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Everything posted by silverton38

  1. I would agree but they are unlikely to remove the feature because people paid specifically paid for this feature in the HUB PRO and RA2 Select.
  2. Lutron is huge and I am sure they know what they are doing. Telnet only gives you the ability to turn on off or dim. That can be done manually just as easy so there is no extra security risk that I can see. There is no known security issue with Lutron Telnet that I am aware of.
  3. That is what is used today in the Hub Pro or the RA2 select hub. Lutron is a massive company so regardless of what we think they set the standard.
  4. Not true. I doubt they will ever discontinue it.
  5. The non NEO Power series outsells the NEO version. I only buy the non NEO version and buy an Evisalink.
  6. The telnet is just device access there is no security or account access via telnet.
  7. Keep in mind this is the local home network. If you have physical access to the home then you can just walk over to the light switch and that is easier then hacking a telnet stream.
  8. Much cheaper. I would say about 1/3 of the cost for equipment but almost the same for installation.
  9. There is already too many integrations with Telnet so they will not get rid of it on Caseta or RA2 select. They many not add it to RA3 but I believe that is unlikely.
  10. Mainly the cost; I generally give both options and let them choose. Both have good Internet interfaces.
  11. I also do ELK and DSC security setups but the pricing is much more complex for those installations.
  12. I have a simple pricing model. $100 a switch plus $950 for hub(s) and setup and programming. I only do whole home integrations; partials have never worked well for me. Simple; customers know what the cost will be without much trouble. I also charge a $300 a year maintenance program which includes hub management fees that I have to pay plus a few hours year in programming ($250 and hour after that). The last thing I do is create an email address for the home. I actually do not give my customers an option to opt out of the email or the whole home. So I have to make a profit somehow.
  13. Lutron has no plans to discontinue the Telnet service.
  14. I want to also note. In my 12 years of using the ISY in all my installations. I have lost the power supply and I have lost PLMs but I have never lost an ISY itself. I have also never had one "lock" up on me during that time. Now that is what I consider reliable.
  15. I am being pushed in to a corner so I have to find solutions. I can see that most ISY integrators are switching to Lutron so it only makes sense for Universal Devices to "create" a module on its ISY for Lutron similar to the ELK integration(both are telnet). If they did that then we would all be back to ISY>>>Lutron>>>a Little Z-Wave (locks, water valves and thermostats). If I had the perfect wish list Zigbee would also be an option. Zigbee is a more reliable protocol.
  16. If I can be blunt; I am an integrator and I need a reliable solution. In the past that was ISY, ELK and Insteon. I could go back to a house hooked up with that a year later and everything was running perfectly. There was a period of time when some switches would go and we all know about the period of time that the PLMs would go. That was an easy fix (thank you to the ISY programmers). The problem that I have today is replicating this now. The closest I get is the Lutron Caseta/RA2 select solutions. The Lutron side is very reliable but I am need something merge it with ELK and some minor Zigbee and Z-wave (minimal Z-wave due to its reliability issues). I honestly thought that was going to be Hubitat after opening a few installations with Homeseer (learned how temperamental Z-wave can be with Homeseer). Hubitat is not reliable probably because of the bad third party ELK integration. It gets really slow and I have to keep it on an auto reboot nightly. I do believe that the ISY can move to this Lutron side, which is becoming the owner the premium side. Just my thoughts.
  17. Keep in mind the ELK integration is quite similar to this already.
  18. I think Universal Devices should make the ISY telnet compatible to the Lutron stuff (like Hubitat). It could be a reliable best friend to the platform and become to Lutron what it is to Insteon.
  19. Keep in mind that most high end home owners want a headache free environment. They think they are smart when they press one button and all the lights turn off
  20. This has not been a concern for most of my customers. You can always buy a couple of Tuya bulbs to play with.
  21. What I like about the Nokia switches is the look and feel. It is new and exciting and perfect for some modern style homes that I am working on. Insteon switches look great 10 years ago but they are starting to age. I have purchased one of everything in the new Nokia line (pre-order) and I will test them fully. What Smartlabs needs to understand is that you need to integrate with other products such as ELK Security Systems. If they are looking at Lutron as an example then they are designed to integrate; even the Caseta line has a Hub Pro that allows integration. They have a real simple formula here. Stock the serial PLM as priority device, work with Universal Devices on the product, and then sell tons of this product. This will also stop the drain of customers to other products. Nokia can be an exciting new chapter or it can be a dud on a discontinued line. It is their choice.
  22. I am not buying out of love for the product. It will die if they abandon their high end customers. It would be nice to be a buyer right now.....but I am not. Maybe they will give us an ETA on the serial modem tomorrow and then they will get my order.
  23. We can hope. I love the technology and I really want it to succeed. I love pressing my all off and everything instantly turns off....only Insteon can do this right now.
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