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Everything posted by fasttimes

  1. Still getting the error after restoring a backup, I guess its ok since the reset works, but this is definitely a new issue.
  2. I didn't realize the ISY has a factory reset button. That did the trick. Doing a restore now EDIT: Well after doing the restore, I'm getting the error again. It seems all my devices and scenes are there but, but I've never had this issue after upgrading a firmware before.
  3. I just ran the firmware update (I took a backup as usual) and now the web interface wont start. I'm getting a flashing error light with some of the other lights green. I can't even ping the device. What do I do? Everything was working fine for months, this happened immediately after the firmware upgrade.
  4. I removed the scene from the device and added it back in again and it seems to work. Thanks
  5. The device is near the ap
  6. Im trying to update a Remotelinc. I keep getting a "Failed writing device link" -200000/-51 code. I've reset the remotelinc and tried again, but it still fails. Here are the last few message from the event viewer Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0A.30.F3 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F) Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 0A 30 F3 12 9F E5 11 41 BD B2 36 FC 0C 3F 84 00 01 80 06 B0 03 40 00 Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:22 PM : [Extended-Direct][0A.30.F3-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 Thu 12/16/2010 08:14:26 PM : [A 30 F3 1 ] Link 21 : 0F50 [E202150613FF1F02] *Failed Writing [E202150613FF1F02] Thu 12/16/2010 08:15:32 PM : [ Time] 20:15:32 0(0)
  7. Ok, I just updated to the pro version just to get the batch processing. Is there a way to "update all" instead of having to right click each device? This isn't really "batch mode" if you have to go through each one by hand.
  8. So if I create a scene to turn off a specific KPL button (non - load), then all I need to do is monitor when that KPL button is turned on and then fire the off scene for that button?
  9. I've yet to try making a program. Is it possible to detect when a scene is being fired then change the status of individual buttons on the KPL? What I have is a "Bedtime" scene that turns off most lights and turns on a path of lights to the bedroom. I added this scene to a KPL #6. It works, but it leaves the light on. I can make it a non toggle which leaves it off, but if I fire the scene from a Remotelinc, it leaves #6 on. I'd like to have this button off after the scene fires. Also, the http://ipadress/scene is a different problem. Try using the on/off from that webpage on one of the KPL buttons that is NOT #1 and you should see the error.
  10. Michel, The error occurs under the /devices page. As for the sub-devices, it is possible to set the "on/off" value? For example if you have a scene that a KPL sub-device controls and is also controlled by another device like a Remotelinc and you turn that scene off it should also turn the light off on the KPL sub.
  11. Try adding 2 buttons from a Keypadlinc to a scene as responders. Both buttons appear as devices in the device list, however in the attributes of the scene only one of the devices appears in the attribute settings. This also happens when you select a controller in the scene in order to copy the scene attributes. Can you confirm if this is a bug or expected behavior? EDIT: Found another possible bug. In the web page when trying to control a KPL device other than the 1st button with on/off I'm getting a Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.
  12. I'm trying to clean up some links in my system. Could someone explain what the (6?) columns are in the following tables and the associated codes mean? I'm especially interested in the 22 code in the 2nd column.
  13. Michel, Thanks for your help eariler today. I was trying the trick you showed me to remove an orphaned link from a device pointing to a Remotelinc button by adding the RL button and device to a scene, however I'm getting the following error. [-200000] Adding device to scene imcomplete [(my device name)] I tried adding the RL button first and second and still get this message. Any suggestions?
  14. Clear your clients table on your router. You probably are seeing an old DHCP issued address. Then see if a new one has been issued.
  15. I keep getting this generic "Request Failed" message when performing setup functions. There is no pattern to it and nothing in the log. Now I'm also having a RemoteLinc that is controling switches its not supposed too. The membership doesnt show the relationship. I looked at the ISY Links table and I can see the bad link in there, so something is messed up. How can I fix this without having to start over from scratch?
  16. Is there a way to setup devices, scenes etc without actually writing to the devices? It would be nice to be able to build your system then let ISY build the links overnight.
  17. Is there an option to restore the whole network so that every device is cleared and then rebuilt? (with the exception of devices like RemoteLincs which need to be activated and hence be restored manually)
  18. Does restoring a Remotelinc reset the LED/Beep toggles if you turned them off?
  19. If you do a restore device for a Keypadlinc with 8 buttons, do you have to restore each entry? What about if you grouped the entries?
  20. I added my insteon devices to my ISY99 and would like to see if I can export them, tweak some names and import them back in. I'm hoping the files are in XML format, so I can just match up the address ID's with a current XML doc I have which has the names of the switches. I tried doing a "Backup ISY" and it dumped a zip file to my drive. Inside of that zip was another zip, and that zip was empty. I'm running on Windows 7 if that matters. Thanks
  21. I just unpacked this and plugged it in and the error light is blinking red. Suggestions? [EDIT] I searched and found the suggestion to reseat the SD card. Turns out it wasn't pressed in all the way when it was delievered.
  22. Michael, I'm a developer, so I know the feeling. Have you considered making a Virtual Machine?
  23. Im awaiting my ISY-99 order so I can rebuild my links without pulling out my hair. I'm just wondering why a software version, eg. linux distro isn't being offered?
  24. Ah, so I for multi-room access I would obviously need an IR solution like the older IR over coax with the targets/injectors?
  25. How does the IR version work? Is there a special emitter device that I need?
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