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About bmercier

  • Birthday 10/08/1969

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Community Answers

  1. Hello everyone, We will have a short portal maintenace next Tuesday March 18th. Between 4am and 5am PST, your unit will briefly disconnect and reconnect to portal. The purpose of this maintenance is to update certificates. Benoit
  2. After the latest mac update, users must now enable local network access for chrome and Admin Console. The permission dialog is only shown once, so if you deny/ignore it, you will need to manually enable on MAC > System Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Local Network
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  3. Just an FYI if you are using a Mac: After the latest mac update, users must now enable local network access for chrome and Admin Console. The permission dialog is only shown once, so if you denies/ignores it, you will need to manually enable on MAC > System Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Local Network
  4. If you use a 994, the only option is 1 year.
  5. @johnstonf, please use these instructons: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Migration
  6. You can see the releases notes in the plugin store. Click on Ring, then More info. Or here: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/ring/blob/master/README.md
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. This is done in dev and will be live within the next 2 weeks.
  8. Hello everyone, We will have a short portal maintenace tomorrow Thursday January 30th. Between 4am and 5am PST, your unit will briefly disconnect and reconnect to portal. The purpose of this maintenance is to fix an issue with online/offline notifications. Benoit
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  9. I investigated this and found the source of the problem. I made an update to Portal. Will be live soon.
  10. Do you see them in the Google Home app? Can you see their status in the app, and can you control them from the app?
  11. Revoking access can't be reversed, and yes the only thing left is to remove it from the account. What do you mean by it allowed you to start up?
  12. I found your ticket and continued the conversation there.
  13. We can't do that. The connection is initiated from your unit. If you really want to do that, here's some options: - Turn your eisy off - Disconnect eisy from network - In your router, you may have options to prevent internet access to your eisy, under parental control
  14. Not possible. The export does not have everything needed to rebuild the internal representation of the spoken. It's meant as a human-readable list of spoken for documentation purposes. I'm not sure why you deleted your ISY portal. That deletes all of your spoken configuration. There is never a need to do that. If have no clue why it stopped working for you after 5 days. If it happens again, open a ticket and I can investigate the logs.
  15. Can't do that. If you revoke, you can't re-approve it. You will have to remove the uuid from your account and re-add it... which will also remove your Alexa/Google/IFTTT config.
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