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Everything posted by ShawnW

  1. Wow. Not sure what you mean by 'useless statements' and 'hidden questions', or why you say it like that, but let me see if I can start over (I had copied @johnnyt 's (followup) questions exactly as he wrote them, but will I will rewrite them here in my words and with more background info). Background - currently have a 994i with 500 Z-W board, a couple dozen Z-Wave devices installed on it, and probably 80 Insteon devices as well. I also have a Polisy and have already physically installed the ZMatter board, currently running 5.5.5 but have ONLY installed a few Z-Wave devices onto that Polisy/ZMatter. I did this originally just to test everything to make sure IoX and ZMatter were working (all seemed to work well), but now bring up these 2 new questions about finally migrating all remaining Insteon & ZW devices from the 994i to the Polisy/ZMatter: #1 - the ISY migration instructions say "do not install zmatter board until told to do so". Since I’ve already installed & tested it, does this mean that when I start my “main” migration of 994i with 500ZW to IoP that I'll have to uninstall the zmatter board, then reinstall it when told to do so in the migration instructions? (or possibly something else like factory reset the ZMatter board?) #2 - to put it as simply as possible, does the migration from an ISY994i w 500ZW overwrite any Zwave devices that are already installed on the Polisy/ZMatter, OR, does the migration ADD all the ZWave devices from the ISY994i w 500ZW to the ZWave devices already installed on the Polisy/ZMatter? I too would have assumed that any migration would overwrite anything existing on the Polisy/ZM, but I can also see it possible (speaking generally and theoretically) that it would simply add the ISY/ZW devices rather than overwrite them, so felt it was a worthwhile question. Thank you all in helping me replace my assumptions with confirmed answers. Cheers!
  2. Both these questions were asked by @johnnyt in the baby steps post but they didn't get answered and the post was closed. These are great questions that I would LOVE to know the answer to as I'm in the exact same situation (still using 994 but Polisy with ZMatter is waiting to go and I'm just stalling on the migration). If anyone can answer these would be a great help: [ after setting up ZMatter on Polisy and installing a few Z_wave devices to test it, then...] " My 1st question there is related to the ISY migration instructions (for later) that said "do not install zmatter board until told to do so". Just to confirm - does that mean when I'm ready to migrate 994i to IoP I'll have to uninstall the zmatter board then reinstall it when told to do so, or was that step (or should I say delayed step) just to get through the addition of some core 5.5.x new stuff and not applicable anymore? And second, would the devices I had linked to IoP/Zmatter show up after the migration, or will everything on the zmatter board get overwritten (or the board get factory reset) by the ISY migration process? It would be nice if they remained connected as it would offer the possibility of setting up a bunch of things before I migrate that I could actually use after I migrate without having to uninstall (exclude) and reinstall (re-include) those devices and lose the device IDs I had used in programs. I know (or at least think) any programs would be overwritten so I would just export those then import them after the migration. " THX
  3. Hi @Techman - just to clarify, how exactly do you use this switch 7 as you would a Synchrolinc? Is it as simple as a program that If Status or If Current Current > xxx, Then ... ? Thanks. Shawn
  4. @johnnyt Hi there! I was also in your EXACT situation in the fall with my Polisy (being very out of date, needing chip shipped to Canada, etc.), so I understand your hesitation. As of today, I am also in your (today's) exact situation - still using my ISY and have a Polisy w ZMatter with a couple node servers. The only difference is that I HAVE been keeping my Polisy up to date and am currently at 5.5.5. I can tell you that in your situation I don't expect you would have any issues updating your Polisy to 5.5.5 at this point based on my experience. I've been reading the forums a lot the last few months and it seems that most of the issues are with migrating from ISY994 to IoX on either Polisy or EISY. I have a 'bunch' of Zwave devices and so I've been biding my time and waiting to migrate. I've decided that when I do the migration I will do a partial migration - any of my ZWave devices that have S2 and or are not functioning in the way that i think they should, those devices will be un-installed fully before I migrate, then will re-add them to the new system when migration is complete. That's about half of my ZWave devices. I also did as you suggested and after installing ZMatter I installed a couple Insteon and ZWave devices to it from scratch to make sure the new ZMatter board was working well - seems like a very smart test to me. There's only been a couple people on the forum mention that the board didn't work for them, but I would still do this test if I were you (can't hurt). Do this after getting your Polisy fully up to date to 5.5.5 first. The only other advice I'd give is make sure you use the 'upgrade packages' from within your Polisy's IoP and give it a LOT of time - ie, given how long it's been for you, I would start it in the evening and just let it run overnight (or at least several HOURS untouched), but it should get there eventually on its own. ALWAYS backup first!! Good luck sir! And let us know how it went. Shawn
  5. Hi Tim. Could you please keep this post updated as you work through your PLM issue? I suspect a lot of people will find this info helpful come April.... THANKS TimWing!
  6. Not that you asked, but Insteon sent a survey a few days ago asking people what items they should bring back into production and the Fanlinc was on the list of options. By no means a guarentee, but... just a thought.
  7. Dude.... "I know they are busy" ?? It's Christmas Eve, UD has just launched the EISY and ZMatter (before 95% of the industry), they are swamped trying to support that product and software updates, and you're [publicly!] complaining that you don't have shipping confirmation for an order that you tried to change after-the-fact, on the second busiest shipping week of the year, for a product that wasn't even supposed to ship yet for another week, to a company that has an exemplary customer service reputation ?!?!? You know, I'm just as eager as the next guy and am also planning on doing lots of programming this week while I'm off, but man, take a step back and have another look at the situation.... this is a classic can't see the 'Forest for the trees' scenario. These people have been working their butts off for us for months and deserve some Christmas/Holiday time off like the rest of us. Happy Holidays everyone.
  8. Hi. This was brought up in another thread, so I asked if we could use a short "USB extension cord", and Michel responded that that would work. Should be a great solution for this issue. Shawn
  9. HI. I'm going to attach the log file - hopefully I'm doing this right as this is my first node server. I've been through the wikis, forums, and installed this node server at least 20 times trying different things. I'm out of things to try. The "current status" is ALWAYS Disconnected. When I fill out the Configuration, save, then hit 'start', it claims to start, and the Uptime will count for about 3 seconds before returning to "Not Running" and Uptime "None". It never creates any nodes here, or on the ISY, though the ISY does 'see' the VUE Node Server, but that's it. Other notes: I'm still using my external ISY as I want to learn one step at a time. Also, I my Emporia kit is a 4-outlet (w energy monitoring) kit, and that's it - no actual "Vue". I have no issue viewing the outlets on the Emporia App or Website. What does the "Load Profile" button do? (for me, nothing, but I don't even know the purpose). THANK YOU! Shawn VUE_12-20-2022_114922-AM.zip
  10. Hi Bob. I just wanted to say that I've read this entire thread so that I could learn some things as I've never used a Node Server or Polisy before. Well, I have a set of 4 of the Emporia on/off outlets that log energy usage and I'd like to try this one as my first Node Server. Seems like a fairly complicated one to tackle as a first, but after reading about all your work, I feel I just have to honour it. Thanks for all your work!! Wish me luck! Shawn
  11. Whoops!! Sorry, I thought he was talking about the in-wall 8-button. My bad. As to your other comment, yes I hope the new ownership is able to transition the company beyond the rush of people purchasing to plug their Insteon leaks. I've always thought their exclusive technology and high price/expensive packaging were hurting them, not helping. Until they figure it out, I'm going to finally learn what a Ployglot node server is
  12. I know this was not your point, but I can't help but point out that you can buy new (brand new, NOS) Insteon Thermostat's on ebay right now for $40. Many of them. Infact, I bought one as a backup which showed up yesterday....brand new. As for the point you were trying to make, I don't see your depressing future. Long ago UDI had a Z-Wave card which I've used to expand including to replace a few Insteon devices, though Insteon is still better and more reliable communicationally. My ZMatter board shipped yesterday! How people can complain about this being too far away and waiting for new Matter product is beyond me. It's exciting and its happening now - and UDI has shipped us controlling boards BEFORE the first Matter product hit the floor! How incredible are they?!?!?!?!?
  13. I'm sure this wasn't your point - but (the 'new') Insteon has those in stock and shipping now. I just test-purchased and received an order of several devices from them and all went well. Is everyone nervous about their future? Sure. Who cares - you can buy what you want, right now, new. Otherwise the future will be what it will. FYI, their store is now also saying that both USB and Serial PLM's with updated caps will be available Q1 2023. I hope it's true.
  14. VERY exciting! Couple questions - 1. the middle pic shows the installed enclosure covering the port next to it - is this just for demonstration purposes (ie is there a port it can plug into that doesn't block anything?), or will it block a port? Would it work with a typical "usb extension cable" if necessary? 2. Will the ZMatter board on the Polisy give us instant ability to directly control existing Zigbee devices? Or is it purely for the new/soon Matter communication only? 3. Will the enclosure come with the ZMatter board? or with eisy? Or totally separate purch? Thanks Michel !! Keep up the great work!
  15. Hi All! Long time ISY user - recently bought a Polisy and soon want to finally dive in. My first real need is to create/deploy a colour-changing light (form currently non-specific) that will "report" to me in my home various states of my system - such as Red Light will mean that not all doors are locked or closed (Green Light if they are), and probably Orange to report motion in one of my garages. I'd like recommendations on both the light brand/product and obviously also on an existing PG3 Node Server for such to link with my current ISY. The only one I know of is obviously Hue, but i've heard they're expensive, need their hub, etc. - i will use them if voted up, but I'd rather experienced people point me to the best all-round product & node server. THANK YOU !! Shawn
  16. LOL - I once went 5 years without checking into my ISY - damn thing just worked. Hell, I practically had to re-learn the interface it had been so long.
  17. What's RA3?
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