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Everything posted by EWhite

  1. Part 2 Once files are uploaded to device, back out to main menu and restart device. Once it is back, you should see this: You now need to go to Tools again, and go to Console. Down at bottom of screen in the command box type : TelePeriod 10 and hit enter. this sets update time to 10 seconds on MQTT messages. Back out to Main Menu again. Go to Configuration and then go to Configure MQTT You will need to set your own parameters here for your MQTT server. The TOPIC can be anything you want, the FULLTOPIC needs to have tasmota/ added to the beginning of it as below. Once you click SAVE, device should restart and we should be finished setting up device to work with Tasmota Node Server.
  2. Part 1 I just got 2 more of these, thought I would do a little writeup for it. Seeed Studios Human Detection Sensor Kit https://www.amazon.com/mmWave-Human-Detection-Sensor-Kit/dp/B0CLDHZWV8/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1J0CY049L4L97&keywords=seeed+human&qid=1700578955&sprefix=seeed+human%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-2 Is a nice little package. EASY to set up and has optional addons(not supported by nodeserver yet) Once you get it in, got to https://tasmota.github.io/install/ andscroll through list and select the Tasmota32 LVGL firmware and load it up. Once loaded you will have to connect to it via a phone or tablet with WIFI(will show as Tasmota-###### as the network), then you can set your WIFI parameters and get it to talk to your network. It should tell you the IP address once it connects to your network. Next step is to log into the device via Chrome(or whatever). Go to Configuration and Configuration Other, Copy and past this: {"NAME":"Human Detection Sensor Kit","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,3232,3200,640,608,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1} and click the activate checkbox. Also set your names you wish to have for sensor, and click SAVE. should look something like below. Device should reboot after save, but nothing has changed yet. Next we want to go to Tools menu, then click on Manage File System. you will upload the following 2 files: autoexec.be r24d.be
  3. just have the "then" set the variable.. then add another program triggered by that variable...easiest fix... If 'Plug-Ins / NOAA Weather' Alert is Blizzard Warning Then $Blizzard_Warning = 1 Else $Blizzard_Warning = 0 If $Blizzard_Warning = 1 Then Set 'Plug-Ins / Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message Sound 'Small Resonant Alarm' Content 96 Notification ID (ID=96)
  4. personal opinion is it just aint a big deal to me if it works or not. if it were to work.. i would just say have it reset every 60 seconds or so and go from there. that would in effect "fix" the issue, and every time motion was detected it would report as such. my 2 cents
  5. hahaha.. no worries.. i did the same on the overlook too. chickens are pampered
  6. read the configuration instructions for the node server...it has examples and such..
  7. i figured it out... you have to add the "sensor_id" to the sensors... here is mine... {"id": "ChickCoop2", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "Temp3", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, you can make sure by looking at the console in your device , IE mine show the AM2301 for a temp sensor. here is my console for one: 22:10:40.274 MQT: tele/StorageTrailer/STATE = {"Time":"2024-01-09T22:10:40","Uptime":"2T22:00:10","UptimeSec":252010,"Heap":25,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":3,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"nsa_surveillance_32","BSSId":"1E:21:B4:49:DF:B2","Channel":10,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":66,"Signal":-67,"LinkCount":2,"Downtime":"0T00:02:47"}} 22:10:40.282 MQT: tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR = {"Time":"2024-01-09T22:10:40","AM2301":{"Temperature":32.0,"Humidity":73.0,"DewPoint":24.3},"TempUnit":"F"} this should fix you up...
  8. also.. with the 5.8 update.. i had to do 2 reboots for the MQTT daemon to start and for all the nodeservers to connect to it.
  9. try re-arranging your list and put all sensors first and all switches last.
  10. i sent it back(amazon). just seems strange to me to have a button that will turn on, but will not turn off. going a deferent route and looks promising so far. thanks all
  11. EWhite

    Repurposing EISY?

    im thinking it has a specialty BIOS in it.. which might make it difficult to do anything with.
  12. I found out that most of these devices DO NOT like running on a mixed wireless environment(2.4g and 5g). I upgraded my wireless and now have a dedicated 2.4g only wireless IoT network that REALLY sped thing up for me. just throwing my 2 cents in.......cant even buy bubble gum with that!
  13. you have to ask alexa to find new devices...as long a you have it set up properly in portal, then alexa should find it...
  14. im dong it, and you can set the device to respond to "open/close" in the portal... its there to play with
  15. I think you could export all your programs, edit the file with find/replace, and the import it back in???? just a quick idea, i have done small edits that way
  16. seems to be fixed!.. thanks much!
  17. none of my stuff is scene controllers and i have well over 40 devices set up in Alexa. I generally dont use scenes for anything just ceiling fan controllers and switches and thats about it. Are you adding them via the portal? you have a choice to add devices as they are to alexa thru the ISY portal.
  18. here is my list: [ {"id": "ChickCoop2", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "Temp3", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "ChickCoop1", "type": "TempHumidPress", "sensor_id": "BME280", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "ST1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"}, {"id": "ST2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/StorageTrailer/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"}, {"id": "shopstorage", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopstorage/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopstorage/power"}, {"id": "shopoutside", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1"}, {"id": "shopmain", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2"}, {"id": "Temp2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/Temp1/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "ChickCoop3", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ChickCoop/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "STlights", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/TrailerLights/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power"}, {"id": "DeckLites", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/decklitesplug/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/decklitesplug/power"}, {"id": "ShopHeatLamp", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power"}, {"id": "EriksLight", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/power1"}, {"id": "EriksFan", "type": "ifan", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/Result", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/FanSpeed"} ]
  19. I have 2 analog nodes.. they are separate devices...with separate names .( i kept the old chicken coop node for testing) I deleted both analog nodes and restarted, it created them back with no change.
  20. nothing changed to my knowledge... 01:58:11.267 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/STATE = {"Time":"2024-01-01T01:58:11","Uptime":"0T05:40:33","UptimeSec":20433,"Heap":20,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"IoT_whitehouse","BSSId":"1E:51:B4:49:DF:B2","Channel":4,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":94,"Signal":-53,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:24"}} 01:58:11.314 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR = {"Time":"2024-01-01T01:58:11","ANALOG":{"Range":1220},"BME280":{"Temperature":35.7,"Humidity":74.0,"DewPoint":28.2,"Pressure":991.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"} also the analog is showing 4 boxes in AC: my status10: log from NS when i do a query: 2023-12-31 19:01:31,617 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message query 2023-12-31 19:01:31,618 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING query 2023-12-31 19:01:31,619 Command udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:query: QUERY: Range 2023-12-31 19:01:31,620 Command udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:query: QT: cmnd/ChickCoop/Status 2023-12-31 19:01:31,622 Command udi_interface.node INFO node:reportDrivers: Updating All Drivers to ISY for ChickCoop2(chickcoop2) 2023-12-31 19:01:31,632 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_send: PUBLISHING {'set': [{'address': 'chickcoop2', 'driver': 'ST', 'value': 1, 'uom': 2, 'text': None}, {'address': 'chickcoop2', 'driver': 'GV0', 'value': '0', 'uom': 56, 'text': None}, {'address': 'chickcoop2', 'driver': 'GV1', 'value': '0', 'uom': 56, 'text': None}, {'address': 'chickcoop2', 'driver': 'GV2', 'value': '0', 'uom': 56, 'text': None}, {'address': 'chickcoop2', 'driver': 'GV3', 'value': '0', 'uom': 56, 'text': None}]} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,746 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_on_message: Received _on_message {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2024-01-01T02:01:31","ANALOG":{"Range":1222},"BME280":{"Temperature":35.7,"Humidity":74.0,"DewPoint":28.2,"Pressure":991.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"}} from stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10 2023-12-31 19:01:31,748 Thread-5 udi_interface INFO mqtt-poly:_on_message: ANALOG Payload = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2024-01-01T02:01:31","ANALOG":{"Range":1222},"BME280":{"Temperature":35.7,"Humidity":74.0,"DewPoint":28.2,"Pressure":991.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"}}, Topic = stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10 2023-12-31 19:01:31,748 Thread-5 udi_interface INFO mqtt-poly:_on_message: _OA: Range 2023-12-31 19:01:31,749 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA1: stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10 Range 2023-12-31 19:01:31,750 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: DLT: [{'id': 'ChickCoop2', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'Temp1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'Temp3', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'ChickCoop1', 'type': 'TempHumidPress', 'sensor_id': 'BME280', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'ST1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/StorageTrailer/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/StorageTrailer/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'ST2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/StorageTrailer/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/StorageTrailer/power'}, {'id': 'shopstorage', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopstorage/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopstorage/power'}, {'id': 'shopoutside', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1'}, {'id': 'shopmain', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2'}, {'id': 'Temp2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}, {'id': 'ChickCoop3', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power'}, {'id': 'STlights', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/TrailerLights/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power'}, {'id': 'DeckLites', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/decklitesplug/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/decklitesplug/power'}, {'id': 'ShopHeatLamp', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power'}, {'id': 'EriksLight', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/EriksFan/POWER1', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/EriksFan/power1'}, {'id': 'EriksFan', 'type': 'ifan', 'status_topic': 'stat/EriksFan/Result', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/EriksFan/FanSpeed'}] 2023-12-31 19:01:31,751 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'ChickCoop2', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,752 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: NODE_ID: chickcoop2, stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10, Range 2023-12-31 19:01:31,753 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: NODE_ID2: chickcoop2 2023-12-31 19:01:31,754 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:updateInfo: XXX Range, {'StatusSNS': {'Time': '2024-01-01T02:01:31', 'ANALOG': {'Range': 1222}, 'BME280': {'Temperature': 35.7, 'Humidity': 74.0, 'DewPoint': 28.2, 'Pressure': 991.5}, 'PressureUnit': 'hPa', 'TempUnit': 'F'}} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,755 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop2:ChickCoop2 No change in ST's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,756 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:updateInfo: sensor_id UpdateInfo: Range 2023-12-31 19:01:31,757 Thread-5 udi_interface.node ERROR node:setDriver: chickcoop2:ChickCoop2 Invalid driver: GPV 2023-12-31 19:01:31,758 Thread-5 udi_interface INFO mqtt-poly:updateInfo: M-analog Range: 1222 2023-12-31 19:01:31,758 Thread-5 udi_interface INFO mqtt-poly:_on_message: _OBM: BME280 2023-12-31 19:01:31,759 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA1: stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10 BME280 2023-12-31 19:01:31,760 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: DLT: [{'id': 'ChickCoop2', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'Temp1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'Temp3', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'ChickCoop1', 'type': 'TempHumidPress', 'sensor_id': 'BME280', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'ST1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/StorageTrailer/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/StorageTrailer/STATUS10'}, {'id': 'ST2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/StorageTrailer/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/StorageTrailer/power'}, {'id': 'shopstorage', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopstorage/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopstorage/power'}, {'id': 'shopoutside', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1'}, {'id': 'shopmain', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2'}, {'id': 'Temp2', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power'}, {'id': 'ChickCoop3', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power'}, {'id': 'STlights', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/TrailerLights/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power'}, {'id': 'DeckLites', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/decklitesplug/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/decklitesplug/power'}, {'id': 'ShopHeatLamp', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power'}, {'id': 'EriksLight', 'type': 'switch', 'status_topic': 'stat/EriksFan/POWER1', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/EriksFan/power1'}, {'id': 'EriksFan', 'type': 'ifan', 'status_topic': 'stat/EriksFan/Result', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/EriksFan/FanSpeed'}] 2023-12-31 19:01:31,761 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'ChickCoop2', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,762 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'Temp1', 'type': 'TempHumid', 'sensor_id': 'AM2301', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/STATUS10'} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,763 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'Temp3', 'type': 'analog', 'sensor_id': 'Range', 'status_topic': 'tele/Temp1/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/Temp1/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/Temp1/STATUS10'} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,764 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: GDA2: {'id': 'ChickCoop1', 'type': 'TempHumidPress', 'sensor_id': 'BME280', 'status_topic': 'tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR', 'cmd_topic': 'cmnd/ChickCoop/power', 'extra_status_topic': 'stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10'} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,765 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: NODE_ID: chickcoop1, stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10, BME280 2023-12-31 19:01:31,766 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_get_device_address_from_sensor_id: NODE_ID2: chickcoop1 2023-12-31 19:01:31,767 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:updateInfo: BBB BME280, {'StatusSNS': {'Time': '2024-01-01T02:01:31', 'ANALOG': {'Range': 1222}, 'BME280': {'Temperature': 35.7, 'Humidity': 74.0, 'DewPoint': 28.2, 'Pressure': 991.5}, 'PressureUnit': 'hPa', 'TempUnit': 'F'}} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,768 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in ST's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,768 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in CLITEMP's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,769 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in CLIHUM's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,770 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in DEWPT's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,771 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in BARPRES's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,772 Thread-5 udi_interface INFO mqtt-poly:_on_message: Payload = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2024-01-01T02:01:31","ANALOG":{"Range":1222},"BME280":{"Temperature":35.7,"Humidity":74.0,"DewPoint":28.2,"Pressure":991.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"}}, Topic = stat/ChickCoop/STATUS10 2023-12-31 19:01:31,773 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_dev_by_topic: STATUS TO DEVICES = chickcoop1 2023-12-31 19:01:31,774 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:updateInfo: BBB BME280, {'StatusSNS': {'Time': '2024-01-01T02:01:31', 'ANALOG': {'Range': 1222}, 'BME280': {'Temperature': 35.7, 'Humidity': 74.0, 'DewPoint': 28.2, 'Pressure': 991.5}, 'PressureUnit': 'hPa', 'TempUnit': 'F'}} 2023-12-31 19:01:31,775 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in ST's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,776 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in CLITEMP's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,777 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in CLIHUM's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,778 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in DEWPT's value 2023-12-31 19:01:31,779 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: chickcoop1:ChickCoop1 No change in BARPRES's value 2023-12-31 19:01:32,000 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set chickcoop2 :: ST to 1 UOM 2 2023-12-31 19:01:32,001 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set chickcoop2 :: GV0 to 0 UOM 56 2023-12-31 19:01:32,002 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set chickcoop2 :: GV1 to 0 UOM 56 2023-12-31 19:01:32,003 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set chickcoop2 :: GV2 to 0 UOM 56 2023-12-31 19:01:32,004 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set chickcoop2 :: GV3 to 0 UOM 56
  21. Dunno whats gong on.. but since you fixed the BME280 sensor, my analog is no longer working..
  22. comp mode no difference...just WILL NOT report to off...weird...
  23. yes.. latest firmwares on it...trying compatibility mode now.. see what happens..
  24. Just got this in. got it talking to polisy with zmatter module. Problem: Main switch works fine, shows off and on in AC All Four scene switches show nothing until pushed, then show on and never change after that. no matter how much i push those buttons, they never show off. I also cannot put them to off in programming. i can only query them. please help. thanks
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