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Everything posted by silverton38

  1. I have just reinstalled the app (removed it and reinstalled it) and that solved the issue.
  2. I just tried it again with my iPhone 7 and it failed. It let me uninstall it but not reinstall it. I was able to install the ISY again on my iphone 6. I am going to remove the app and install it again. I ddi that twice. It looks like an app issue. I am experimenting now and I will report back.
  3. Just tried used a different iPhone with the same account and I was able to add the ISY??? I hate not knowing why something happened?
  4. I have done a reset of the Google Home unit twice. I have removed all of my ISY Portal "Google Home" devices on the ISY and created just a single new one. This ISY used to work perfectly in the past pretty much when ISY released the Google Home compatibility. I also reset the ISY and non of this helped. The Amazon Echo works on this ISY. The portal works with the ISY. I have installed several of these for customers and this is the first time I have run in to this problem. It is a very early installation so that might be a factor?
  5. I can not seem to find the post. Can you send me a link.
  6. I am trying to re-install ISY on a Google home. I deleted the ISY because it was not working and added it again but it keeps telling me "something went wrong. Try again" after I logged in to the ISY portal as part of the process. Are there any known issues?
  7. I look it as a learning experience; not sure if it is a DUH moment? Here are the clear instructions on how to switch from one ISY to a new ISY; while connected to Amazon and the portal. -Add the new ISY -delete the old ISY -set the new ISY as a default -confirm you Amazon account is still listed -Make new amazon/google device list -Uninstall the Universal Device APP -Install the Universal devices APP -Scan for new devices Is this correct; if so we should add this to the FAQ.
  8. I was switching from a regular ISY to Z-Wave ISY so when I deleted the old ISY it also removed the preferred ISY. Since the account was linked to this Amazon account for a long time; it did not see anything but still succeeded because the account was linked but not the ISY. This would only be an issue if you are replacing or changing an ISY. If I could recommend a programming change it would be if an ISY was deleted and one ISY was left in the portal it should automatically be assigned as the default. Again; happy all is working
  9. I linked the account via the ISY portal in "My Profile" like normal but did not assign a preferred ISY so I assigned it. Then re-installed the ISY V2 in the echo and it now works . I am glad that I solved this issue and I hope this might help someone in the future.
  10. I have already linked it and unlinked it several times. I enable the original version and disabled it many times. It works perfectly and asked me for my account. I do not want to control my home by telling IZZY. The problem is it seems to skip the process of authentication. The fact that IZZY (version 1) works is a good indicator that there is a problem with Amazon and Universal-devices talking. Please keep in mind that I have installed this app on many different installations successfully. I was actually removing a Insteon Hub and replace it with a Z-WAVE ISY. Everything is brand new. Here is what I have done - I have disabled and installed the app many times - I have changed my ISY account to another email address which was different from my amazon account and it did not make a difference but I am desperate - I have installed, un-installed and installed the original first version and it works perfectly everytime; it asked me for authentication - I have tried several browsers - I have tried mobile I have to conclude that Amazon might have changed something which caused the authentication process to be skipped and if I am right no new person can add the V2 until it is fixed. I do not have an issue with someone from Universal-devices trying it with my account; just contact me privately.
  11. The account is registered and authorized. The issue is Amazon does not let me even get a chance to login, it skips the process.
  12. I am registered online and it is "green". I can log in to my ISY portal. I am hoping it is a short term Universal-devices or Amazon bug. It should go from Enable ISY APP to "continue" to a Universal-devices login (which is not happening right now). P.S. I have done this dozens of times so I know there is something not right.
  13. I am trying to set up a new ISY on Amazon echo. I have done this several times in the past so I am very frustrated that it is not working right now. When I enable the app is goes to a site that say click continue to log in to the ISY portal but does seems to skip it and go to the final step "To continue, close this window to discover devices". If I do try to discover devices no devices are found; most likely because I have not logged in? Click 'Continue' to sign in to ISY Portal. No, thanksContinue
  14. Great. I do want to give my customers a full solution from APP to Amazon
  15. I do like to experiment. I am installer and I do get a lot off people wanting both an app and Amazon and/or google home integration. I will just push people to web access. Maybe you should put a warning on the module so that people do not make the same mistake that I made or do not allow it to be purchased if you have one.
  16. silverton38


    I enabled Mobilink to an ISY that has the ISY Portal on. It is now not accessible with the ISY Portal as soon as I enabled Mobilink (paid a $1 for the module).
  17. That was my backup plan Thank You
  18. I have installed Google Home and everything works well. I wanted to make some changes but I can not figure out how to get Google Home to download my changes. Need help
  19. That worked. I was using my in house account (admin) and my password. Thank You
  20. I have the ISY Portal enabled and I am away from my home. I can log in to my device via the web interface but I can not use admin console. I downloaded it and ran it using the provided URL from the ISY portal. It comes up and asks me for a user name and password but fails every time (as if I am putting in the wrong username and password). Any ideas?
  21. Thank You everyone; you have been very helpful. I ending up creating the three programs and using time as the trigger.
  22. Thank You very much for this program. It is exactly what I am looking for. I entered the program pretty much as you listed. I do notice the the second and third program do not seem to run unless I right click "RUN(if)".
  23. I am trying to create a program that will turn off the house if none of my motion sensors receive motion for 24 hours. How should I create such a program?
  24. The file does not seem to be there when I try to download it?
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