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About Jimini

  • Birthday May 11

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    California Central Coast
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  1. When I have tried launching the IOX Launcher and loading the admin console, it doesn’t find the EISY. It will take a little work to run a new ethernet cable from my router to the present locaiton of the EISY. I have changed its location from where my old 994i is located so an ethernet cable is not immediately available. I will have to confirm that I have a spare ethernet cable to try running one from router to EISY or buy a new one. Last night I tried again to do a factory reset (10 button pushes), disconnecting the power from the EISY and removing UD Mobile from my iPhone. Then this morning I tried I plugged power back in and reinstalled UD Mobile fromthe QR code on the Setup card trying to start over from the ground up. UD Mobile recognizes my eisy, states that it was once connected but is not now. I then tried to Reset Networking (4 button pushes) then Reboot (5 button pushes). After each, UD Mobile gives the same report. Lastly, following the note about Factory Reset, I repeated the 10 button pushes, waited 10 minutes and then 5 button pushes to reboot and waited 2 minutes. UD Mobile still states that the EISY is not connected.
  2. Tried removing the power cable for about 60 seconds, then reconnected. The UD Mobile screen continues to cycle through the lines “Error”, “Disconnected, will attempt conection”, “Restarting attempt number xx”. Attempting to reload UD Mobile, asks if I want to join “eisy.setup.26e1b”, when I attempt that it replies unable to joing .... I tried earlier to perform a factory reset by pushing the EISY button 10 times, but that is how I got into the Disconnected mode.
  3. Hello, I finally made a try at installing my new EISY. I plugged in the power to the unit and then installed and opened the UD Mobile App. It successfully walked me through configuring EISY for my WIFI network. Some success. Then it asked if I wanted to configure (or install, can’t remember the verb) my Insteon system. I replied to continue. Then it asked me to connect my PLM-U if I had not already. It did not ask me to plug the PLM into an outlet and I know there are sync procedures for these Insteon devices so I did not plug the PLM into the outlet. Pressing Continue, the App went off doing something for some time, but never came back with the next step. Assuming that I should have plugged the PLM into the wall outlet, I then did that. Nothing happened. I tried selecting various buttons on the UD Mobile but did not accomplish anything. I don’t know if the PLM was in fact installed or not. Thinking I should try to restart the whole installation and migration procedure I looked for some way to go back to the beginning. I had found a disucsson in one of the guides about the multi-function EISY button. Pushing it 10 times is supposed to do a factory reset. I tried that. Cleared the UD Mobile app and waiting the prescribed 10 minutes. Restarting the UD Mobile, it is in an infinitie loop trying to access the EISY but failing. After about 20 tries, I quit. Any suggestions on how to restart this installation and evenual migration would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks elvisimprsntr for the warning about running ISY on a UPS with the PLM necessarily off. I will avoid trying that out and deal with the complications of my power-loss program when an ISY reboot accompanies a temporary loss of power.
  5. I have “Wait while busy reading” and “Query at Restart” both checked. I don’t have “Catch up schedules at restart” checked. But also, I have all my programs that I want to be free running set to auto start at startup. That is crucial, I believe.
  6. I’m sorry that I can’t propose a fix for this problem but only to say that this hasn’t yet happened to me. My house power is now backed up with solar and Tesla batteries. We get a lot of power grid failures because our northern California public utility has spent decades pocketing cash instead of keeping their grid reliable. Most of the time, the Tesla system kicks in fast enough that ISY isn’t disturbed, but twice the switchover took enough time that ISY saw enough of a power cycle and rebooted. After the reboot, all was running as before. I didn’t know about this “Catch up schedules at restart” option. If you can tell me where you found this box to check or not check, I will look to see if I have mine checked. I have my house computer and router running off their own UPS, which existed before I added solar, and it switches much faster than the Tesla system saving those systems from rebooting. I haven’t yet connected ISY to that UPS because of power routing complications to where ISY is located and because I’m sure that the PLM that drives the Insteon signals can’t be filtered by a UPS. But I am going to separate out the power to ISY from the PLM power so that I can put ISY on the UPS. I added some circuitry to an Insteon IO Linc module to warn me when the grid is off, and the programing for that warning got overly complicated to handle grid loss with and without possible reboots. The program will be simpler and more rational if I can eliminate ISY reboots happening with grid power loss.
  7. Once I clear the error message and launch the LAN console, everything appears to work correctly. I will assume that to be the case then until I find something going wrong or hear of an update. Thanks.
  8. I am getting the same message with my ISY 994i. I don’t think there is any firmware update for ISY 994i. Am I use supposed to live with this error message that needs to be cleared?
  9. Yes, I started getting this error message a week or so ago. Never got it before. Once I clear it with “OK” and load the LAN version of the console, everything seems to work OK. But I need to load the console in between repeated error messages since the console won’t load while the error message is still visible. I guess it’s just a bother to have to clear the message but I am concern that it means something else is not right.
  10. I only have 8-button remotes so couldn’t say for sure but the suggestion to install the 8-button device was going to me my suggestion before I saw it given by someone else. Some changes like 6 to 8 can be painful.
  11. That upgrade will have to wait until I have some time to work with it. I guess I’ll just leave what I have running until I can spend the time on the upgrade. Thanks for your help.
  12. I have a 994i/IR PRO with the Z-wave module but I have never added any Z-wave devices. For the actual board number, I will have to look for that.
  13. Thank you for the reply. Does that mean that my notifications from US Mobile will not work until I upgrade to EISY? I mean when I poke on notifications on the US Mobile app, I get this message that I need firmware version 5.6.2.
  14. I found the announcement but I don’t see where to find the actual firmware upgrade file. I am looking for 5.6.2 (or is it now 5.6.4?) for the ISY not the EISY, please
  15. I apologize for being an intermittent ISY jockey so don’t exercise my ISY often enough to keep all this current in my head. I’m getting a message from UD Mobile saying that I need to upgrade my firmware to 5.6.2, but I cannot find instructions on where to find the firmware file to install. I’m think that installing amounts finding the right file and opening it in response to the “manually upgrade ISY” command under the console help menu.
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