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Everything posted by PB11

  1. I’m trying to get my wife’s iphone setup with the same favourite icons and colours I have setup on my iphone without having to go through all the steps. when I restore the backup the entire mobile app fails to work. Gives me errors when logging in with my profile. I have removed the app and reinstalled and it works fine at baseline, but as soon as I restore the backup it fails. have created multiple backups to ensure it wasn’t the issue. been successful with my 2 other iPads without issue.
  2. So I heard from UD support. After requesting my system logs, they suggested I run update once again. This would be the third time running the update for 5.7.1. Third time seems to be the charm as I woke up this morning with the polisy still online. I’ll wait a few days before claiming this is the final fix as it was somewhat sporadic.
  3. Hi @gregkinney i did start a ticket and will let you know how it goes.
  4. Further to the above, polisy does show and initiates connection via Admin Console but then hangs on "starting Subscription". I have confirmed portal license is active.
  5. Also, finding my polisy going offline each morning. I don’t have HA on my network. This is something new since the 5.7.1 update for me. error from UD mobile
  6. @dbwarner5 Hi DB Are you able to explain what the init line does? I don't understand what this is doing? Thanks PB
  7. iPhone 13 iOS 17.0.3 set to "Always" location access with Precise Location "enabled" in IOS UD Mobile 1.1.27 I'm experiencing significant delays with iphone 13 pro and ios 17 using UD Mobile Geofencing. I've been home for the past several days, and randomly UD geo will trigger my arrival in the middle of the night turning on lights and unlocking doors. I've made changes to my programs to remove the risk of my house unlocking at 2am. If i look at the logs my entry was logged at 11:20pm two nights ago(groceries at about 3pm but home from 5pm on) It then again triggered entry at 12:37am the next night. I have both a "neighborhood" fence (700m) and an "at home"(300m) fence. My wifes phone has been home all day, and yet is registered as not having entered in the last two days. Have now added a second smaller entery fence as recommended in another post to account for missed entries. Will test to see if this makes a difference. Is there anyway to utilize wifi connectivity to trigger State variable change?
  8. Greetings Twice a day based on someone being home, I adjust the brightness of the led backlight. I do this because I'm a poor sleeper and these little insteon led's are like lazers at 3am. I find that 4 or 5 of my swithces are often missed and so are 100% brightness through the night. I have added a 5 second delay between each device write, but still these 5 are "sometimes" missed Is there something i can add other then a second write to ensure all turn off?
  9. Did you find a satisfactory solution? If i understand your issue, my work around was to use the "run at startup" and I basing my trigger on a window of time rather then a single point in time. By doing this the program is assessed between say 5pm and 9 pm. If power goes out(which it often does in the winter) the program is run on start up between 5-9. With that said, I found using "run at startup" for all my programs was problematic given their purpose. I had to be somewhat selective on which programs do "run at startup" Not sure if that helps or how clear it is
  10. I'm certain someone with more experience will chime in, but i think the "run at startup" setting in the AC should account for this.
  11. Thats the one! Thanks MrBill! Always in the know!!
  12. Ok. I've now done this. it seemed to take another power off for this to work but its now allowing me to login. I now am unable to get my isy portal nodeserver to appear in the pg3x dashboard. I was able to reinstall "August" as a test, biut no idea why the portal server isn't showing as its active and valid when i look at my isy portal.
  13. Greetings. I had some "Unmanaged" node servers which i followed instructions from forum and removed via AC. Polyglot will now not let me log in. I am presented with the Login Username and password feilds, but the page is unresponsive when entered. I do see a quick red pop up stating failure: 503 service unavailable. Have tried multiple browsers. Any suggestions appreciated.
  14. Do you happen to know what firmware you are on? Mine was randomly going offline and a few forum members pointed out that I was running a problematic firmware. 5.6.0 was the solution for me. I was able to push the update by powering off polisy which gave access to admin console. Within the console there is an option to update firmware
  15. Greetings Wondering if anyone knows how to select or change the device type on a Zwave node? I've added a somphie blind which is identified as a light. Thanks kindly
  16. Ok. 5.5.9 here. Will see if i can upgrade. Thanks @DennisC. I much appreciate the insight.
  17. For the last week my Polisy has been randomly going offline. several times a week. Initially I thought it simply needed a power cycle. Did that, and the next day same thing. This time, i power cycled the plm, and the polisy. Next day same thing. Lost, I rebooted my entire network and starlink. Next day same thing. In a knee jerk reaction I thought i had to renew my portal subscription which in the end i didn't need it as my current was still active. Today i thought it was time to take the time to sit at my desk and have a look at admin console. When i open it, admin console loads with the popup window "Initializing: Starting Subscription". Now at a complete loss. Any and all suggestions appreciated.
  18. @TechmanThanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately no luck. I went through the full span of 10% down to 0%. 4 to 0 made no difference.
  19. Hi All I currently have programming reducing the dimming indicator brightness on all my 2477D's at 9pm until 6am. Setting this to 0 level reduces it but does not turn it completely off. I believe this was possible in the insteon app, but I can't find a way of doing so within ISY on my polisy. Any suggestions woudl be greatly appreciated. Thanks kindly PB
  20. Ok. Thought I had resolved this issue. Updated my ISY in the polyglot dashboard thinking my Node server connectivity would be corrected as I failed to update when originally switching from my isy to my new Polisy. Now stuck here. Unable to force update of Polyglot with reboot. Unsure of next steps. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  21. Hello Everyone. Sorry for the low level question, but I've reviewed documentation and searched the polyglot interface, but how do I push Version update? My Polyglot is at PG# V 3.1.18 and I'm experiencing the issues above with no way to remove "Unmanaged" node servers. Thanks kindly
  22. Ok will do. I assume I can just search for "yolink"?
  23. thanks @tmorse305 I've decided to just bit the bullet and I'm going to wire in two insteon switches. Bit more elegant. Appreciate the insight.
  24. Ok, Update. I pulled the power line as I thought maybe the software based reboot didn't actually execute. Sure enought, once the device came up the interface was accessible.
  25. Unfortunatley no go. I only had udi finder and udi frame. Both deleted but still won't load admin console.
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