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Everything posted by EWhite

  1. OK... i understand now....so yes.. with this one wemos device i am running temp and humidity, a switch(relay), and the analog for battery sense. It is inside of my chicken coop, monitoring temp. Idea is to monitor temp, humid, battery and run a fan as temp rises, but if battery drops to a point then stop the fan. battery is charged via solar, but wemos also runs of same battery. so far everything works as i planned it, other than the battery range issue, which you are graciously trying to fix. i will be more than happy to be the ginnea pig for ya.. and enjoy your vacay!! Thanks!
  2. found this in editor.xml <editor id="ANALOG"> <range uom="56" min="0" max="1024" prec="0" /> </editor>
  3. also.. i dunno what MqttCounts is.. i have 3 different devices....but only need the analog on one of them... 2023-07-27 22:21:26,664 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll 2023-07-27 22:21:29,612 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_on_message: Received {"Time":"2023-07-27T22:21:28","ANALOG":{"Range":1248},"AM2301":{"Temperature":90.3,"Humidity":56.9,"DewPoint":72.9},"TempUnit":"F"} from tele/Temp1/SENSOR 2023-07-27 22:21:29,614 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: temp1:Temp1 Reporting set ST to 1 to Polyglot 2023-07-27 22:21:29,615 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:reportDriver: Updating value to 1 2023-07-27 22:21:29,616 Thread-5 udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:send: PUBLISHING {'set': [{'address': 'temp1', 'driver': 'ST', 'value': '1', 'uom': 2, 'text': None}]} 2023-07-27 22:21:29,618 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: temp1:Temp1 Reporting set CLITEMP to 90.3 to Polyglot 2023-07-27 22:21:29,620 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:reportDriver: Updating value to 90.3 2023-07-27 22:21:29,621 Thread-5 udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:send: PUBLISHING {'set': [{'address': 'temp1', 'driver': 'CLITEMP', 'value': '90.3', 'uom': 17, 'text': None}]} 2023-07-27 22:21:29,622 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: temp1:Temp1 Reporting set CLIHUM to 56.9 to Polyglot 2023-07-27 22:21:29,623 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:reportDriver: Updating value to 56.9 2023-07-27 22:21:29,625 Thread-5 udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:send: PUBLISHING {'set': [{'address': 'temp1', 'driver': 'CLIHUM', 'value': '56.9', 'uom': 22, 'text': None}]} 2023-07-27 22:21:29,803 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set temp1 :: ST to 1 UOM 2 2023-07-27 22:21:29,873 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set temp1 :: CLITEMP to 90.3 UOM 17 2023-07-27 22:21:29,912 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message command 2023-07-27 22:21:29,914 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING command 2023-07-27 22:21:29,993 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set temp1 :: CLIHUM to 56.9 UOM 22 2023-07-27 22:21:30,014 Thread-5 udi_interface DEBUG mqtt-poly:_on_message: Received ON from stat/Temp1/POWER 2023-07-27 22:21:30,015 Thread-5 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: temp2:Temp2 No change in ST's value and then i did a query on it and it posted this in the log 2023-07-27 22:22:26,668 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll 2023-07-27 22:22:26,669 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll 2023-07-27 22:23:26,686 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll 2023-07-27 22:23:26,688 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll 2023-07-27 22:24:17,761 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message query 2023-07-27 22:24:17,763 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING query 2023-07-27 22:24:17,764 Command udi_interface.node INFO node:reportDrivers: Updating All Drivers to ISY for Temp3(temp3) 2023-07-27 22:24:17,765 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:send: PUBLISHING {'set': [{'address': 'temp3', 'driver': 'ST', 'value': '1', 'uom': 2, 'text': None}, {'address': 'temp3', 'driver': 'GPV', 'value': '1024', 'uom': 56, 'text': None}]} 2023-07-27 22:24:17,998 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set temp3 :: ST to 1 UOM 2 2023-07-27 22:24:17,999 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set temp3 :: GPV to 1024 UOM 56 so i dont think it parsed the info....
  4. ok.. got it installed and it is running.. but... it still only show a max of 1024 in AC.... Looking at the node server nodes it also only show 1024... going to look at logs and see what it shows...
  5. Thanks so much for latest update! I am seeing everything i wanted to now. Seems to be working great! Thanks again!
  6. im using the generic template...and i am using the enviro data also Module type (Sonoff Basic) Generic (18) D3 GPIO0 None TX GPIO1 None D4 GPIO2 None RX GPIO3 None D2 GPIO4 AM2301 D1 GPIO5 Relay 1 D6 GPIO12 None D7 GPIO13 None D5 GPIO14 None D8 GPIO15 None D0 GPIO16 None A0 GPIO17 ADC Range
  7. EWhite

    Shelly1 ver2

    found this after digging on shelly website.... is what it need to be to get xml parsed info.....
  8. Just tried the shelly1 version 2 with latest firmware. The webserver does not parse a status xml anymore.....or am i missing something? the node server is trying to go to http://shelly_ip/status this does not exist....so node server cannot report status of switch. it DOES however still control the switch. 2023-07-18 21:46:07,513 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING shortPoll 2023-07-18 21:46:07,515 Thread-691 udi_interface DEBUG Shelly1_Node:updateStatuses: Node: updateStatuses() called for SHELLY1_80646FDA9E38 (s1921681030) 2023-07-18 21:46:07,543 Thread-691 udi_interface ERROR Shelly1_Node:updateStatuses: Node: updateStatuses: 404, message='Not Found', url=URL('') 2023-07-18 21:46:12,609 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message shortPoll
  9. no workie...in code it is only looking for A0: and mqtt is sending Range: i tried above no joy..code needs to be added for each sub under analog... here is my example : 21:20:57.150 MQT: tele/Temp1/STATE = {"Time":"2023-07-18T21:20:57","Uptime":"1T03:41:00","UptimeSec":99660,"Heap":25,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":3,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"nsa_surveillance_32","BSSId":"1E:21:B4:48:8C:E6","Channel":10,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":74,"Signal":-63,"LinkCount":6,"Downtime":"0T00:01:11"}} 21:20:57.164 MQT: tele/Temp1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-07-18T21:20:57","ANALOG":{"Range":1238},"AM2301":{"Temperature":81.0,"Humidity":77.1,"DewPoint":73.1},"TempUnit":"F"} range on this example is 12.38 volts...but code only allows for a max of 1028. does this help?
  10. the EX is just external antennae. im using the analog pin thru a voltage drop to monitor an external battery..using the range function of analog.. hope that helps...
  11. I would gladly pay to add analog to this also! I posted all the info to support EVERYTHING you can via the analog channel..but i just want "range" added.. hehe
  12. 2023-07-18 12:08:06,552 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set key = customparamsdoc 2023-07-18 12:08:06,787 Thread-1 udi_interface DEBUG ambient-poly:discover: Found Whitehouse / 80:7D:3A:6F:31:02 2023-07-18 12:08:06,788 Thread-1 udi_interface DEBUG station:CreateNodes: {'macAddress': '80:7D:3A:6F:31:02', 'lastData': {'dateutc': 1689700020000, 'tempinf': 73.8, 'battin': 1, 'humidityin': 49, 'baromrelin': 28.869, 'baromabsin': 28.869, 'tempf': 68.9, 'battout': 1, 'humidity': 95, 'winddir': 109, 'winddir_avg10m': 89, 'windspeedmph': 4, 'windspdmph_avg10m': 5.8, 'windgustmph': 10.3, 'maxdailygust': 18.3, 'hourlyrainin': 0, 'eventrainin': 0.157, 'dailyrainin': 0.157, 'weeklyrainin': 0.508, 'monthlyrainin': 2.114, 'yearlyrainin': 15.087, 'lightning_day': 147, 'lightning_time': 1689698411000, 'lightning_distance': 22.99, 'batt_lightning': 0, 'solarradiation': 164.29, 'uv': 1, 'soilhum2': 54, 'battsm2': 1, 'temp3f': 74.5, 'humidity3': 46, 'temp4f': 75.7, 'temp7f': 73.8, 'humidity7': 48, 'batt3': 1, 'batt4': 1, 'batt7': 1, 'batt_co2': 1, 'feelsLike': 69.96, 'dewPoint': 67.41, 'feelsLike3': 73.8, 'dewPoint3': 52.3, 'feelsLike7': 73.1, 'dewPoint7': 52.9, 'feelsLikein': 73.2, 'dewPointin': 53.4, 'lastRain': '2023-07-18T16:04:00.000Z', 'lightning_hour': 9, 'tz': 'America/Chicago', 'date': '2023-07-18T17:07:00.000Z'}, 'info': {'name': 'Whitehouse', 'coords': {'coords': {'lon': -95.6237174709961, 'lat': 39.170410456326444}, 'address': '1331 NE 70th St, Topeka, KS 66617, USA', 'location': 'Topeka', 'elevation': 307.6956481933594, 'geo': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-95.6237174709961, 39.170410456326444]}}}} 2023-07-18 12:08:06,790 Thread-1 udi_interface INFO station:CreateNodes: Whitehouse 2023-07-18 12:08:06,791 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: dateutc 2023-07-18 12:08:06,792 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: eventrainin 2023-07-18 12:08:06,793 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lightning_day 2023-07-18 12:08:06,794 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lightning_time 2023-07-18 12:08:06,795 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: soilhum2 2023-07-18 12:08:06,796 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lastRain 2023-07-18 12:08:06,797 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: lightning_hour 2023-07-18 12:08:06,798 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: tz 2023-07-18 12:08:06,799 Thread-1 udi_interface WARNING station:CreateNodes: Unknown key: date 2023-07-18 12:08:06,800 Thread-1 udi_interface.node DEBUG node:_updateDrivers: Update 87d3a6f312 default ST to 0 / 2 2023-07-18 12:08:06,801 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Whitehouse(87d3a6f312) [None] 2023-07-18 12:08:06,802 Thread-1 udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:send: PUBLISHING {'addnode': [{'address': '87d3a6f312', 'name': 'Whitehouse', 'nodeDefId': 'station', 'primaryNode': '87d3a6f312', 'drivers': [{'driver': 'ST', 'value': '0', 'uom': 2}], 'hint': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'private': None, 'rename': False}]} 2023-07-18 12:08:06,804 Thread-1 udi_interface DEBUG events:wait_node_event: Wait for: len = 0 2023-07-18 12:08:07,032 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Profile installation finished 2023-07-18 12:08:07,090 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message addnode unknown keys that matter.... lightning_day - how many lightning strikes this day soilhum# - soil moisture sensors 1- 8 i believe lightning_hour - stikes in last hour eventrainin - rain amount this event lastrain - time of last rain event . not that important....but useful I would gladly pay again (or a bonus, Paypal!! )to have the items added to node server.. hehe not too worried about batteries situation, I am just doing those programmatically to send messages...just telling it to do opposite of what it shows per node for the ones showing wrong. no biggie there. Thanks!!
  13. It finally went and updated...had to power down, waited 5 minutes, powered up, update packages, power down, reboot twice and it seems to be working.. hehehe
  14. Ive done that several times...no dice...
  15. Got a Polisy with 5.6.0 and PG3X 3.1.27 and it will not update at all...tried several times, reboots, etc... It keeps telling me in AC i have updates available, but it wont update... any ideas?
  16. would gladly pay to be able to get analog "range" to work....so i can monitor batteries..
  17. watching for mqtt node server info and added functionality.
  18. can you change MAX analog from 1024 to 2048? that might just do the trick without a bunch of coding.....
  19. thanks.. i had found the code..just dunno how to get my modified version onto a polisy pg3.
  20. ok then.. how do i go about changing or modifying code for this? since it is on pg3 on polisy.. i cant get to the code to play with it...
  21. trying @xKing
  22. Bueller......Bueller.......anyone?
  23. im using the analog pin on a Wemos d1 ex with tasmota to monitor the voltage of a battery. In order to do this, the analog output in MQTT is like this: 20:34:45.457 MQT: tele/Temp1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-04-10T20:34:45","ANALOG":{"Range":100},"AM2301":{"Temperature":79.2,"Humidity":51.2,"DewPoint":59.6},"TempUnit":"F"} in your code you only have analog to read A0: only... there are several analog options : # Option WebUI display MQTT message 0 None none none 1 Analog Analog0 %value% {"A0":%value%} 2 Temperature Temperature %value% °C (°F) {"Temperature":%value%},"TempUnit":"C"} 3 Light Illuminance %value% lux {"Illuminance":%value%} 4 Button none none 5 Buttoni none none 6 Range Range %value% {"Range":%value%} 7 CT Power Voltage 230 V Current %value A Power %value W Energy Total %value kWh {"Energy":%value,"Power":%value,"Voltage":230,"Current":%value} 9 pH ph %value {"pH":%value} 10 MQ-X MQ-X %value ppm {"MQX":%value} Im gonna be selfish and just ask for the range to be added but i can see a possibility of other being used also..the options are endless thanks!
  24. just add a check box so those who want to be automatic can do so. those who wish to be in control, can be by not checking the box and doing manual updates. just my 2 cents
  25. EWhite


    Just FYI... I use Amazon Alexa for geofencing on android. works wonderfully! just set up a virtual switch for alexa routine to change based on location. simple simple....
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