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Everything posted by mango

  1. Of course I understand the differing requirements across the board. You could say my point is to confirm what would be an easy commission.
  2. Icons look a little 'too busy' for my personal taste. The keypads stand out much more on the wall. I like them being as unobtrusive as possible. Not discounting the excellent work done of course.
  3. I'd personally be happy with plain old text.
  4. I'd be happy to pay around five bucks US per button. Something to consider. Still quite a bit of work to produce. How much are blanks?
  5. Wow. Amazing. So my question to Marcin would be to consider producing some for clients. I would be interested in about 30 just text in the future.
  6. This is very interesting thank you. What DPI can the laser go down to with how fine a point?
  7. You can also have both systems working in Harmony. I have slowly phased out a Homeseer X10 setup, but had both Homeseer and the ISY running together.
  8. When logic fails, blame the natural World! It appears one of our cats had chewed a patch lead. I found six or seven teeth marks in it, and suspect this to be the cause. This patch from the 99 is only exposed for about one foot accross a base board and is hidden/protected for the rest of the length. Wierd as a power cycle of the 99 would result in a stable connection (static IP). I suspect only when a decent level of traffic flowed through, would it trip up. All appears to be fine, thanks!
  9. Oh, I found some info in the Wiki: 2.Flashing "Error + Memory" LEDs = IP network issue I shall investigate my network. Sorry. Will report back.
  10. Hi all, The last two days, my 99 has been locking up and dropping off the network. I have to power cycle it to bring it back to life but it has locked up again intermitantly 7 or 8 times in the last 48 hours. My first question is what do the error and Mem LEDs flashing when the unit has locked up relate to please? There are no clues in the logs.
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