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  1. Just reporting back. The IrlincTX that I recieved from Amazon was version .49 and after some help from UD was able to get it linked and controlling my home theater reciever.
  2. Has there been any update to this to support currently shipping 2411T units? Or did I just purchase a non-functional product through Amazon and just need to send it back?
  3. Tried unplug and replug both EZrain devices. Still no luck. The ISY does not appear to even TRY to query the device. I tried manually querying each of the 16 zones, the 'system busy' popup never even comes up. Its not reporting a communications failure, it just does not seem to execute the command. Event viewer shows no activity when trying to query either EZrain. Thanks, James
  4. Thanks and happy new year! I need to report the first bug it seems... I have no communication with my 2 EZFlora devices. No status indication, no commands sent or recieved. Right click and query does not even attempt a query that I can see. When opening the admin console, ISY reports it cannot commumicate with one of 2 EZFlora devices and has a red exclaimation icon next to it. Neither one will do anything. So far most else seems normal.
  5. The difficulty I have is that the weather data for my area is seldom correct for my specific house. The area can get .5 inches of rain without me getting a drop and vice versa. A simple rain sensor on the edge of the roof works great however. Use it to block execution of the watering cycle when its wet.
  6. I don't think you want "on only", you will never know when activity has ended. I use the 30 second setting and a program like this: If Control 'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is switched Off And Control 'Kitchen Motion Sensor' is not switched On Then Wait 30 minutes Set Scene 'Kitchen Low' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If activity occurs again within the Wait period the program quits. Rand I don't mean to be dense but I am trying to accomplish exactly the same thing. I have this program and if the motion is part of the scene to turn on the garage light, it turns off in 8.5 minutes. If it is not part of the scene, it never turns on. I tried a simple program to turn it on when the motion is switched on but it does not seem to work either. I want the garage lights to come on when motion is first sensed. And stay on for 30 minutes after the last time motion is sensed. Can you help me accomplish this? Thanks!
  7. Be glad you don't live where the humidity control was the driving factor to upgrade the stat. In Houston, its not the heat that will get you. It's the humidity. Thanks again. And if you think of any interesting ideas for using the stat as part of an automation routine, please post up. I already have a scene for the kitchen and dining areas for dinner parties and think I will add special stat settings to that scene......
  8. Mike, Just wanted to post a thank you for your tutorial. This holiday weekend, I finally had some time to devote to implementing thermostat control in my ISY. Both my stats are now controlled completely with the ISY including auto changeover. So far, thing seem to be working very well. My previous complaints on the combo was mostly around trying to have both systems do the programed control. Once you move everything to the ISY, things really do smooth out greatly. For now, all I really programmed were the basic timer/setback functions that were already in the stat. I have some ideas to make better use and some remote control. For now, a big thank you for your help! Just FYI, auto humidity overide still functions when the stat is not in an auto mode. IE high humidity will overide the temp setpoint and run the AC on low fan mode even if the setpoint is reached. I was somewhat afraid that function would go away when the stat was in Cool or Heat rather than an auto or program mode. It still works. James
  9. I noted that the local access address changed with the update. Was now its also it started asking for the userid when the IE window opens and again when the admin console opens. The www.universal-devices\99i address no longer works at all getting a socket open failed in java.net The www.universal-devices\27 address results in all kind of errors now my userid and password is no longer recognized at all. How do I go back so I can actually use the ISY again?
  10. I can tap link them to other devices but cannot add them to the isy. My PLM may have quit. I cannot get it to do much right now so must be some issue with it. It will send commands to existing units but will not report status or query. I have tried a factory reset of the PLM and am attempting to have the ISY rebuild it but it looks doubtful. I have a replacement PLM comming from SH next week. Hope I get one of the newer upgraded ones that handle more links, I think I was pretty near the limit anyway. Perhaps it will comm better with the network as well. Guess I am on hold til then.
  11. I just installed 2 new keypadlinc relays (2486S) rev 1.1 I click ling management, add insteon device and type in one of the new addresses. the isy starts linking to it, gets to about 3% and stops. No error message but no new device in my lighting either. Event viewer reports: [ B 4B F1 1] Removing all links [ B 4B F1 1]** Not added ** Remove Device Links failed Help please Thanks, don't know why this can never just work.
  12. Chris, I cannot seem to get this to work. The program never seems to execute. It just remains idle no matter what is done with the controllers or the local load. If I set the fan controller to 100% using the ISY, then the programs runs. Or if I set the controller to 100% locally and then manually command the ISY to query the controller it then runs. Do I need to have the ISY poll the controller regularly to make this work or is there some link to the ISY that needs to be set? Thanks in advance for any help.
  13. The fans are each controlled with a 1000w dimmer. The dimmer can be controlled from any programmed location. In our case, a controlinc on each nightstand for the bedroom fan. A remote button on the home theater remote for the fans in the living room or from a keypadlinc in the hall. Very basic insteon scene setup. Just was not sure how to implement this bit of timer logic.
  14. jcthorne, My pleasure. Just add an additional Control line in the If clause, for each additional INSTEON switch that controls the fan. Make sure all the Control lines are Or lines, not AND lines. Doing a FAST ON from any of the switches, will trigger/re-trigger the timer. AHHH! thanks I'll give that a try!
  15. THe fan can be switched on from several locations. Is this supposed to run correctly even if the fan is remotely switched to high speed? Thanks so much for the assistance.
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