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  1. slopdog

    Fresh Start

    awesome, guess it would be best to upgrade. Thanks for your help, saved me a lot of researching.
  2. slopdog

    Fresh Start

    thanks for quick response. So i guess there is no way to reset all the devices from the program? If not, then I'll go through the manuals and refresh my memory on reset procedure for devices. My current ISY-99i does recognize all of my devices, just have switches, few trigger lincs and motion sensor. But I did just get two new keypadlinc 8 buttons, will those work with 99i? Maybe I should just upgrade to 994i since I'm starting fresh anyway. If I did do that, would all the module purchases i made be transferrable? I have the network and Mobilinc. And last question, would I need a new PLM if I upgraded?
  3. slopdog

    Fresh Start

    Hello there, I purchased my ISY99i a few years ago, got all my devices installed (good number of all types) and then I kind of put that project aside for a while. Now I am ready to start tinkering again and want to do a fresh start. I want to remove all settings from devices and ISY and start with a totally clean slate. Can someone please explain the best way to accomplish this? I realize I can restore from a backup but things are such a mess and I can't remember what I did so long ago. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  4. Good idea. I have implemented this setup for my upstairs hallway light, so if anyone gets up at night, lights come on dim. Works great, but the only problem i foresee is if you need to have a light(s) on during the day for some reason, it would keep going off every time motion is detected. Probably not going to be an issue for your garage, or my hallway, but other locations may have issues. I wish there was a way to combine the quickness of a hard coded scene and the flexibility of a program . I think my remaining motion sensors, i am going to control them with programs. Hate that 1-2 second delay, but hard to get things working correctly without using programs. By the way, can the 2420M's be used outside?
  5. I deleted the query program and didn't realize what I was doing at the time. How do i recreate that?
  6. slopdog

    Email Speed

    I run my own mail server at home. Using version 2.7.6, i get email in 18 seconds. I am converting from HAL 2000, on that, you could execute programs located on disk. I had a bunch of .BAT files set up that would send me pop up messages on computer when an event was triggered. Hopefully i can find a way to do that with ISY.
  7. slopdog

    Logic question

    How about: If (Motion1 is On and Motion2 is NOT on) or (motion2 is On and Motion1 is NOT on)
  8. I just realized that last night and forgot I posted this. Thanks I think I read some where you have to clear the status of that LB sensor after it is initiated?? Does that sound right? If so, how is that done?
  9. This post was very helpful for figuring out my KPL. I am going to set up a new Programs Folder called "House Modes". I set up KPL so all of the buttons (except Main) are MutEx and all Non-Toggle ON. This way there can only be one button on at a time. I will then set up programs for each mode (or button) under the "House Modes" program folder. This will be great to use as conditions in other programs. For example, if House Mode "Night" is TRUE and hallway motion sensor is ON, then dim lights to low level, if House Mode "Day Time" is TRUE and hallway motion sensor is ON, then do nothing. I am new here and so far have found great information here. Thanks to everyone for the great support.
  10. How do you capture the low battery signal in the ISY? I read on smarthome website on product description that "On command is sent to 'Group 3', which can be utilized with INSTEON software or an INSTEON automation controller" http://www.smarthome.com/2420M/Wireless ... sor/p.aspx I would like to try out the low battery notification, if someone can tell me how to ISY can send a notification that would be great, thanks.
  11. slopdog

    Logic question

    Guess they won't be available anytime soon then, guess ill make due with what is available now, will be good practice on getting to know programs anyway. Thanks.
  12. slopdog

    Logic question

    Maybe you can create 1 variable (program) for each sensor, then another to determine the logic. I am just getting started my motion sensor/door sensor programming but haven't come up with a complete plan yet, still pondering ideas. So you would have 2 variable programs, then another one to test conditions: If motion A is on and motion B is off THEN... If Motion B is off and motion B is on THEN... If Motion A is on and motion B is on Then... Etc.... Variables would make programming much easier, I may wait until they are available, i think i read somewhere they are in the works. I would hate to do all of this programming using program variable, then have to go though it all again to replace with real variables.
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