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Community Answers

  1. And if nothing else, the Portal Annual Fee is cheaper on eisy than ISY994.
  2. If I recall correctly, we will see the roll out start in the next couple weeks, for Insteon setups first, then everything else. The article is on the main webpage news page. But yes, Polisy as well.
  3. "Maybe an exaggerated title"??? Wow. Not sure how anyone could say any of that regarding UDI. In my opinion/view, UDI has done more for their product in the last 3 years than in the total combined years of ISY. Think about it: Another all-new controller in eisy, ZMatter, Zigbee integration, Matter coming/here, 130+ "plugins" UD MOBILE!!!!! And now an upcoming major advancement with a web based Admin Console...!! I honestly don't know how ANYbody could say other than the last few years have been one exciting advancement after another. I just don't know.
  4. ShawnW

    Works with Vue3 ???

    Thank you @tazman and @bpwwer for your info. From what I can see, they only now sell the Gen3 so I would expect to start seeing more of them. I would not have guessed them to be much different - from what I know, the CT's have been redesigned "for better accuracy", and the control box is a new shape with an added Ethernet port for those who have signal trouble with the wi-fi. Other than that I believe all the "functions" are unchanged, so I was hopeful. But again, great news. Thanks!
  5. ShawnW

    Works with Vue3 ???

    Hi All, @bpwwer I would like to buy a new Vue3 but only if it works (or can easily/quickly work with some tweaks) with the Node Server. Please let me know ASAP as I need to take advantage of a current sale price. Thanks! Shawn
  6. ShawnW

    WIZ Integration

    I DO have to say that it DOES bother me, as an eISY/UDI fan, that the device has Wi-Fi, but it/we can't "do" anything automation-wise with it......
  7. ShawnW


    Awesome. They make a bunch of TINY and inexpensive items.
  8. Hi. I had a very difficult recovery of my Polisy last month after a power outage that required days of support from UDI and a partial rebuilding of all my Zigbee devices and programming. It was painful. And yes, my Polisy was plugged in to a UPS, but the outage was several hours long. Anyways, I'd LOVE to not repeat this. How the heck do I "properly" shut down my Polisy??? I see no options / tabs / buttons in the AC other than rebooting. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Shawn
  9. Hi @pjjameso I've had to do this twice, once very recently when my sump pump's float died (pump still good) during a high-volume week. For this one I found a very cool way as I needed it to run once every 48 seconds for 9 seconds. This is what I did: If statement: Schedule: Time Is - 45sec - After - Last Run - <Name of THIS Program> - Check "Daily" Box Then I literally plugged my Sump Pump into an Insteon Appliance Switch Then: Set 'Appliance Switch' On Wait 9 seconds Set 'Appliance Switch' Off So the only issue with this method is that you have to manually "start" the sequence after a reboot - just right-click on the Program Name in your list and Select "Run Then", and that will start it. However, for your application and your larger time frames, I would do something a bit more reliable and simply schedule it to run on a schedule that merely lists all 24 hours of the day. I do this now for resetting of my Hourly Counts (Variables). If statement: Schedule: Time Is - 7 AM - Time OR Schedule: Time Is - 8 AM - Time OR Schedule: Time Is - 9 AM - Time OR Schedule: - ETC. Your Then of course would again be to turn it on, WAIT for 20 min, Then turn it off. I hope that helps with a few other interesting options. Let me know if you need some screenshots of the actual programs from the examples above. Good luck! Shawn
  10. Hi @Techman - Thank you for your suggestions - ALSO, thank you for your suggestions on another forum post - you led me to some new knowledge. At first I too thought the PLM as it is fairly old-ish (for a plm), it shows its a 2413S V2.1 1505. However, the light is on and blinks with Insteon traffic (tested) even though the Event Viewer does not show any (during the crashed time). I ran a PLM Link Table Count and it came to 226. In both my "Insteon crashes" (again Z-Wave & Zigbee remained working), it took a Polisy Reboot to get Insteon working again. I have not yet tried to do a Restore Device on an Insteon device...what would this possibly show? I hope to try this tomorrow. For everyone else, I am still suffering other annoying problems like every other backup (while saving one) freezing at the same point - 56% at when it gets to the file: 'ebaa83a2-DevicesData.xml', so I Upgraded again today just in case and have received IoX 5.8.0_1 - it had only one Release Note: "- Fixed reboot on polisy when using ZMatter in original mode" Thanks. Shawn OH - forgot to mention that after upgrading to 5.8.0_1 I had to unplug my PolisyPro ZMatter-Internal to get it to let me login again.
  11. Installed update 5.8.0 tonight (Jan 2nd) around 9pm or so as I experienced a network-wide Insteon-only crash 2 days ago and saw in someone's notes above about that issue being fixed. Well, it's barely 5 hours later and even with 5.8.0 installed I am now experiencing another Insteon-only 'crash'. Ie nothing Insteon works and the Polisy doesn't notice. All Z-Wave and Zigbee continue to work as usual. Can't deal with this again tonight, going to bed. Maybe someone will have some info tomorrow on this specific issue (hint UD). Thank you. Shawn Added: Event Viewer shows all Insteon traffic just ending @ 1:56am eastern. No hints as to why. I have the log saved if anyone cares to review it.
  12. Hi All, Recently @Geddy told me that I should not leave the Admin Console running for long periods or overnight. However, I know of no other way to keep the Event Viewer Log running so that I can go back later and look for issues at certain times. Are there other methods? I have several weird issues happening for the last few months that I'm trying to trace ie random objects turning on or off when they shouldn't be. Any other thoughts on traceability would be appreciated. Thanks! Shawn
  13. Hi @dex, Considering that Matter is "basically" based on Zigbee, have you tried adding it to Polisy-w-ZMatter using Zigbee commands? Curious to know. Thanks. Shawn
  14. Hi. I recently bought 2 Ecolink Flood/Freeze Sensors and both are having the same issue installing & updating. I have many Ecolink Door/Window Sensors which are almost identical hardware and work great, so not sure why the issues here. Summary: - LED light on Sensor is ON continuously (should only be on with cover removed) - When sensor probe is placed in water, Admin Console will ONLY update status when 'Query' is clicked (both for wet & dry conditions) If anyone has this sensor FLF-ZWAVE5-ECO working correctly on either Polisy or eISY please let us know. I HAVE received confirmation from someone using them successfully but I don't know if they're on an ISY994 or IoX yet. These issues are on my Polisy Pro Z-Matter Internal 5.7.1_7. ANY help appreciated as I told the vendor the (first) sensor was defective before they sent me a second one and is acting the same, making it appear the sensor is not the cause. I did try the 'Synchronize - Update w Interview' several times, and also tried setting one to run in 'Compatibility Mode' - no differences with either. THANKS! Shawn
  15. I think that's very unlikely - I've had the dongle ~11 months, has been installed and working that long, and this problem has only happened during the last couple-ish weeks (never before). Also, I haven't physically moved the Polisy in months as well. Once I get up and going, it works nostop no problem except for the couple mentioned times recently and after recent reboots/UpgradeP's. So I think the odds of that are very small but if it happens again I will pop her open and take a look as well as open a ticket. Thanks for the suggestion. Shawn
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