This is my first z-wave device. I purchased it with the idea of using its two inputs on the alarm wiring to detect when the front and back doors to the house are open. I do not have an alarm installed but I have installed door sensors that are closed when the doors are closed.
Adding the smart insert to the ISY was straightforward and several nodes appeared in the device tree on my admin console. I had no problem changing the Input 1 and 2 to Normally closed alarm input. The manual ( states that parameter 20 and 21 both need to be given a value of 0 for this behaviour. When I tried grounding the input to test it out two new nodes appeared in the device tree, both labelled at Intrusion Alarm 1 with different addresses. They both act how I would expect them to.
I would like to use one of the outputs from this device to control the humidifier attached to the furnace. I can't control it directly as the humidifier uses 24VAC and the implant has a max rating of 20VAC, but that is an easy issue for me to solve with a simple circuit. The issue I have is right now the implant's outputs are directly tied to the inputs. Meaning that if an input is triggered the corresponding output is activated.
As per the same manual linked above this can be changed by changing the Protection Command Class from Local State 0 to Local State 1. Doing some searching on the internet I have found that other home automation software can switch this with a GUI button and I have even found one that can do it using a script. My question is: does anybody know how to do it with the ISY?