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Guy Lavoie

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    Laval QC Canada
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Community Answers

  1. If you have spare Z-wave plug in modules, have you tried adding a few, to try and re-jig the network?
  2. Rereading your post caught my eye at the above quote. Both Z-Wave and wifi thermostats aren't getting updated? Now that would appear to be more of a program execution issue. The fact that it started after an upgrade to 5.9.1 is also suspect. I'd add test code, such as incrementing a variable in the same program, just to see that it's going through the statements. One before and one after. Something like this: Then increment variable 1 Then set Z-wave termistat Then set wifi thermostat Then increment variable 2 And check it every day to keep track of the variable values (or write them down along with the date).
  3. How long have you had the "relatively new" UPS's? Just one of those things that can create electrical noise issues. Have you tried eliminating them, for test purposes? If your problem occurs frequently enough, you should have a quick enough conclusion as to it they're a problem or not.
  4. Interesting. setDim isn't mentioned anywhere in the wiki on the REST commands. Funny thing is that the "cmd/DON/128" format works fine with Insteon switches. I'll try that tomorrow, thanks!
  5. Well it at least enables IPv6, because it's needed for Matter. But always has an IPv4 address too.
  6. 600 volts? In a home or industrial? I've never heard of such voltages in a residence. For an industrial setting, you'd need to use something like DIN on/off module to control a contactor. I'm guessing that he meant watts. The DIN module would be the best option.
  7. I love this plugin, very handy for several things. Now I'm trying to use it to set a touch lamp to one of 3 levels by program statements that look at a virtual dimmer level setting. Works great if I manually set the virtual dimmer level in admin console. But if I set the level through a REST command (eg: http://admin:<passwd>@192.168.0.xx:8080/rest/nodes/n006_90/cmd/DON/128) nothing happens. Turns on and off through REST ok, but setting level doesn't. Any ideas? Thanks!
  8. A hub or border router is needed for Thread devices. No need if your device is wifi or wired ethernet. I'm confident that eisy will eventually be able to communicate with Thread devices using the ZMatter dongle (Thread uses Zigbee for it's physical layer). Not sure I understand your "Aidot only" sharing. The very idea of Matter is being able to share devices across platforms. You bluetooth error message seems to imply a communication problem with the device. You really need to unpair it from any other system (Aidot) if it's already commissioned there and you can't share it. A factory reset is often how you can do that.
  9. Looks like it's ticket time.
  10. Did an update occur? What version of IoX were you running yesterday? the first screen shows something about not starting "since we just upgraded". Have you tried the start button options? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button You could try the 4 time button press to reset networking. Whatever you do, don't do a factory reset, at least not before you've opened a ticket with UDI to try and recover it first.
  11. Have you tried simple things, like reseating your network cable? A different port on your router? Or a different cable?
  12. Does the Aidot app offer you Matter sharing codes? Otherwise, you'd need to try a different device. I only tried a GE Cync bulb with Matter over wifi.
  13. Do you know for a fact if IPv6 is working on your network. It's the only other thing that comes to mind. Also, do you have Google Home? If so then try adding the plug to that, and then getting a sharing code from the Google Home app (and try scanning it in UD Mobile).
  14. Nice, though doing a factory reset on a in-use controller is never fun. Welcome to Z-wave!
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