms on the second floor. My son is using bedroom 2 and bedroom 3 is currently the TV room. I have a scene set up for bedroom 3 such that the dimmer and button B of the keypad in the master are linked. While watching TV I prefer to have the lights off and my wife prefers some light. So I have set up a program to turn the lights down (or on) to 20% when a button is pressed on the universal remote. This program works fine if I tell it to turn the device on to 20%, but this does not update the status of the light on the keypad in the master bedroom. So I tried changing to program to turn the scene on to 20%. This does not work. Every time I tried it simply turns the scene on to 100%. Attached are screen grabs of the programs. Anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thanks, K-Bert
  7. I have the exact same thing with my ISY. Its been like that since I got it. It still works fine and since it is hidden in amongst the A/V rack I haven't really worried about it. K-Bert
  8. Good day, I recently added an Insteon 2441TH thermostat to my house. When added three items showed up in the ISY device listing: Thermostat, heat control, and cool control. According to the manual (http://cache.insteon.com/documentation/2732-xx2-en.pdf) the thermostat should be able to control scenes for both humidification and de-humidification. I will be using an Insteon I/O to control the whole house humidifier on the furnace (currently wired up to a manual dial humidistat). Should I be seeing a humidity control as well? I am using an ISY 994i/IR PRO running firmware v.5.0.16C Thankyou K-Bert
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