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Everything posted by fastbird1

  1. fastbird1

    Eisy Help Elk

    UD Support instructed me to send the unit back as it was defective. Thanks for all the troubleshooting help.
  2. fastbird1

    Eisy Help Elk

    Tried this but it seems that polyglot may not even be running? Spent many hours on this - could it be that Polyglot is not running in the Eisy? Is there a way to check?
  3. fastbird1

    Eisy Help Elk

    Hi, I am a long time user of isy994i and decided to purchase the Eisy. I had the Elk module purchased and installed in my ISY. However after migrating from the ISY, I just cannot figure out how to get the Eisy to see my Elk Alarm. My programs show yellow. I have tried to launch the Polyglot from the launch menu but I get a proxy error. Any ideas? I am stuck. Thanks This site can’t be reached refused to connect. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
  4. Same issue here. I can see the value change in the Alexa app. But the routine will not trigger. I am manually changing the variable from 0 to 1 to manipulate the motion. I am using 4.7 firmware. I did disable and reenable the “skill”. Anyone find a solution?
  5. This worked perfectly. Thanks for the explanation. Until now I have not been able to find much documentation. In my application I have setup zones in Blue Iris to notice my car leaving and using the web command to opens the automatic gates. It also turns on the driveway lights when a car arrives.
  6. “Setup an alert (on alert) in BI like http://admin:xxxx@ (motion_cam_detect) Sorry just not quite getting it. What does this mean: set/2/38/1 Thanks
  7. “Setup an alert (on alert) in BI like http://admin:xxxx@ (motion_cam_detect)l“ That is really what I am looking for, but I simply have no idea how to set that up in the ISY. Do I do something within the network resource module? Sorry, very much a newbie at this part, though I have several ISY’s and have many programs and devices that I have setup in a few rental homes.
  8. I am trying to figure out if I can program something in the network module to control events in the Isy994i. Case: if blue iris camera recognizes motion at the gate, send a command in a url to turn on a light, or close a contact in the Elk M1. Since it is a local event I would rather not use IFTTT. Is this even possible? Also many cameras themselves can be set to send a http command as well. Can I set a global variable in the Isy using some string in http? Thanks for the help
  9. I have an ISY at a remote location. How do I open the admin console when Java Application Blocked. It says "expired or not-yet-valid certificate". For instance to get to the remote site i use: http://cabb15.mine.sample/WEB/udajax.htm . I have tried http://isy.universal...994i/admin.jnlp but that brings up the local instance, not the remote location?
  10. Ok that works PROVIDED that the motion sensor has not already turned on the light. So two questions. 1. If the sensor has the light on, but we want it to stay on, tapping the switch twice does not cause a Fast On. Is there away to disable the Motion, without shutting switch off first before Double Tap? 2. Even when we are walking around in the garage in front of the sensor, the light still shuts off after 12 minutes. No amount of motion kicks it back on for a while. Wife has got a stairmaster work out machine right in front of this sensor, but still light does go out which is why I have been trying to figure out the double tap? Thanks
  11. No matter what I have come up with, I cant seem to keep the lights on in the garage. If I create motion, then walk over and and double click the switch up, the Event Viewer shows DFON, but after 1 minute, this program starts running when the Motion switches off. The Wife is telling me to put the old switches back in. Please help! If Control '12.37.CA.1 Garage tube Lights' is not switched Fast On And Status '11.A9.C6- motion Sensor Garag' is Off Then Wait 12 minutes Set Scene 'Garage Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  12. fastbird1

    Newby Post

    How do you copy and paste what I have programed into the post when I have a question? Do you retype the whole thing into this box? Thanks
  13. I have a Camera Surveillance program that when it see's motion, can record, make a sound, but more importantly can run a script/program. Is there a way to create a batch file or script to turn on a insteon/switch, call a scene, or call a program in the Isy99?
  14. ok, very nice. And if I wanted to have a warning blink, is that possible. I tried this, but all it does is shut lights off: If Time is 11:00pm And status is On Then Set scene basement lights off wait 1 seconds set scene basement lights on Wait 1 minute Set scene basement lights off
  15. I am using Icon On/Off switches for outside basement lights and have this question: How can I program to shut off in 5 minutes after pressing button, unless i double tap it - then I want light to stay on until i shut it off, or 11:00pm(at which point it could shut off automatically) Any suggestions on how to program that? Thanks
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