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Everything posted by ShawnW
Hi All, A little while back I saw a screenshot that someone posted of some programming or whatever from their eISY or Polisy, and I could have sworn that it appeared that it had substantially longer Names (Insteon/Z-Wave Node Names that are typically user-set). I assumed that this was a feature of eISY or Polisy and was one of the drivers for me to migrate from my ISY994i. Finally migrated last month annnnnnnd, I feel like I was mistaken?? Is it possible to have more than 29 characters in the user-set Name of your modules/Nodes? I would be SUPER HAPPY if this were possible! Please anyone advise if you know anything about this. Thanks!! Shawn Oh, incase it wasn't obvious, I believe the name length allowed should be MUCH higher than 29 characters! Heck, I might even be happier to get even 5 additional characters. THX
Yes, you can right-click on any node in the left-hand column of the Main view, on the name you want to change, and 'Rename' will be one of the options.
Hi @ctviggen1. It sounds like you're confusing a Z-Wave item's "Name" with its "Address". The address can't be changed, and all nodes for a single Z-Wave item will have addresses that start with the common 'ZY026' and then will have more specific #'s after it, like ZY026_005_315. You are not able to change these, and when you click on a node in the Admin Console it will show this address at the top center under the name. The name can be changed but if you don't change it it will fill in with the ZY or ZW number plus some description. If you migrated, the name should be unchanged and will be why you could be seeing ZW numbers...? Anything added after migration will be ZY in the name. I'm kinda unsure what you mean by "real ones" - do you mean the nodes that 'actually' do something when you actuate them? For the most part, the "main" node will be an underscore '1' such as ZY026_1. Either way, all nodes that have the same first five digits of address (ie ZY026) are all belonging to one Z-Wave item. Some nodes do nothing, this is normal. As Techman said you can create a folder and move unused ones there to clean up the view. Hope I've helped. OH, forgot to mention, in the Admin Console main view, you can click (or double click) the 'Address' title, and it will re-sort all your devices by their Address, which will naturally group all your nodes together for all devices, which comes in very handy if you've renamed devices from their default name. Please try this, it may save you some work. Thanks! Shawn
Can multiple Zwave commands be sent at the same time?
ShawnW replied to peterathans's topic in ZMatter
Ya, I think for the most part the answer is no, it will buffer itself. The places I can see an issue are with multiple commands to a single item (like Brians suggested) for example adjusting a siren's volume and then sending another command to same siren - though that is certainly NOT always the case. And in those cases it's nothing to do with ISY/IoX, it's about a single device accepting two quick commands. I've read a post from Michel recently where he confirmed that the IoX processes commands sequentially, one at a time, in the order they are read (just like you would expect). -
Hi Grant @GJ Software Products. I don't know how to link to other forum pages, but here's a screenshot of the one where I explained how to use the Color Hue-Sat page. It's the fourth post in this thread: As for your problem with the 2 nodes always showing the same and them switching back and forth, I can't help you there. I would definitely suggest that you Create A Ticket. Does NOT sound as if you're doing anything wrong. Curious, despite this problem, are you able to use both nodes in your programs? I use these bulbs extensively in my programs and I always use 2 commands for them, first one sets the Hue-Sat, and a second line turns it on/off. But ya, I would log a ticket and in the meantime read my post in the pic above to learn the methods. Good luck - any other questions feel free to ask. Shawn
Kind of an ironic similarity but before I migrated last month from my 994 to my Polisy Pro 5.7.0, all my Ecolink (Z-Wave) door sensors reported Open/Closed. Unfortunately after the migration they are all now On/Off . Not to get your hopes down or anything... @Techman @4481hoods
I'm surprised that UDI is not addressing this lack of notification of the new 5.7.0 upgrades. Guys, are we expecting every single customer to come and read all these forums JUST to finally realize that their 5.7.0 isn't the right 5.7.0?? If nothing else, RE-POST the 5.7.0 announcement* with the first thing mentioned being that this is a NEW 5.7.0 and people should upgrade if they're not 100% certain. Wouldn't that save a LOT of people a lot of grief? (* in 'Current Release Announcements') @Javi @Geddy By the way, when running those links to web/sysconfig.txt, you should mention that you need to actually "search' for "ISY" as there are hundreds of lines in that file and you likely won't find it by skimming through the file - it doesn't just pop out at you. Thanks.
Ok, so I was awake when the time-change happened Saturday night, and was about to go to bed right after. I can confirm that everything was fine Prior to that but at change time I remember seeing the AC have a long window of 'do not unplug,,...etc' but I ignored it. Shortly after I headed to bed but my alarm system would not change status. Went to the door and opened it, nothing happened. Reopened laptop and opened AC and for the FIRST time ever, ALL my programs were disabled!! I thought I had avoided this issue as I did the upgrade to 5.7.0 about 2 days after it came out and after they posted that that problem was fixed. Since I've never had the problem i was very surprised. I'm also very surprised to get on the forum and seeing all this talk about 5.7.0.x?? I did not get any notifications that a new firmware was up?? I have a feeling I know why and am not happy about that either (how do you guys plan to go on like this??). Regardless, I have not rebooted in weeks and have been relatively good since installing 5.7.0_1 and not sure how to proceed. Should I upgrade packages NOW or wait for this to happen again? I believe sunrise & sunset time look correct. Please advise. THX Polisy 5.7.0_1 OS V 13.1
Hi @Mr. B Just wanted to update your question from last month. I was never able to coordinate with Support on getting my issue resolved HOWEVER, as you likely already know, there were obviously others who did as the 5.7.0 Update to IOX specifically fixed this issue for me and they mentioned it specifically in that documentation. If you are still having the issue I would update to 5.7.0 (sounds like most of the other issues have been cleaned up, but it's still Beta of course...). Thanks! Shawn
Hi @pkauf and @BoydG, Please see my screenshot below. Each Red rectangle has dropdowns you can set and a button (only one in each red rectangle) to execute those dropdown settings. Each Red rectangle is basically a slight variation of the same thing - Every Red Rectangle sets the lightbulb to a set of (up to) 4 parameters: 1) Hue - this is the colour from 0' to 360' (just experiment - it's just a colour wheel in a circle with Red being both 0 degrees and 360 degrees. 2) Saturation - this is simply a "dilution" of the colour from pure white (0%) through to full colour (chosen by the Hue) at 100% - again, just experiment and you will see 3) Time - SOME of the functions (Red Rectangles) can change the bulb colour over a time interval, particularly the ones with "Steps per Second" with a 'step' being 1 degree of Hue change (for example) or using Duration and "Direction". 4) Direction - Simply means taking the long way or the short way around the 360 degrees of Hue wheel. As a summary - focus on the Red Rectangles - each Rectangle contents are an independent action you can apply to your bulb - these 7 Rectangles really should have been on their own page or node for clarity. EACH RED RECTANGLE IS AN INDEPENDENT ACTION YOU CAN SET (dropdowns) AND START (Button) and has nothing to do with the settings in the other Red Rectangles. Hit the Button and it will execute the settings in that same Red Rectangle (only). Lastly, don't forget you can also do the traditional Dim of the bulb as well however this is on the On-Off Node, not this Node under discussion. Most of these functions are also available in Programs as well in the traditional ISY way. Shawn
Hi @Jimbo.Automates, With all due respect.... knowing this is a possibility from pre-reading this thread as you eluded to - I simply took a few screenshots of my Programs-Details list which shows if each program is enabled or not with the little circle and slash, then after the update simply run down the list enabling those as shown on your screenshot. Even with hundreds of programs this would not take very long. Inconvenient? Yes, but knowing it could happen means it need only take a few minutes of precaution, whereas re-installing backups seems a higher risk to me. Anyways - thought I could help simplify things for some. Shawn
Upgraded my Polisy Pro to 5.7.0 tonight. No issues. I can now, finally, CHANGE THE COLOUR ON MY SENGLED BULBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO HAPPY. Thanks!!
My main reason for asking this is that on my ISY994w500 @ 5.3.4 many of my Z-Wave devices seem to have 'incomplete' or only partially-functioning nodes and I don't know if those devices would create identical nodes on my IOX and would I also get those same "improvements" to my Z-Wave nodes via Migrating? If anyone knows the answer or has experience with both scenarios I would greatly appreciate hearing it. I don't have enough (any) spares of my Z-W devices to test on my IoP. I have roughly 20-ish Z-Wave devices and while I can't delete them all pre-migration (too much programming impact), I could delete many of them and re-create them after the migration to ZMatter-Internal on Polisy. Thanks all!!
Hi @Mr. B Not yet. Michel came on this forum and told me to submit a ticket, which I did about a week or 2 later. I waited several days for them to set up a remote session but then I went on vacation. Given the list of "amateur" first-suggestions they gave me, I would guess that they do not know what the issue is. I will be back from vaca on Monday and will pursue them again for an appt. I can update here when that happens and the results. Cheers! Shawn
I have begun getting the same thing about a week or two ago. It's fairly annoying. It disconnects (gives a notification) and then reconnects within a minute, and of course lets me know again. This happens somewhere around 6-10 times a day. I wasn't sure if this was normal behavior because I had recently corrected some of my UD Mobile settings and it started around that same time. I have never had Mobilinc. Again, fairly annoying but not the end of the world (for me).
No...., but it does mow the lawn, AND walk the dog. :)
THAT.... is stupid-cheap, even in Canada. Definitely looking to some money savings when this gets fully developed.
@mmb - That is absolutely untrue. It is still 100% supported by the mfg with software updates now and years into the future. Just because you can't buy a brand new Polisy does NOT make it EOL. On top of that if your Polisy were to get ill, you can directly migrate to the current version product - the eisy. The 14-year old ISY994 JUST hit EOL a couple weeks ago....
After 5.6.3 from 5.6.0 my Polisy didn't have any issues with Z-Wave, however it did lock up after the install & reboot (not before the reboot, after). It couldn't be found on Finder and so I finally had to unplug power to get it working again. It beeped a few more times then was fine.
Hi. I've been trying to add a couple Sengled "Element Color Plus" Bulbs Model E11-N1EA(4-Pack), and so far very little luck. It will add them and gives the ability to turn them on and off and dim them, but IoX is not creating the second Node "Hue & Saturation" like it did for fellow tester @saninberg who bought the same bulbs. So I am not able to change their colour which is very frustrating as that is what I'm after. I've tried everything 5 times each for 2 different bulbs, and always the same results. One other difference I've noticed is that IoX names my nodes "ZB 23355.1 On-Off Switch" but for Saninberg his were named shorter "ZB 116.1 On-Off Switch" & "ZB 116.1 Color Hue-Sat". Again, I never get that second Color Hue-Sat node. Any advice anyone can offer would be great. Running IoX v.5.6.3 on Polisy Internal ZMatter
Hi @saninberg Ok, a bit ironic but I ordered the exact same Sengled bulbs but got the 4 pack. However, I've tried 2 now and I can't get to where you get - I only get them to add as an On-Off Switch - no colour or Hue/Saturation nodes at all. I've tried so many things but never anything different. Any thoughts? In your 2-pack, did you get the Hub as well? and did you need the hub for it to work right? My 4-Pack was JUST the bulbs as I thought the point was to not need anything else. Either way, I DO NEED colour changing ability or these are useless to me. Right now I can only turn them on/off and dim them. They are connected in a simple lamp directly to a simple dumb wall outlet. It's 3 feet from my Polisy. Any advice anyone can offer would be great. Running IoX v.5.6.3 on Polisy Internal ZMatter as well.
Zigbee - Confirmed Working Thread (Please post here zigbee items that are working for you in IoX) - So the rest of us new to Zigbee know what items we can look at for ourselves. Personally, I'd love to see any Colour Changing Light Bulbs or Strips feedback. Thanks all! Shawn
I have wished this myself many times. I'm obviously no UDI programmer, but I gotta think this can't be too hard, can it? Of course, I'm sure this is lower on the priority list than getting Matter or Zigbee running.
So much happier after moving off 994i - moving was worth it!
ShawnW replied to johnnyt's topic in IoX Support
Hi Johhny - @johnnyt The Z-Wave issues you still experience - do any of them relate to specific Z-Wave products? If so, can you list them? And what Z-Wave issues do you have now that you didn't have with the ISY994? Thanks! Shawn -
@Michel Kohanim Hi & Thank you Michel!! I've been super eager to integrate colour changing light bulbs (and later strips) into my system. Can you please comment on what brand/type/model of colour changing lights you expect will work best? Or perhaps what you guys tested with so far? Are there any that don't work or are problematic? Thanks! Shawn