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Joe Casullo

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Everything posted by Joe Casullo

  1. I always remove power when I shutdown and I've done this at least ten times. Is there a HDMI hardware self test or video test that I can run. Thanks
  2. I tried my brand new monitor and the same thing happens, loss of HDMI signal.
  3. I'm using an old Samsung but I also tried a new 4K tv with the same results. I'm going to try my monitor next.
  4. See attached for the outputs. Looks like the HDMI ports repot disconnected. outputs.txt
  5. I did ssh into the box and ran dmesg, see the attached file for the output. DennisC, I am using an old tv but it works for all my other desktops. I did login with admin/admin and I did switch monitor ports, still no go. Next I will take the EISY up to my monitor and see it that makes a difference. Thanks guys. dmesg output.txt
  6. CTRL-ALT-F1 and CTRL-ALT-F9 do not work because the HDMI port completely shuts down, my monitor says "no signal". I checked the messages file and there are no drm messages. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
  7. I tried two monitors and various HDMI cables with a laptop, all cables and monitors work at the full monitor resolution of 1680x1050. So I know the cables and monitors are okay but the HDMI still signal stops after I invoke the desktop with the start.win command. The only way to get the HDMI signal to come back, even for the command line, is to power down the EISY. Does anyone know how I can keep the HDMI port alive or how to change the configured resolution? Thanks.
  8. Thanks, I’ll try that.
  9. Thanks for trying.
  10. Yes, start.win then I accept the licences and enter the password, then it goes blank and I lose the HDMI signal.
  11. The monitor is powered on an I see the boot activity. I login and type start. win, then the screen goes blank. I’m guessing an HDMI driver for the desktop is not installed or corrupted. Thanks for the response.
  12. I'm trying to get to the EISY desktop, I followed the wiki instructions and got to the command prompt. I entered start.win and the admin password, at this point the screen goes black and my monitor says "No HDMI Signal". I had an HDMI signal all along until it tried to open the desktop environment. Does anyone know what is wrong and how to fix this? Thanks
  13. Does that mean the radio is always off for now?
  14. I only use Z-wave and don't intend on using any Zigbee devices, so I don't want the Zigbee radio transmitting on the WiFi band if it's not being used. I have a WiFi access point near the ZMatter module and don't want the Zigbee constantly interfering with the access point. Is the a way of disabling the Zigbee radio via software and maybe re-enabling it is I need it in the future? Thanks in advance.
  15. I fixed this by adding the switches to a scene as a controller then removing it, this started the switch button sending communications to the PLM and ISY.
  16. You are correct about the "batt_co2", it's in the server data. But it doesn't apply to my weather station data, can I remove this data field? I've attached the debug log. Thank you. AmbientWeather_1-28-2023_61400-PM.zip
  17. That did it, thank you very much!! Joe
  18. Hello, I am trying to copy the wind direction (WINDDIR) to a variable but it doesn't work. I checked the XML files in the ISY backup and it doesn't match the node server UOM of 76, the backup file has it at 14. I think the UOM for wind direction should be 76 instead of 14, see below. <editor id="I_DEGREES"> <range uom="14" min="-360" max="360" prec="0" /> Thanks again for the assistance.
  19. The battery fields on my two Ambient Weather nodes show low battery while in fact they are OK. The BATLVL data on the node server is a 1, according to the API document they should read 1=OK and 0=Low. I do have a Meteobridge so the logic should be as I stated earlier. Also, the admin menu shows low CO2 batteries but I don't have these batteries and the node server data does not have this parameter either. Attached is my log file and any help with this issue would be appreciated. Thank you. AmbientWeather_1-27-2023_42331-PM.zip
  20. The firmware and UI do match and I restored the PLM and all devices, still the same problem. Thanks.
  21. I cannot trigger programs from any Insteon switches when I push their local button, on or off. I am using an IoX v5.5.4 with an Insteon 2413S PLM. When I monitor the event viewer on level 3 I don't see any communications when I push the local switch buttons but I do see communications when I use the device menu. My programs are set to activate on Control state on or off and they were working fine until I migrated everything to EISY. I have tried a spare PLM, factory reset and restored, but same issue. Tried factory reset and restored switches, but same issue. Any suggestions for a fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  22. Okay thanks.
  23. Okay thanks, I'll wait for a notification.
  24. My Polyglot 3x shows there is and update to 3.1.20, I've tried to update a couple of time using the package update on the admin console but it's not updating. I can't find an update notice on the forums, so is this update actually available?
  25. Is there any way to get metric values from this node server? All of my data from the Ambient Weather site and home displays are in metric and my account is setup for metric too. Thanks.
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