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  1. Copy to clipboard is a function that helps. Paste to a text file with chunks of others then once tweaked, import into new program.
  2. It's relatively easy to reinstall regular switches and dimmers, the wiring should be traditional and power everything the circuits are wired to.
  3. I have some hardly used new appearance 2466SW toggle switches at the cottage. If you're interested, hit me up. Shipping would be from Canada.
  4. Perfecto thank you so much.
  5. Hey Javi, https://fonts.google.com/icons?icon.set=Material+Symbols&selected=Material+Symbols+Outlined:door_open:FILL@0;wght@400;GRAD@0;opsz@48&icon.query=door&icon.platform=web door_open
  6. For @Javi If possible please add the google door_open icon Both icons together (door filled and door open) would work well for door sensor status.
  7. I'm kind of hijacking this thread, as I want to keep it off the cloud using NR's. Maybe I should have Pm'd @Athlon2k2 sorry....
  8. Sorry to bring up a relatively old thread, but this is great info thank you very much! Any idea how I would be able to control a 2 port KP200 socket? Single IP, 2 sockets, each requiring individual ON OFF control. Your strings work on these devices but bot sockets per device respond to the ON and OFF calls. I've done some digging online but am unable to find any information regarding IP control of the KP200s.
  9. Why don't you have the courage to use your name, and own your issues? You obviously did not do any research about the upgrade and did not follow protocol.
  10. Yeah I appreciate everyones comments I may rethink this.
  11. Never, had a problem in years of using Schlage zwave locks. That function has been rock solid, Unlock, Jam, etc. Default mode upon first arrival is Owner/Away. Everything would work for the guests when they arrive in that mode anyway, they really wouldn't notice a difference. I am notified of human activity upon their arrival through Pushover on my phone and I can set the modes remotely should things not work, but as I say, it's never had to come to that. It's only basic stuff. For instance the guests stay is usually 5-10 nights, I am aware of check in and check out day, and keep an eye on things. Upon first change of mode from Owner/Away to Guest/Home, if around dusk all the main lights turn on to welcome you. I have also have modes for housekeeper and handyman. Guest/Away mode and Owner/Away mode are both automated security lighting at night and a few other things. 95% of the building scenes and functions are shared through all modes
  12. Hi @MrBill This is where I appear to think I have things already decently setup. Most of the programming is generic for all users. It's only some functions where I want a bit of granular control between uses. The modes are set when the doors are unlocked, and guests are unable to set the modes.
  13. Well, Mr Bill, we use pretty much the same nomenclature 😬 This basic one has been working well for me for a couple of years now. I'm concerned with what @DennisC has said. Perhaps I should just use a structure of IF programs(?)
  14. Thanks both. The ISY involved is a cottage rental, so I have conditions (mostly security, some utility control (HWT, Well pump) for Guest, Owner, Home and Away. The conditions folder feature works well for me, but I have things a little untidy as folders were added over time. I think I can make a cleaner structure which will have the benefit of reducing a bit of load (steps and triggers) on the ISY. EDit: typo
  15. No need to answer I found this in the Wiki: Program folders can have conditions. These conditions must be met before any programs within the folder will run. Folders can be nested and thus Folder Conditions can be cascaded. I can assume from this 3 nested folders down will work properly.
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