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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. Hi Michael, After discussing it with Michel, we are adding this to the development queue. Thanks for the suggestion. Benoit.
  2. Hello Keith, Your suggestion has been added to the development queue. Benoit.
  3. Hello Stu, I checked the logs. I could not find any error, the discovery seems to complete correctly. However, I notice that you have a lot of devices, close to 300. It may be that there is just too much for Alexa to digest, and it may timeout somewhere. If you are not using all of those devices, I would suggest to do a cleanup and reduce the number of devices exposed to echo. Benoit.
  4. Bob, please PM your uuid, I will investigate. Benoit.
  5. Hello Bob, We want the portal to be as secure as possible, so that would go against the purpose. However, browsers like chrome will allow to cache the user and password, and fill it for you if you wish to do so. Benoit.
  6. Hello Stusview, Do you still have the problem? Looking at the logs, I see a successful device discovery around 8pm, eastern time. Benoit.
  7. Please double-check the following: - In the Echo App, under settings/connected home, is ISY still there and enabled? - In portal, in My Profile, is your account still linked? I would try to unlink and relink. FYI, in the spoken window, pressing "refresh" does nothing other than refreshing the screen with data from the portal server. Benoit.
  8. Did anyone notice if device control was faster now? This afternoon, I pushed an update that speeds up connected home response time. It's now about 350-400ms faster than it was. Benoit.
  9. FYI, this has been there for months. It's just that I had temporarily reduced the delay significantly to test something.
  10. Hi Teken, The auto logout fires after 14 minutes of inactivity, offers a 1 minute grace period to stay logged in, and if there is no response, it logs you off. It is a security measure that is not configurable. Benoit.
  11. Please reload the page. Benoit
  12. My apologies. This is fixed now. Benoit.
  13. Hi Teken, I checked the logs, and the error was caused by a timeout. This means that from portal's perspective, the ISY was still online (the ISY socket was not closed), but still it did not respond. I will PM you an error log for your IP. Benoit.
  14. No it's not. I quickly checked the logs, and I saw that you ISY disconnected from portal for about 6 minutes. Benoit
  15. One possibility is that Alexa understands "on" instead of "off". On some occasions, I asked to turn off something, but it stayed on. But what really happened is that it had understood on, it sent a on to the device, but because it was already on, no change was seen. So it looked like it did nothing. So make sure you pronounce "off". Benoit.
  16. Would you know when you had these 500, I just need the date and approximate time, so I can search for these errors in the logs. FYI, when you open up the spoken table, in the background, it's requesting /rest/nodes and /rest/programs?subfolder=true from your ISY. Then, if you press one of the add button quickly, and those requests are not completed yet, you will have a delay until they are. Benoit.
  17. Hello Teken, Thanks for reporting the problem, this is very weird. I will investigate that. Especially the "MicrowaveMicrowave / 2330423304". If you recall the sequence of events to get this, please let me know. Thanks, Benoit.
  18. There's a fix coming this week to address the setpoint being doubled. Benoit.
  19. I'm not sure if your intent is to use the ISY skill or ISY connected home. Connected home cannot return the status of a device, so you have to use the skill. The correct syntax for a skill has to be: Alexa, tell izzy to... Alexa, ask izzy to... Alexa, ask izzy about... To get the status of a door, you can say: Alexa, tell izzy to get the status of <door> A variation for locks that you can use is: Alexa ask izzy if <door> is locked I encourage you to use "door" instead of front door. For some reason, front should be accepted, but alexa has trouble with it, it is not always passed to the skill. Benoit
  20. I have also learned it that way. However, I was not fully sure when I did this, so I checked online. Apparently, both are acceptable. Then, I made tests with Alexa, and testing shows that 's is always added, like in "chris's bedroom" The list was built that way so it can match what alexa is sendint to the skill. Benoit.
  21. The Amazon ISY Skill version 2 is now live since this afternoon. This change applies only to the skill (There is no change to ISY Connected Home) The biggest change in the skill is a better support for spoken device names. There is still a bug where you cannot have a spoken name outside of the samples provided below. However, there is now much more spoken names you can use. In addition of the device name, you can choose to add one of the predefined prefix, and also a suffix. Those are optional. Here's some valid examples: upper hallway lights left bedroom lamp second floor kitchen overhead bar Prefix you can use: upper lower front side right left rear main master first second third forth fifth small large outdoor exterior interior back upstairs downstairs basement under over all backyard south east west North top down middle all first all second all third all fourth all basement all upper all lower all exterior all interior all front all rear Suffix you can use: light lights lighting lamp lamps track light track lights neon neons spot spots flood floods fan fanlight accent area overhead fans curtains drapes Devices names you can use (They have to be after prefix, and before suffix, if they are used) activate active air compressor air conditioner arriving art art niche attic awning bar barbecue barn bathroom bathroom ceiling bed bedroom beer blanket block heater bonus bonus hall bonus room bonus room hall bookcase box room breakfast breakfast table breezeway butler butler's pantry cabinet cabinets can car port ceiling cellar center chandelier chime chime mode china hutch chrismas tree christmas cinema closet clothes computer computer room conservatory cooler couch deactivate deck decor default de-icer de-icing cable den desk desk room device dining dining room disable dog door door door chime downstairs drive driveway dryer dungeon dvr electric emergency enable engage entertainment entertainment room entrance entry evening exercise room family room fire fireplace fish tank flood floor floor bathroom floor thermostat fountain foyer fridge game room games garage garage door garage front garden generator globe great room grill groove guest hall hallway heat heater high hats holiday hot water tank hutch island island sink kitchen kitchen cabinet kitchen cabinets kitchen counter kitchen desk kitchen island kitchen sink kitchen table kitchen window kitchenette lanai landing landscape laundry laundry room library living living room living room hall locker machine make it so man cave man door mantel master media media room mister motion music room niche nook nursery office orangery outlet panic pantry parlour path patio pendant piano pinball plant shelf playroom pool pool table porch power projector pvr rec room receiver red refrigerator reset restore room rotate sconce screen secure security server shade down shade up shed shop skylight sofa solar spa spare bedroom spare room sprinkler stairs steps stereo studio study study room sump sun room swimming swimming pool table task test theater thermostat toe kick toe kitchen toilet tower tree turn tv upstairs utility utility room vanity video walkway wall wall sconce washer washroom waterfall wine work workshop yard zone one zone two zone three zone four zone five zone six zone seven zone eight zone nine zone ten zone eleven zone twelve guest room guest's room guest bedroom guest's bedroom boy's bedroom girls's bedroom kid's bedroom children's bedroom mom's bedroom dad's bedroom In addition, there is about 2000 bedroom names using the most common first names, in the following syntax: aaron's bedroom abbey's bedroom abbie's bedroom ... Benoit.
  22. Unfortunately Connected Home does not support thermostats. yet. Benoit.
  23. Unfortunately this is not possible. The connected home API does not allow to return custom feedback messages. I also had a chance to see a draft version of the V2 API, and there still is not any way to return custom feedback. Benoit.
  24. Create a program, and in the else clause, turn on your scene. When you turn off "basement lights", it will turn on your scene. Benoit.
  25. Locks are not supported on Connected Home. There are no verbs available like lock or unlock that we could use. We perhaps we could have mapped it to the Turn on and Turn Off, but I would find it confusing. Should "Turn on front door" Lock? or Unlock? That would be error prone IMHO. Benoit.
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