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Everything posted by ase

  1. Didn't want to further confuse the poor guy, so I wanted him to differentiate polisy hardware from the software, he said he didn't understand Node and so on.
  2. ISY is not a box, it is a program. 994i is the box. ISY is currently defaulted to install on the Polisy Hardware(which is just a PC from PCengines). Polisy hardware runs FreeBSD as an OS, Polisy the program runs on top of that OS the same as ISY does. At the OS level both programs are unaware of each other. Polisy(the software) is just a connection point for NON-Insteon and NON-Zwave hardware to communicate with ISY. ISY is still the "Brain" that orchestrates the automation. Since the two programs are unaware of each other on the OS they still operate as if separate(different hardware). For Polyisy and ISY to communicate with each other Polisy(program) Needs to find the ISY, if being run on Polisy(hardware) it will just be the IP address and port 8080 with the username and password for the ISY(program) Now PolyGlots are just small scripts that allow Polyisy to communicate with those other services or hardware(Tesla, Roomba, NOAA, and so on).
  3. If you haven't cleared the cache, you can use pkg file in /var/cache/pkg to restore isy back to 5.1.1. You will need to uninstall isy 5.2.0 with sudo pkg delete isy (this will remove all configuration so you need to have a backup of isy if you don't have a backup, use sftp to copy /var/isy/FILES/CONF) then reinstall isy from cached pkg in /var/cache/pkg. sudo pkg install isy-5.1.1_7.pkg. I had both build 7 and 5, I reinstalled 7.
  4. I used http on 8080 and https on 8443. That is the correct ports for the proper protocols. NMAP scan showed that isy was not listening on either port. Once the unit was downgraded back to isy-5.1.1_7 and backup files placed back into /var/isy/FILES/CONF/ and a restart, it listened and functioned perfectly. Upgrading once again caused unit to stop listening again, restored works again. So it is obvious that there is an issue with ISY-5.2.0_52.
  5. Downgraded back to isy-5.1.1_7 restored backup and everything works. Reinstalled isy-5.2.0_52 and it doesn't listen on either 8080 or 8843 again.
  6. I just run pkg upgrade and it upgraded ISY to 5.2.0 however now ISY is does not appear to be listening on any port. I can still access via portal and UD mobile.
  7. Here is a walk thru on how to use SSH on a mac. https://www.servermania.com/kb/articles/ssh-mac/ Follow instructions
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