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Everything posted by backinthelab

  1. It was first in the Admin Console where no city data appeared when searched, then I read this post and tried the Dashboard, to which I had the same results until I entered a valid station ID (again, I entered a random station ID that I found elsewhere on the forum). From then on, the search function operated as normal and my loacal stations appeared.
  2. Might be a bug, but I had to enter a station ID (entered a random one from another thread to start), then when I searched by city I had results. On a side note, it would be very helpful to have a sticky somewhere that highlights the procedure for doing this. I've had no prior experience with HAM stations and spent quite a bit of time googling and swearing.
  3. I'm not so lucky, even with the Dashboard. Verified firmware and UI is at 4.2.17, running OSX 10.9.4. I open the Dashboard weather settings, click "find station" (it does so correctly), click "save", then in the "Choose Area" window, the save button is greyed out. If I attempt to search via city nothing displays. Any help?
  4. I found an easy way around it, until I get another IO Linc and find time to test it. The Seco relay has to have it's own power source, so I just plugged it into an Appliance Linc and programmed it from there. A combination of buttons on a nearby Keypad Linc turns the relay on and off. The only downside I see with this configuration is when I want to integrate the lock relay into the Elk with a battery backup, but it's been working fine thus far with txt notifications and such so I'll keep it as-is for now. Thanks for your help, everyone.
  5. Sorry for the delayed reply, it's been a busy couple days. The sensor is Seco-larm, it's the same one that Smarthome sells in the kit (http://www.smarthome.com/70414/I-O-Linc ... Kit/p.aspx). I just purchased it separately since I already had a few IO Lincs laying around. It's wired to the Ground and Sense terminals and powered via it's own cord to an outlet. I will try the suggested program revisions, thank you. I've always had a difficult time comprehending correct use and placement of the "wait" commands. I'll also see if the sensitivity dial on the photosensor itself changes anything.
  6. OK, I just checked the IO Linc settings and it's on continuous latching, would this be the culprit? If so, which Momentary selection is best if I just want the trigger from an "on" command?
  7. Sure, here are the two programs. I separated them as I'm constantly disabling the voice when I'm home. If the beam remains broken (like when UPS lays a package in it's path) it keeps triggering over and over. As you can see, I've added "wait" and "stop" at random in an effort to make it wait or stop. Text Program: If Control 'My Sensors / Front Porch-Sensor' is switched On Then Send Notification to 'Text' content 'Front Porch Motion' Wait 20 seconds Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ELK Speak Program: If Control 'My Sensors / Front Porch-Sensor' is switched On Then Set Elk Speak Phrase 'Front Door' Set Elk Speak Word 'Motion' Stop program 'Front Porch Speak' Wait 10 seconds Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Ahhh, just thought of something, could it have anything to do with the settings on the IO LInc?
  8. A quick question, as I'm too lazy to sift through the search results.... I have a photosensor going across my front porch (wired to an IO Linc) and one program set up to have the ELK speak "Front Porch Motion" and another to send me a text message whenever the beam is broken. My issue is that if someone stands in the path of the sensor, my phone blows up with continual texts and the Elk just keeps repeating over an over. I've tried the "wait" command to no avail and I'm unsure if I should use a "stop" or not. I'd like to have a 10-20 second pause before it acts again. I'm sure this is easier than I'm making it, can anyone help me out?
  9. Thank you for clarifying and for keeping our privacy concerns as a priority. I had figured that the ISY wouldn't be accessible to outside sources without our consent, but the name "AutoDR" made it sound like it was defaulted into doing so. Thanks again!
  10. I had wondered what the AutoDR scene was for, now that I know, I would kindly ask to give us the option to remove it. There is a HUGE battle here in Michigan over government-mandated SMARTmeters and I do not wish to have any technology in my home that would appear as if I support these measures, especially given the latest revelations of privacy violations by the US government.
  11. I understand that it's not a typical request, but the way I see it (Insteon gurus please correct me if I'm wrong), is that it's similar to the function of a garage door opener. You have a key fob transmitter that activates a receiver that, in turn, switches a relay. I can probably figure out the wiring if the lock, it's just that the IOLinc always seems to rack my brain in its wiring and operation.
  12. Nada, huh?
  13. I'm in the process of building a secured room of sorts and have been researching electromagnetic locks as one of the means. Most "kits" being sold come with an RF receiver and transmitter, typically Seco-Larm. I'm curious to know if the IO Linc could integrate into this and, if so, how would I go about wiring it? My intent would be to disable the lock via either Mobilinc or a series of KPL buttons. I would assume that it would be along the same lines as the wiring to my garage door opener, however, if anyone has some (detailed) insight it would be appreciated. Wiring these kinds of things isn't one of my strong suits! PS I've already looked at Morning Industries, however, this will be a pocket door so a normal deadbolt won't work.
  14. Lee, thanks for the reply. I wasn't sure if A was even possible given my limited knowledge about electrical current. My thinking was that if the Inlinelinc could sense the load going to the light when it turns on, and did not actually sense the motion detector or control the power to the light, that somehow it might work. Looks like a trip to Home Depot is on my schedule for tomorrow! Thanks for your help, do you recommend any certain brand/model of sensor that I should buy to replace the Dual Bright?
  15. After the electrician installed a couple of motion lights, I found out the bad news regarding the Dual Bright sensors not being compatible with the Inlinelinc. I'm wondering if there is a way around my dilemma by either: A) wiring the Inlinelinc to only sense that the motion light has been switched on, sending only the status update to the ISY with no load. (I have no need for the Inlinelinc to switch the light on, anyway.) purchasing a replacement sensor that is compatible and replacing the Dual Bright season on the fixture I'd obviously prefer option A, if it's possible, I just don't want to have to replace the whole fixture. Thoughts?
  16. Thanks to Michel and the rest of the UDI crew for your hard work! The ELK integration module is simply awesome!!!
  17. Tried another scene with the event viewer running. This scene contains a KPL v.29, Lamplinc v.37, and (2) Switchlinc Dimmers v.37. I clicked "Apply Changes to All Devices", then moved the ramp rate. Here's what the Event Viewer had to say: Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:51 PM : [7 F3 1A 1 ] Link 13 : 0F90 [A214129F9AFF1F01] Saving [............1F..] Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [All ] Writing 1 bytes to devices Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [7 F3 1A 1 ] Using engine version i1 for 'Family Room' Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [7 F3 1A 1 ] Link 13 : 0F90 [A214129F9AFF1F01] Writing [............1F..] Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 07.F3.1A 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F) Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 07.F3.1A 12.9F.9A 2B 28 0F SET-MSB(0F) Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][07.F3.1A-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 07.F3.1A 0F 2B 96 06 PEEK (96) Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 07.F3.1A 12.9F.9A 2B 2B 1F PEEK (1F) Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:52 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][07.F3.1A-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:53 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:53 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Mon 08/15/2011 07:13:53 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Anybody know what's going on here?
  18. Problem solved*! I hope I'm not posting this prematurely, however, I'm making headway without wiping out the entire system. I've successfully re-added the KPL that has been problematic and it's now responding and controlling how it's supposed to (like it was before). I still have a bit to go, but here are the steps I took to get to this point: 1. Cleared my Java cache and restarted the jnlp app. 2. Disabled all programs that had anything to do with the KPL, motion sensors, and triggerlincs. 3. Disabled all motion sensors and triggerlincs. 4. Ran "Restore Devices" 5. Tried to use "Add New Insteon Device" option with the KPL's address. It failed, so I used the "Start Linking" option and put the KPL in linking mode. This worked. 6. Enabled KPL programs and added to appropriate scenes. Now, I have no idea how to translate the event logs so I can only go by operating results. So far so good. My next step is to enable the sensors one-by-one to see if we have a bad apple in here somewhere. Out of the issues posted above, some remain due to the fact that I have not yet updated the ISY firmware. Those that aren't going to be cured by the update include: - Garage IOLinc refusing to update status to OFF - Scene adjustments still not working. I just verified this by trying to adjust the ramp rate on scene containing two Switchlinc Dimmers. I now get a "Failed initializing node - continuing" (-200000/-7) and "Could not open file" (/log/a.log). So, down to a couple of problems, but progress is GOOD!
  19. Is there any info I can provide that might help me to avoid a master reset of the whole system? If not, does anyone have a method to ease the pain, particularly in relation to programs? Is there a way I can export a list of current programs to reference when rebuilding? I have a few more device on their way and would rather have a stabile platform to add them to. So, if wiping the ISY and PLM is my best bet, I'll roll up the sleeves and do it.
  20. It does this with any device when adjusted from within a scene. In that instance, it was a Switchlinc. It's now lost communication with a motion sensor and a triggerlinc. Nonetheless, I did confirm that the automatic mode was set in Advanced Options.
  21. Previously posted in the Updates section.... - KPL buttons on one of three KPL's have stopped responding to other Insteon devices, but respond to Elk. UPDATE: After attempting an restore, writing updates, then finally removing the KPL entirely, pulling the air gap, I cannot bring the device back in. While trying to add it via the Admin console I get a "Node not added - failed removing links" error (-200000/-9). - Scene on levels and ramp rates will not take when scene is selected. I'm getting "Error: Request Failed" when attempting to adjust. They don't save when I return to the scene. - Communication issue with garage door IOLinc, status "ON" does not change unless I force a query, however "OFF" changes when it's activated. - A new one! Motion sensor links are not updating. I've re-written links while it was in linking mode, however, it still turns on devices it used to be controlling. I've updated these devices but the issue remains. - Another new one! A Switchlinc that controls a fan immediately switches Off when turned on manually. If I turn on via Admin Console, it stays on. LeeG's response with my comments in blue: Lets go through these a few at a time. The I/O Linc Sensor changing from OFF to ON but not ON to OFF is odd. Does your configuration run with the I/O Linc Trigger Reverse option set? No, Trigger Reverse isn't checkedIs the actual I/O Linc Sensor (green LED on front of I/O Linc) On or Off when door is closed? LED is illuminated when both sensor and activation status is Off. The Scene On Level/Ramp Rate change causing "Error: Request Failed", would you please expand on how the Scene values are being changed. Through the Admin Console, with the Adjust Scene Program function, etc. Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Device communications events selected (important), attempt the Scene changes (however done) and post the Event Log. Here's the event log, I went back a couple of events earlier, as it appears odd... Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:17 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0A.59.61 12.9F.9A 23 11 FF LTONRR (FF) Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:17 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][0A.59.61-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0 Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:17 PM : [ A 59 61 1] ST 255 Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:17 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.25 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:17 PM : [Ext. Msg. Handler] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTONRR 0x11 Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:22 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A9.02 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:31 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A9.02 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:33 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.18 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:33 PM : [Ext. Msg. Handler] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTOFFRR 0x13 Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:33 PM : [11 A9 2 1 ] Link 0 : 0FF8 [E201129F9AFF1F01] *Failed Writing [E201129F9AFF1F01] Sat 08/13/2011 08:27:33 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Lee and anyone else on the forum, thank you in advance for ANY help you might be able to provide. This is some weird stuff that I've never seen before! I'm contemplating a factory reset of everything and spending my Sunday rebuilding, unless I can avoid that mess.
  22. Lee, thanks for the reply. I'll repost this, along with the other information over in the other area tonight, gotta run a few errands first.
  23. I'm not entirely certain that all of these issues are from this most recent update, but here's what I'm seeing after updating and then adding a couple of devices: - Weatherbug errors (known), disabled WB for the time-being to get around this. - SMTP settings for Gmail not sending notifications, checked "Use Default" to get around this. - KPL buttons on one of three KPL's have stopped responding to other Insteon devices, but respond to Elk. - Scene on levels and ramp rates will not take when scene is selected. I'm getting "Error: Request Failed" when attempting to adjust. They don't save when I return to the scene. - Communication issue with garage door IOLinc, status "ON" does not change unless I force a query, however "OFF" changes when it's activated. Again, I can't contribute all of the above to 3.1.5, but I'm beginning to get frustrated trying to get things to work like they used to. I'm almost afraid to add devices or make any more changes since everything worked perfectly before I did. I've re-posted in Q&A section with responses to LeeG's post below.
  24. Just wanted to add myself to the list of -140005 CLI-WBug errors. They began on 7/20, which I think is when I updated but not sure.
  25. Sweet, thanks! I'll give it a try tomorrow and start programming. As if the IOlinc wasn't confusing enough, it really screwed me up when I saw the two sense terminals on the Pro-c! But, as usual, the brains of the ISY community come to the rescue! Thanks!!!
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