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Everything posted by ixlr8

  1. Thanks for the reply... but to be honest, I have no idea what you mean when you say "one latching a second executing program". I have zero programming experience, I am just stumbling my way through this. Jim
  2. I have a quick programming question. What I am trying to do is, if garage door opens between sunset and sunrise, lights come on in the house and stay on for 20 minutes then go off. I wrote the following program and the light turns on, but it does not go off after 20 min... what did I do wrong? Thanks-- Jim If Status 'Garage-House-Sensor' is On And Status 'LR Table Lamp' is Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'LR Table Lamp' On Wait 20 minutes Set 'LR Table Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. Hi, What I want to happen is, pressing 'scene D' button will open or close garage door. I wrote a program so that if 'scene D' gives an ON or OFF signal.. the door will activate. Light on 'scene D' button to indicate if door is open or closed, light on equals door open. This all now works, thanks to some suggestions from folks here. But the light also goes on/off with the pressing of the 'scene D' button. So if door is open, light is on, I press the 'scene D' button and the door starts to close.. but light goes off immediately, not waiting until the door actually closes. KPL OFF light illumination- I read what little info that came with the KPL, I have read the Wiki, but I can't find any info on dimming the ON/OFF buttons on the KPL. I did find out how to dim the Scene buttons using the ISY, but not the ON/OFF buttons. Since I have the ISY now doing what I want it to.. maybe it would be more appropriate to ask over on the Insteon forum about KPL setup. Jim
  4. Hi, Thanks for all your help, I have been reading and reading, still have 2 questions. I have a 6 button KPL, ISY99 and the Smarthome garage door sensor with I/O Link kit. Adding the scene, I now have the garage door button, "scene D" lighting when the door is open, off when closed... this is what I want. But the light on the button also goes on and off with button presses. My question is, is there a way to set up that button light so it does not respond to button presses, only to the garage sensor? The other question is, is there a way to reduce the brightness of the OFF button on the KPL. I found how to adjust the brightness of the 'scene' buttons, but I haven't found a way to adjust the brightness of the ON and OFF buttons. Keep in mind, all my programming has been done via the ISY, I have not done any manual linking yet. TIA- Jim
  5. Hi, Well... I put the KPL and the garage door sensor in a scene.. and it works.. I have no idea why... but it does work. Thank you- Jim
  6. Michel, the only issue is... I have no idea what you are talking about... or how to do it. I meant it when I said this programming stuff is totally foreign to me. I have made a few 'programs' but so far I am clueless setting up 'scenes'. Back to the Wiki. Jim
  7. Hi, I just received my ISY/Insteon items, I managed to get most hooked up and running the way I want, much easier than the x-10 system I had. I have a 6 button KPL and I am trying to get the light on one of the buttons to reflect the status of the garage door sensor. I can get the button in question to open and close the door... but I can't figure out how to get the button lamp to reflect sensor status. The ISY is seeing the change in sensor state. I did a search.. didn't find anything to help. I read through some of the programming examples... all I can say is; this programming stuff is totally foreign to me. Any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. TIA- Jim PS- Is there an easy way to copy/paste my 'program' so I can post what I have tried?
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