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Everything posted by agent0014

  1. wow thanks everyone! I got it working by breaking it out into ultimately three different programs. The first one picks up on the motion trigger and calls the second, which runs some additional checks and turns the light on and then waits the two minutes. Then it calls the third program wich either turns the lights off, or if the motion sensor has been tripped again, re-runs the second program. This seems to work MUCH better than just using one program.
  2. I have a simple motion controlled program for my porch lights: If status 'Porch Sensor-Sensor' is ON and status 'Porch Lights' is not OFF and status 'KPL U1-A "Party"' is OFF Then set scene 'porch lighting' Fade Up wait 2 minutes Set Scene 'Porch Lighting' On so if I save and have the program run as is, it fades up the lights when the motion sensor is triggered, but never fades them back to the on level for "porch lighting" (which is 50%). Normally I'd just figure I did something wrong. However if I set the wait time in the "Then" section to something much shorter (15 or 30 seconds), the program runs exactly as I had hoped it would. I thought maybe it was colliding with another signal since my motion sensor is set to wait two minutes to send an off signal after it sees motion, but if I change the wait time to 1:50 or 2:10, it still doesn't work. Does anyone have any ideas on what's going on? Maybe someone has seen something like this before? I'd really like this to work... it's one of those "wow" things I get to impress my friends with. Any help is appreciated!
  3. I wonder if it'd be relatively simple to crack open one of these and tap into the speaker wires and run that to an IOlinc: http://www.amazon.com/Zircon-Leak-Alert-Electronic-Detector/dp/B00004XOVI/ref=pd_sim_hi_1 I've never done such a thing (unfortunately I know very little about current and electricity when it comes to home electronics) so I don't know what kind of signal the IOlinc requires. Perhaps someone smarter than me can comment on the feasibality of such a thing? [/url]
  4. $40? That's awesome... I think I'm definitely going to do that. Then I'll either move the ISY downstairs or look for a decent IR repeater... either way I think I like this solution better than going with the insteon IR receiver... very exciting!
  5. well to be fair, I've read about some issues with the insteon IRlinc devices... maybe it was just the transmitter, and maybe it was an older firmware version... but regardless wasn't going to make that assumption.
  6. I know there's an insteon IR receiver, but I wasn't certain how well it integrated with the ISY... also it's $100 vs. $40 for the native IR option. On the other hand, I'm not sure how my ISY and PLM would fare being connected pretty much on top of my entertainment center (not to mention my challenges on then getting the ISY hooked up to my router, which would be on a different floor).
  7. So what's the hardware difference between the 99i and the 99i/IR? For some reason when I bought my isy I was under the assumption that the IR model needed extra hardware and served other (possibly less-useful) functions than I'm starting to learn that it does. I've searched the forums and the wiki, but no where that I've looked is a basic explanation of what the IR model can actually do. Is it as simple as having a harmony-style remote and setting up the isy in a location by the entertainment center? Does the IR model have the option of adding an external IR sensor that I could run a cable for (dropped through a basement or baseboard?) Do I have any options to add IR to my non-IR isy? I'm a little excited now that I'm starting to realize what might be possible, and also kicking myself for not buying the IR model in the first place if setup is really as simple as I'm beginning to suspect. Thanks for any help or feedback!
  8. hey this might be obvious, but make sure that the AC units you're using default to an "on" state when power is restored. I had high hopes to integrate my window AC control into my current HA setup, and then realized that my digital panel AC unit loses its default temp setting AND turns on to an "off" state when power is cut and then restored. At this point my only option (unless I get a "cheaper" AC unit with analog/mechanical controls) is to get one of those insteon IR blasters and have it learn the codes for my AC remote. Sort of sucky... I haven't even bothered.
  9. So I got an ISY-99i pro maybe about a month ago, and immediately installed TouchSwitch and the networking module for it, as well as upgraded the firmware to ver. 2.7.14. My internet access was working fine for a few weeks, but now it seems like whenever I try to access the ISY externally via IP or DNS, it fails. If I go in, disable internet access and then re-enable it, it works for about 24 hours before failing again. Is this any sort of known issue? Could it have anything at all to do with the java issues and macs (I'm reasonably technical, so I know the answer to that is likely no)? Could it possibly be a router issue? I want to use this to its fullest, and not being able to access it half the time when I'm away is really starting to get annoying. Any ideas?
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