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Hi carealtor, thank you for your detailed input! I'm so bad at trying to explain my thoughts, I think I threw everyone off-track by stating 'switchlinc' and not 'keypadlinc' in my first post. I have a simple but weird issue: I own 2x 2487S (relay) KPL, that both have the same problem. The problem is that even when set to 15,0, the max light output the buttons have is about level 3,0 when compared to all other KPL dimmers I have. I wondered if this was a bug or just a 'feature' with these specific units.
Hi MrBill, thank you. Yep your suggestion shows they go bright at 15/1 but not at 15/0. I use 0 for off preferably, especially as I use the odd colored lens. I was rather hoping there was a way to get them to comply and increase the brightness to match the other switches.
Hi folks, Would anyone have an idea why the ISY will not let the LED buttons go brighter then they are able to?
From the 2487S manual, this procedure does not appear to work (no beep when A and D are simultaneously pressed) Adjust LED Brightness KeypadLinc’s LEDs can be set to any one of 32 brightness levels. If KeypadLinc in 6-ButtonConfiguration 1)Simultaneously tap the A and D buttons KeypadLinc will beep 2)Use the On and Off buttons to adjust the LEDbrightness 3)When you have reached the desired brightness, simultaneously tap the A and D buttons again KeypadLinc will beep
Hi folks, Is there a trick to getting a 2487S 6 button Switchlinc to respond properly to the LED button on level brightness of 15? It is still way too dim compared to a 2334 dimmer by its side which is presently set to an on level of 3 to match level 15 on the 2487. I know the switch is capable of much brighter on levels as it starts max bright from a factory reset.
I appear to have used up all my 'thank you's' for today, so I am unable to re thank all of you for you input, but thank you again all.I've learned some new stuff.
Then I'm sorry you've gone way over my head and I don't understand. You kept mentioning for this case a variable set of programs would work, when they will not. Am I missing something?
I'm going to try one more time in my nontechnical gibberish: If you delay the second press (wait a few seconds), the switch will ramp up to 100% and DOES NOT send out the status of this, so the ISY cannot track it. Imagine if you will a guest returns to an ON switch and presses ON once more. The ISY won't be told the switch is now 100%. It's happily thinking the switch is still on its original state. This is the whole issue. I am not talking about a series of presses one after the other, those are announced and that is why the variable program works.
I didn't say that ?
Lilyoyo1, Ahh yes so those button presses are tracked as I assume the switch has not completed the initial ramp or it is coded to broadcast presses if made within a window of time. If you leave the switch alone for a couple of seconds then tap on again, you will see the switch go to 100% with no update to the ISY which remains showing previous state (which is now incorrect).
^ Interesting. How does the ISY see the second press? I get nothing. Just to confirm, this is not a double tap, that can be tracked. This is a second press made some time after the switch has reached its ON level.
Good morning folks and thanks again to you for assigning your time to this. Some context: I have the ISY run in 2 main modes: Owner and Guest mode. In guest mode I am only trying to apply this to 2 switches. One is a weird chandelier with 6 A19 sockets that have 60w equivalent bulbs in them. 100% is not nice. 'Fit smaller bulbs' you say. Lockdown has prevented me obtaining such bulbs (dimmable 20w or less that work properly). lilyoyo1 I watched the vid, and was educated somewhat more into the use of variables, but I still don't think it will help as the second press is completely transparent to the ISY. It is unable to be tracked, so the variable cannot change. xlurkr your suggestion seems to work very well along with the program at the top of this thread, I have another that senses the first press on then brightens by 1%. This results in every time the button is second pressed, the switch just returns to it's on level, then the program kicks in again raising by 1%. It's a super clean simple work around, that is perfect for the application I want to use it for.
Ahh, nice thinking, so have the switch tweaked 1% away when manually turned on (first press). That would be undetectable. I think I understand, I will give it a shot tomorrow hopefully as well as check the variable video, I've had to work later than planned...
No, not yet, working today but I will this evening thank you.
The $64k question would be, how can variables help if the status change to 100% is completely transparent to the ISY?
My goodness, I never even considered looking at the switches status on the second tap. You are quite correct the switch does not send its new status out. The ISY is none-the-wiser. Thank you!
ahh it could be the wait, I tried if status is 100%, I will view the vid and try the wait time, thanks!
It is not a guest only location, but there will be times when guests are using it. It's a cottage address. The scene on levels are certainly high enough in the way of light levels. Most locations have 60w equivalent bulbs that I prefer to use but when they are full brightness it is much too bright, if that makes sense. 100% in these locations is too high. Do you know which function will catch this: Status or control? I've tried both and the program does not trigger. To put it another way, what 'if' line do I need to add to catch the second press which causes the switch to go to 100%? I appreciate your help thank you.
This is for any switch, KPL or SWL. a single tap ON turns on the switch to it's preset on level. A second tap ON turns the switch to 100%. It is this second tap I am unable to track via the ISY using either status or ON level through if. Am I missing something simple? Should it just be: Or 'Living Rm / SL Dimmer - CHANDELIER' is status is 100% because it's not catching it. The location is going to be used by guests that I am unable to 'train' to use the switches properly.
Excuse my constant editing of posts. I have a few problems with communication including grammar and I see the errors once posted that appeared fine before posting.
So, then perhaps a dinosaur approach with a timer that is a activated when the scene is turned on, to periodically check (every 5 seconds or so) for the load to be 100%. What a waste of resources this way, there must be a more economical method?
Thanks Lilyoyo1, Strange that I can catch a double tap, or a manual hold down to ramp up, but not a second press? This is a local load device. The switch powers the load. I use programs sparingly, and try to keep most of the day-2-day workings of the environment to be outside of the ISY with controller/responder scenes.
Hi all, This must be easy, but I seem to be unable to find it: I have a couple of areas running KPL's and SL's that I require to remain at a constant brightness level via a scene I refer to as 'main'. Should a user 'accidentally' double press ON or manually hold down ON to ramp up, a program detects this and fires back the main scene to ON as a response. What I am unable to detect is if a switch is already ON, then the ON button is pressed once more, the lights ramp up to 100% and the program does not detect it. I have tried both STATUS and CONTROL states. Any pointers? I have tried all sorts of things such as or if status =100% or if control =100% Here's a basic program I have running. In this instance the scene keeps CHANDELIER at 10%. Return to Preset - [ID 007A][Parent 002D] If 'Living Rm / SL Dimmer - CHANDELIER' Status > 11% Or 'Living Rm / SL Dimmer - CHANDELIER' is switched Fast On Then Set 'Living Rm / Lounge Main' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Perfect many thanks.
HI all, I'm setting up a spare ISY that I will have permanently live for testing and due to physical location am looking for a PSU with a longer lead (8ft) or a low voltage extension lead (+4ft). I can't seem to find the size spec of the jack, does anyone know it? Thanks.