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Everything posted by EWhite
well.. @Goose66 is working with me on it right now.. but i am more than willing to share info with ya on it also.. you can order from seeed directly i think...
found the commands to use for settings in the device... ran these commands thru MQTT Explorer and they all worked... cmnd/DEVICE/SetDelay etc....
if you need more info on the MQTT explorer thing.. just let me know.
found this: also found this: 00:51:20.694 MQT: stat/HP_Sensor/CONFIG = {"HPSensor":{"Scene Mode":"Living Room"}} 00:51:20.795 MQT: stat/HP_Sensor/CONFIG = {"HPSensor":{"Sensitivity":"4m"}} 00:51:20.900 MQT: stat/HP_Sensor/CONFIG = {"HPSensor":{"Unoccupied Delay":"30s"}} 00:51:20.918 QPC: Reset from log console of device... 8.5 Time for entering no person state The function of ime for entering no person state setting is to adjust the duration from MR24HPC1 15 / 29 "someone present" to "no one present" by selecting different absence trigger time settings. There are 9 levels for the absence trigger time setting, with the default level being 30 seconds. The actual time interval from "someone present" to "no one present" is always greater than or equal to the current unmanned time setting. but it doesnt give what the times are other than the default.
sent 3 different screens...there might be more.. their might also be some settings that can be changes.. still looking into that. I'm kinda pioneering this thing right now, not much documentation on it yet other than what i have done so far.
@Goose66 If you load it with Tasmota as i did..then it is set to Tasmota protocol. I think the original firmware that it comes with does home assistant, but i didnt even look at it.. i unboxed and immediately threw any warranty out the door and flashed it with tasmota. again.. i can send you screen captures of all the MQTT explorer stuff and make it do whatever so we can see what changes it makes. @gviliunasit works REALLY well...i like it alot so far.. just need it to talk to ISY now plus its upgradeable, and configurable on the hardware side...can add alot of goodies to it. mine is box stock right now...baby steps first to try and get a nodeserver going.
for @TriLifeor @Goose66.. I have a seeed studio HP detector : https://www.seeedstudio.com/mmWave-Human-Detection-Sensor-Kit-p-5773.html i then flashed it with Tasmota via : https://templates.blakadder.com/seeedstudio_mmwave_sensor_kit.html I can deliver many different MQTT screenshot and device setup screens if you would be willing to set up a NS or add to existing NS. I did a little writeup here on it: I used to see a LOT of requests for human presence sensors...would think they would still be in demand since seems none of the zigbee or zwave stuff meshes up right now. Thanks for your time!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
DUDE!!! it works now.. awesome job!
i could do that.. i have like 20 of them .. hehe
im up for it.. hehehe..i thot the original had BME280 support but dunno if it ever worked or not.. this is first time messing with that unit..
@TriLife Trying to upgrade the chicken coop Wemos...its been flaky a bit.. So i have a new one started, with relay, and a BME280 module for temp and humid, and the analog for battery. Problem is the BME280 sensor is not working, i added the sensor id to the statement and still nothing. it also reports a dewpoint but that doesnt show up in the AC at all. my MQTT statements from wemos: 21:32:06.392 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/STATE = {"Time":"2023-12-25T21:32:06","Uptime":"0T00:45:09","UptimeSec":2709,"Heap":20,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"IoT_whitehouse","BSSId":"1E:51:B4:49:DF:AE","Channel":4,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-33,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} 21:32:06.440 MQT: tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-12-25T21:32:06","ANALOG":{"Range":1224},"BME280":{"Temperature":72.9,"Humidity":39.7,"DewPoint":46.9,"Pressure":973.5},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"F"} my statements in Nodeserver : [ {"id": "Temp1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "ChickCoop1", "type": "TempHumidPress", "sensor_id": "BME280", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "Temp3", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/Temp1/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "ChickCoop2", "type": "analog", "sensor_id": "Range", "status_topic": "tele/ChickCoop/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "ST1", "type": "TempHumid", "sensor_id": "AM2301", "status_topic": "tele/StorageTrailer/SENSOR", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"}, {"id": "ST2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/StorageTrailer/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/StorageTrailer/power"}, {"id": "shopstorage", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopstorage/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopstorage/power"}, {"id": "shopoutside", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER1"}, {"id": "shopmain", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/shopsouthwall/POWER2", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/shopsouthwall/POWER2"}, {"id": "Temp2", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/Temp1/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/Temp1/power"}, {"id": "ChickCoop3", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ChickCoop/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ChickCoop/power"}, {"id": "STlights", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/TrailerLights/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/TrailerLights/command/power"}, {"id": "DeckLites", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/decklitesplug/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/decklitesplug/power"}, {"id": "ShopHeatLamp", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/ShopHeatLamp/POWER", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/ShopHeatLamp/power"}, {"id": "EriksLight", "type": "switch", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/POWER1", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/power1"}, {"id": "EriksFan", "type": "ifan", "status_topic": "stat/EriksFan/Result", "cmd_topic": "cmnd/EriksFan/FanSpeed"} ] the ChickCoop# are the new module im trying to add. analog and switch(relay) are working great..
i am also getting same status...I think it worked on last version. also.. locked shows locked, but unlock shows unknown
might just talk to @TriLife and see about just combining your guys work... if possible... he has done ALOT to the original MQTT NS which has helped me out tremendously just thinkin out loud...i do that alot
and the chickens will survive..they are extremely pampered anyways! hehe automatic doors, waterer, feeder and then a climate controlled hacienda!
will do .. thanks again!
Same as above... BUT... I am using 3 Craftsman(Chamberlain) MyQ enabled openers. as above Win11, usb cable, etc for programming, super easy. I have motion sensor switch on 2 openers and it does not report properly thru the ratgdo...yet....i can see on the website it is an option in progress, so hoping it will work soon, but not a deal breaker anyways. I have motion sensors in my garages already. i was able to hook it up EXACTLY like it shows on the website and it worked first try, on number 2 and 3, first one i wasnt paying attention and got the obstruction sensors hooked up backward. It DID NOT like that. one fixedtho, it worked great. I am now using the ratgdo NS that @Goose66 made up. it works all the functions so far other than motion, which is borked anyway. He does have a fix for an obstruction/lockout issue in the works for my type of openers. Other than the wait time on ordering the devices, I am VERY happy on how this works and REALLY happy i can round file all the MyQ garbage...app and all... I am now almost completely local control!
YES!!!! it seems to be working.. thanks much!
yup.. and it finally showed up.. installing now and testing.
It is still just showing .30 for me...i even logged out and back in, refreshed several times...does it take a bit for it to get thru system?
edited and arranged all the above.. but .31 is not showing in the store...