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Everything posted by ixlr8
I created a scene and properly deleted the program I had written from the ISY and now it seems to be working properly, and responding quicker. The lights are medium quality and do have electronic ballasts. I am learning that the cheaper the fixture, the noisier the ballasts tend to be. I will also try a Filterlink and see if that helps. If I am installing 12 of these lights... I am going to have a ton of noise to deal with. Thank you to all for their help and suggestions, online and off. Jim
I am home again and have tried a few things, I found that the 8 button KPL in the house also no longer works properly. I tried using Event Viewer, but all the code stuff makes no sense to me. But I did get a popup window saying that ISY couldn't communicate with the IOLink relay when I tried to turn the light off. After more playing, it does seem that with the lights on, the signal does not make it reliably from the house to the shop. I spent some more time reading about 'scenes', I still don't understand them... but I was able to create one for the shop lights with the shop 6 KPL and now lights come on quicker, and now they shut off. But then they come on again and sometimes shut off again. I suspect that the 'scene' is turning them on/off, but the program I had in place is also turning them on/off and that is why they are turning off/on/off when I command them to turn off. If I wait 15 secs or more before I turn the light off, it stays off!!??Which leads me to the next question, how to I remove the existing program from the keypad. I tried 'deleting' it from the 'program' tab in the console... that worked, but how do I delete/remove it from the keypad?? I searched the Wiki and I couldn't find anything on deleting/removing programs... only creating them. Or did I just delete the program from the console and it needs to be deleted from the PLM.. I wish I understood this system better.. but thanks to your help I am getting there. I need to get this working with the florescent bulbs.. I am putting in 12- 8' 4 bulb fixtures to light the place and I am just dealing with the first 3 at this point. TIA
The 6 button KPL is not in a scene so the ISY is involved with this event directly. Only the garage door open sensor is in a scene. I tried to put both the KPL and the sensor in a scene and the Admin Console wouldn't let me. I have read the Wiki until I can't think straight trying to sort out how a 'scene' works and what the requirements are.... still have no clue. The 8 button KPL in the house is set up the exact same way as the 6 button KPL in the shop, and the 8 button works as programmed. I will spend some more time with Wiki reviewing these, thanks for the suggestions
Yes, I have two dual-band devices, verified one on each leg. I only have one leg going to the garage, but I guess I should check to see if the ISY is on that same leg, just to be sure. I am just surprised that the 6 button keypad can turn on the lights but it can't turn them off.
The shop lights are florescent. The lights, the 6 button keypad, the overhead door are all on the same phase in the shop... there is presently only one phase, a 110v feed via long extension cord, in the shop. The 8 button keypad is in the house, no idea which phase it is on, and it works fine. I am heading out of town until Thursday so I won't have a chance to test incandescent light until then. I still wonder why the lights turn on/off properly via the garage door sensor program and not the 6 button keypad. Thanks for the info on the .txt vs .xls viewing of log files. [edit] After reading some other posts, I may have found the answer to my question on why overhead door sensor controls the lights properly. If I remember correctly I have the lights included in a 'scene' with the garage door sensor and the 6 button keypad is not. The 6 button keypad signal has to go 140ft to the ISY and then return, the garage door sensor signals stay in the shop. Although that doesn't explain why the 8 button keypad in the house works fine. I won't be able to verify this until I return on Thursday. Hopefully the signal logs will also tell me something. [/edit] Thank you,
Hi, I have a set of lights in my shop that I control with an "InLine Link Relay", shop is about 130 ft from my house. I have an 8 button dimmer keypad in my house and a 6 button dimmer keypad in the shop. I also have a sensor on my shop overhead door to sense if it is open or closed. The lights are programmed to come on when overhead door opens and go off when the overhead door closes. This works fine. In the house on the 8 button keypad, I have a button on the keypad that is programmed to turn shop lights on when button is pressed on, and turn shop lights off when button is pressed off. This also works with no issues. In the shop I have the 6 button keypad set up the same as the 8 button keypad and programmed the same as the 8 button key pad. If I press the button on the 6 button keypad to turn on the light in the shop.. the light comes on. BUT, when I press the button to turn off the light, the light does not turn off, and I can't figure out why. If I open and close the overhead door.. the light will turn off. I tried programming different buttons in the 6 button keypad, same result. It will turn the light on, but not off. Is there any way to see/log the traffic so I can tell what is happening? I found something that looks like it might log the traffic, but it seems to require Excel to look at results and I don't have Excel on my computer. TIA, Jim
Lee, The PLM was the problem. The led on the PLM was red, I unplugged it and plugged it back in, did the same with the ISY, all is working now. I have had no issues with this system for 3 years, we recently had a "smart meter" installed, I hope this is not an indication of things to come. I have heard that smart meters can mess with home security and automation systems. Thanks- Jim
I dug up an old computer and accessed the console with it. I still get the red ! in front my devices, but now I get an error message saying it can't communicate with that device please check connection. I have not changed the connections. Any suggestions on what to look for?
My old XP laptop died, I now have a new Win7 laptop. I can access the console, used my old bookmark link, but now I have to login twice. I login to get into the console, then after console loads, it asks me to login again. In the console under Main, My Lighting, I can see the devices, but they all have red exclamation points in front of them. When I highlight a device, it does not show the present status. If I try to command a light on or off.. nothing happens. Any suggestions how to get this working again? What did I miss? The windows firewall was on, I turned it off, no difference. Thanks- Jim
Well, I tried to do the programming the way that oberkc suggested, it worked but it was cumbersome keeping everything straight and not conflicting other programs controlling that light. So... I downloaded beta version 3.1.10 and set up a variable. Much simpler and no issues with conflicting with other programs on that light. Thank you all for your help.
Thank you for the ideas, I appreciate it. I was hoping to be able to do it in one program, I am going to experiment with all suggestions. Thanks again.
A little more detail on what I am trying to do. Here is my present code, on select days of the week turn a light on at 5:40am. Instead of turning the light off after 30 minutes, I want to turn it off when the garage door sensor indicates the door has been opened. What you see is about the limit of my very basic code writing ability. If On Mon, Wed, Thu Time is 5:40:00AM Then Set 'LR Table Lamp' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'LR Table Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
I am running 2.8.16 on an XP machine. I want to turn off a light in the house when the garage door sensor goes to OPEN. I can't figure out how to do this. It would be simple if I could put a CONDITION in the THEN statement, but it looks like I can't do that. Am I missing something obvious? Any suggestions would be appreciated. TIA- Jim
Michel, Thanks for your help, I did the upgrade Sunday morning, left town 30 minutes later. I am still out of town. I have not heard any complaints from the miss's, so I guess everything is working fine. Jim
Hi Michel, I was not prompted to accept a certificate and when I checked under "view Certificates" I could not find one listed as UDI anything. Seems to me that some time ago I got a pop up window when logging into my console indicating something had expired and did I want to let program run anyway, I think I said yes. That message has not popped up again since. If it matters, I am running Firefox for a browser. Thank you, Jim
Hi. As my system has been working fine, I have not done any upgrades since I installed my ISY99, presently running 2.7.15. I don't remember if I installed a SSL certificate or not.. is there a way to check? Do I need to worry about it with my software rev? I did an ISY backup, is there anything else I need to do before I upgrade? Thank you, Jim
Michel, Do you have any suggestions on how to make it last?? As you can tell I don't really understand all this network stuff. Jim
It is now working.. I did some more playing with IP addresses, I had the ISY Gateway address set to the Router WAN Gateway address and the ISY DNS set to the same thing. That was how I had it set up getting the errors when I first posted. I then changed the ISY DNS to router LAN IP address. That is when I was getting the errors saying that the NTP server was not responding. I just now changed the ISY Gateway address to be the same as the DNS address.. it seems to be working. I get no errors and if I manually change the time in the ISY then select SYNCHRONIZE NOW, then the ISY time changes to the present time. Thank you for your guidance, Jim
Rand, It does list the Default Gateway as being, I wonder if there is something configured wrong in my router. I have an IP camera that uploads to the internet with no issue, and I can access the camera directly from any computer anywhere. So something outside of normal internet access is working through the router. I will check to see what parameters are in the camera. Jim
Michel, What do you mean, does my email work? My regular email works fine, I have not set up my ISY to send any email. Here is what I got for a response to the nslookup command. ------------------------------------------------------------- *** Can't find server name for address non-existand domain *** Default servers are not available Server: UnKnown Address Non-authoritative answer: Name: pool.ntp.org Addresses:,, ------------------------------------------------------------- I tried both the 208... and the 66... addresses and I received the same error, "NTP server not responding" Thank you for your help.
Michel, I am learning slowly... My ISY is set to a static address, I found that my DNS server was set to the Gateway address. I did some digging and found my routers address. I entered that address for the DNS address, it looks like it is now trying to access the NTP server, but now I get the following error. [-60006] NTP server not responding [n/a] I am guessing that either the server address I have is not correct, or the server is actually down. I have the following address; pool.ntp.org Thank you for your help. Jim
Michel, Thank you for your reply... to answer all your questions.. I have no clue. Guess I have some research on my router and networks to do. Jim
My ISY time is drifting and I want to have it get it's time from an internet site. I selected ENABLE, the ntp server is POOL.NTP.ORG, when I select "synchronize now" I get the following error message. [-60001] NTP server DNS errror [POOL.NTP.ORG] Any ideas on what I might need to change to get this to work? The other issue I have is trying to change the NTP server. When typing in a new server... before I can select the SAVE button.. it reverts back to the previous server!!?? The only way I can change the server it to change a few letters at a time and then quickly selecting the SAVE button. If it matters, my ISY is version 2.7.15 Thank you- Jim
Hmmm... not sure what you mean by "(Then Path)" I have done a tiny bit of simple X-10 programming and most of this stuff is WAY over my head. The programming power in the ISY is more than I will ever learn... thank you for your help in getting started. Jim
kingwr- Thank you for taking the time to try and explain this in all the detail you did. I have read it about 5 times... I think it is starting to make some sense. Lots of subtleties to all this. I am off to try your suggestions... will report back tomorrow.